Friday, October 18, 2024

Kitwe Mayor Calls For Arrest Of CBU Students Involved In The Protest


Kitwe Mayor, Mpasa Mwaya, has called for the arrest of Copperbelt University students that looted shops and caused damage to the school and private infrastructure during the protest that students staged over lack of water supply at the institution on Monday night.

Speaking when she visited the institution to assess the damage caused, Ms Mwaya condemned the behavior of the students saying they could have used a more peaceful way of airing their grievances than resorting to rioting.

“Students have multiple channels available to them to air their grievances including engagement with their union and school management unlike resorting to rioting and damaging property, I therefore urge the police to apprehend those responsible for the destructive acts,” She charged.

Ms Mwaya further called for collaboration among students’ union, CBU Management and the workers’ union in addressing various challenges facing the institution.

She, however, commended the efforts by the CBU Management and Nkana Water and Sanitation Company in ensuring continuous water supply for students through the installed boreholes and water bowsers.

And Copperbelt University Vice Chancellor, Bernard Hang’ombe, also condemned the damage caused by the students saying they are a drawback to the institution’s progress.
Professor Hang’ombe said management was working with the union to bring to book the students that took part in looting and damaging of infrastructure.
He further dispelled circulating rumours on social media suggesting that two students died during the riot.
On Monday night, Copperbelt University students protested over lack of water supply to the institution.
During the protest, the students damaged some school infrastructure and looted some shops within the school campus.


    • When they did this in PF time you rejoiced. A wrong is a wrong and culprits must face the full menu of consequences.

    • Academics in tertiary institutions of learning ought to see senseless rioting by their students as a research problem which they should inquire into. It may be a simple issue of poor human relations at work. Rioting solves no problems. It just leads to property damage, possible serious injury and even loss of life.

    • @Gunner as much as academics in Zambia may want to research on that they have no sponsors. Theyhave to look for sponsors and in a country where there are no industries it is a tall order. Universities dont have the money as they pay lecturers and students. Government is the biggest stakeholder and I wonder if it gives money for researches

  1. The vandalised properties had nothing to do with the shortage of water…. and the owners also faced the same problem so why go and add more problems to them. They know where Nkana Water Supply company offices are situated so why not march there peacefully and present your grievance.

    • March peacefully ???
      Like the students that went to Zesco HQ and were arrested
      This Grz is reaping what it is sowing now

  2. Whilst damaging property is so wrong and should be condemned
    This GRZ has allowed the police to muzzle all protests
    leaving the students only one alternative
    They are not solely to blame
    Water a basic right
    Electricity a basic right
    Complain then one can expect trouble WHAT A SHAME

  3. Glad it was not my shop they looted,. I have so hard in my life to make my better and if you cross the my line, I act before the Zambian slow law. You would have regretted your selfish actions. M

  4. I studied abroad to avoid these African substandard. Plus this university has been know for s$x for grades. Chivaleni

  5. ………

    Insitutions of lrarnong in zambia alwats have disgruntled students who are more frustrated with exams than what they are rioting for……

    Only PF knew how to deal with them………

    • I think you have never been at such institutions. Try and multiply the sh++t in your toilet by 15,000. Also, try to imagine meeting 15000 people who havent bathed for a week.

  6. Wena Mpasa Mwaya, uzisunge! Iamagine if you had no water at you house or the Civic Centre for days or weeks on end, kambe unyelanga cwani? Masipa ahao.

    • Speaking when she visited the institution to assess the damage caused, Ms Mwaya condemned the behavior of the students saying they could have used a more peaceful way of airing their grievances than resorting to rioting.

  7. Madam mayor i also totally condem your behaviour of waiting until students riot thats when you visit. How do you expect more than 15,000 people to survive without water even for a day? Which toilets would they use? You chaps you rush to have those positions and yet in your heads you can not solve such simple problems like water. Management at cbu and nkana water are the ones to condemn not the students. Don’t arrest any child you are the ones who caused the riot. You should have even provided water through water bowsers unlike leaving the students just like that. And by now cbu should have sunk even 5 bore holes with tanks for contingency insteady of depending solely on nana water.

    • Yes they all seem to specialise in reactive management if any. They are only seen trying to manage things when a disaster has happened. They dont know how to prevent disaster. Ati ba Mayor!

  8. If all is run smoothly such nonsense would not have happened you ka Mayor, you must be ashamed of can a university have no water? Hey!!!!!!

  9. You ka mayor & the govt fat cats have your spoiled brats for kids being educated outside ZED and you have running taps in your homes.. shame on you politicians man!!!!

  10. As for you students, you are just like your political leaders destroying things which has nothing to do with your grievances.. Africa!!! Awe kwena eeee!!!! Go ahead burn the whole university my God!!!!

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