Friday, March 14, 2025

Former President Lungu Criticises President Hichilema over Ministerial Reshuffles


In a significant cabinet reshuffle, President Hakainde Hichilema yesterday announced the transfer of Honorable Sylvia Masebo to the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and Honorable Elijah Muchima MP to the Ministry of Health. The changes were effective immediately.

The reshuffle has drawn reactions from various political figures, including former President Edgar Lungu, who took the opportunity to criticize President Hichilema’s actions. Lungu referenced a past statement made by Hichilema on January 10, 2021, when Hichilema, then opposition leader, criticized Lungu for his handling of corruption allegations against Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, the then Minister of Health.

In his Facebook post, the opposition leader Hichilema had stated, “The sacking of Dr. Chitalu Chilufya does not go far enough and comes too little, too late. Mr. Edgar Lungu knew all along about Dr. Chilufya’s corrupt activities at the Ministry of Health but didn’t relieve him of his duties because it benefited him and the entire Patriotic Front. He didn’t have to wait for the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee to unearth something that was so obvious. We therefore demand that the ACC immediately move in on Dr. Chitalu Chilufya. Mr. Lungu should go further and fire Stephen Kampyongo and Kakoma Kanganja, who are equally culpable, like Dr. Chilufya, in the deaths of innocent citizens. We demand justice for the Zambian people now!”

Drawing a parallel to the current situation, Lungu remarked, “Fellow Citizens, this is July 2024. We have heard and seen reports of massive corruption, as evidenced in the Financial Intelligence Centre report, Whistleblowers, the Parliamentary Accounts Committee Report, involving his own ministers and other appointees, and we are anxiously waiting for the President to walk his own talk following these revelations. What was not good in his eyes then should not be good in the same eyes now.”

Lungu concluded his statement with a call for the restoration of the rule of law.

The political landscape in Zambia continues to evolve as citizens and political leaders alike await further developments and actions from the Hichilema administration regarding corruption and governance.


  1. This roller coaster is speeding up. I hope the rails can hold. Wina azagwa… new technologies mean we can compare and contrast at will. Mona nseleko mayo!

    • At the rate we are going, we mighty demand that sharia law be introduced. We can’t let Zambia become a failed state Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe ruines.

  2. We demand justice for the people of Zambia now! Im suew we can all see the clowns we keep replacing with each other in State House. Clowns? did I say? Thieves, crooks, criminals who know nothing about leadership but just want to enter State House. Of course for very selfish reasons. Just read this:
    “Mr. Edgar Lungu knew all along about Dr. Chilufya’s corrupt activities at the Ministry of Health but didn’t relieve him of his duties because it benefited him and the entire Patriotic Front.”
    It fittingly can now be read as:
    “Mr. Hakainde Hichilema knew all along about Mrs Mashebo’s corrupt activities at the Ministry of Health but didn’t relieve her of her duties because it benefited him and the entire UPND blah blah blah blah”.

  3. These muppets! They do exactly what their faulty predecessors did. And we keep voting them into office. We must be really dumb!

  4. @ Sauzande & Difikoti
    Imagine….instead of being fired…investigated and sent to jail if convicted but its the exactly the opposite….the problem is HH himself is not clean so if he fires his Ministers they will turn against him and reveal all his corruption

  5. HH is playing chess but he only has pawns on his chess board. He can not fire but just move pawns from one position to another. What will stop Masebo from doing exactly what she was doing in the Ministry of Health. All Hichilema’s Ministers are just the same. Moving them around will not solve anything. It is garbage for garbage reshuffles. Where is he going to take Kapala, the marriage breaker Haimbe, Kakumbo, the Vice President who makes crazy statements “increase in order to reduce”, Gary Kashasu Nkombo, the singing same song Situmbeko, tribal Mweetwa, these are all junk. Meanwhile the economy is at the worst being headed by the “best” economist in Africa. Zambia twasebana.

  6. ECL said “Ubomba mwibala alya Mwibala” HH says ubomba mwibala alasenda ibala” What these UPND are doing is actually stealing the whole field (Land) not just eating there. Tomorrow there will be no field no Land, because not are they only eating from there, they are also taking it (Land). Look at the 6 million Hectares that should have gone to a conman? How much more land has been privately auctioned? This Govt has devilish tactics. They should not be given another chance because they will auction everything.

  7. This former waitress is now going to finish off the land after destroying the health sector. Zambians have a problem. This woman should be arrested for corruption.

  8. Does it mean we cannot relieve some ministers of their posts?
    Has Bally not got any capable people to
    Take up these posts?
    If a minister is unable to perform in one
    Ministry then how is he going to manage
    The next?

  9. I thought upnd / hh was a saint, they never knew corruption… they used corruption condmnation to remove pf.. woooow. Never trust anything that comes from the mouth of politicians.

  10. hh realises that it is easy to condemn a soccer player on the field while you are just an observer. His old boss BIDEN has thrown -in the towel, hh please ZWAAAA and atleast salvage some remain dignity if you still have any

  11. Edgar Lungu should be the last person to talk about the rule of law. His regime was anchored on lawlessness of the worst kind. Some things happening under the new dawn are disappointing. Masebo was actually better placed at Health than Muchima. People were recently illegally allocated plots in Lusaka National Park under the watch of Muchima, only to be transferred to the more sensitive Ministry of Health.

    • If what is going on in UPND is to be compared to PF times, then PF was Angelic. At least the common man could put some food on the table. Today only Hakainde and his people abducting messengers are eating. The UPND bubble will soon burst and all the lies will be spilt. Only FTJ (75.77%) in 1991 had a landslide victory against KK. Hakainde was even short of the two thirds majority at (59.02%) in 2021. But liars would rather mention landslide. August 2026 is fast approaching, we hope there will still be Zambia left. The men in suits and ties have invaded the country through the ballot box.

  12. Dr. ECL please do a noble thing, retire from active politics and start something more neutral and noble like a charity organization and farming. Dad you ran your race please don’t be cheated by the people closer to you. They are cowards who have just failed to organise themselves and move on without you. Please leave politics my beloved former president. My numbers 0976219269

  13. Let Lungu remain Zii Zii. He had his time and its over. We know ECL committed serious offenses by allowing Ministers to hang to power when they were not supposed to. I understand Masebo exposed the wrong doings at Health originating even before Kapoko’s. The President is right byby taking her out from the den of lions to a safer place. My only problem with New Dawn is that of recycling Ministers from MMD.

  14. Someone update me, what did I miss? Did Masebo steal again or the other guy Elijah Muchima or both? Whatever the case, I can’t believe this Masebo lady is still operating as a minister… the lady has had scandal after scandal hopping from one party to another. What the h&ck, what is so special about her? Masebo and Dora Siliya, they should either be in jail or in retirement, far, far away from public service… they are cr00ks.

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