Sunday, March 16, 2025

Police Arrest Dr. Fred Mmembe for Seditious Practices


The Zambia Police Service arrested and formally charged Dr. Fred Mmembe, aged 65, for the offence of seditious practices, contrary to Section 57(I)(C) as read with Section 60(I)(B) of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that on July 16, 2024, between 13:00 hours and 14:00 hours, Dr. M’membe published an article on his Twitter and Facebook pages titled “Tshisekedi tells DRC Catholic Bishops about the USD 20 Million Payout to buy Zambia’s silence.”

The content of this article is alleged to have been intended to bring into hatred or contempt or to incite disaffection against the government as established by law.

Dr. M’membe has been detained in police custody and is expected to appear in court soon to answer to the charges laid against him.

The Zambia Police Service wishes to remind the public that the law will be applied firmly and fairly to all individuals, and any actions aimed at inciting hatred or disaffection against the government as by law established will be met with the appropriate legal measures.

Rae Hamoonga


  1. Listening to the ongoing trial of Chishimba Kambwili I realised how the system is being abused by the current government. The person who reported Kambwili doesn’t even know what Kambwili did that led to his arrest… the chap it appears was just sent to report Kambwili to the police over accusations that he’s failing to explain in court.
    My advice to Mr Hakainde Hichilema is to let the police work freely so his only problem is to put in practice what he told us he would do.

    • There is a UPND ran government and a
      Police government.
      It’s the police commander who is committing treason, not Mmembe.

    • @Deja Vu: Iam not a supporter of crazy Fred Mmembe but what you have just said on the Kambwili case is what passed through my mind when I read about his arrest yesterday.
      “The person who reported Kambwili doesn’t even know what Kambwili did that led to his arrest”
      In this case the police and their prosecution will struggle to find what law Mmembe has broken in our democratic state. The biggest factor in Democracy is freedom of speech. The government should be protecting freedom of speech not hunting around for who is writing stuff that annoys HH. Mmembe just quoted a DRC publication- what crime is that?

    • “The content of this article is alleged to have been intended to bring into hatred or contempt or to incite disaffection against the government as established by law” What a crude charge! You can see how the police are struggling to put their square charge into a round hole! They even detain a person for exercising his rights. How silly!

  2. Arresting M’membe on such a serious charge is not a good idea. The government needs to have a thick skin.

    • No. The law is the law. These people think that they come from special areas and special tribes, and therefore, they can skirt the law they enacted to oppress people from other areas and other tribes. If HH had dared say something so not only contemptuous of the law, but slanderous and seditious, he would have been arrested and charged with treason. We can quibble about whether the law is good or bad; we cannot contest the fact that it exists, and is being applied correctly, even if correctness may not always be the same thing as fairness. The important thing is that HH did not enact this law. The tribalists, enthusiastically supported by the Tonga hating homo Mmembe, who ironically is “married” to a Tonga woman, created it. Until it is repealed, let it be applied where it may

    • Ingombe Illede you are struggling to pigeon-hole Mmembe because you only know how to recognise tribalists in your camp or in the enemy camp. You tribalists have come to destroy Zambia but we wont allow you. You are trying to accuse him of tribal arrogance like yours but you practically cant drive him into the anti- Tonga corner because he is married to a Tonga. He doesnt fit your Bemba tribe definition because his mother is Lozi. Modern Zambia is really confusing your tribal strategy. You are intent upon attacking Bembas but have run out of ammunition. Go take a dive into the Kafue. You might cmeout cleansed

    • Come on Spaka which court? All judges and magistrates scared like hell. No single one will risk their jobs over Fredrick Mmembe.

  3. The Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema the demagogue President needs to be arrested and brought before the court is law for becoming a President fraudulently via lies and deception….HH IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE WORLD
    wasting tax payers money with all those arrests which yields no conviction

    • You harbour the same condescending and mendacious mentality as Mmembe. HH is the fairest and most law abiding president Zambia has ever had. All these other characters have lied, cheated and robbed. HH is many things (I do not like), but he is none of the foregoing. There are laws in Zambia, enacted by his kind, that prohibit the conduct Mmembe engaged in, and for that reason the bugger has been arrested. Whether I like the laws is irrelevant. They are there, and they are being applied without fear or favour. As someone has said, If Mmembe thinks he is being wronged, let him sue.

    • Bangladesh indeed isnt far but just look at that monstrous machine behind Mutinta! I dont think our army has such fearful equipment. Our government seems to have spent more money preparing assaults and defending themselves from the civilian population. Iam sure the policemen inside there even have AK47s

  4. And it turns out the Kaaba the whistleblower is also part of the corrupt clique…and the only problem is that he wasn’t getting his cut but now he’s been assured of a much bigger cut….GAME OVER….THE LOOTING CONTINUES….
    and i told you guys that no Minister or any Government official was being investigated for fraud….it was all lies and deception

    • You cannot loot under the current government. There is nothing to loot. Zambia’s finances are under the strict watch of the IMF and the international Shylocks the country owes an unpayable US $32.5 billion debt. This debt was caused by your people, namely Michael Sata and Edgar Lungu. They borrowed this money and embezzled it. HH has come in to try and put out the fire created by your relatives. I know, to you, everyone loots, and everyone must loot. Some of us come from places where we work for everything we have got, and do not steal. HH and I went to UNZA at the same time; He did not steal a thing, even if I do not agree with some of the ways he ways he came to acquire hundreds of thousands of cows. He did it legally.

  5. In one online newspaper there almost 2,000 reactions out of 117 are celebrating the arrest…. again it’s people from one province.

    • It does not matter. The law is not enforced according the perceptions of the public clamour. It is effected according to a thing called the “Letter of the law”. This is precisely why the law is written down. That way, it cannot be subject to the predilections, predjudices of people, or the caprices of the day. If you think that Mmembe did not break the law, say so. Otherwise spare the verbal diarrhoea about what you claim, without statistical proof, to be the sentiment manifest online… What you are saying as irrelevant and it is unobjective.

    • Mmembe hasn’t broken any law. What law did HH break when overtaking Lungu? A pity we didn’t get to hearing the case because a sober judge would have told the prosecutor that the state had a wrong charge. Just like now in Mmembe s case. HH should be cleaning up the dirty system he found instead he is continuing to use tactics he inherited from Lungu. Just like in Animal Farm

    • Mmembe has broken the law. He has made claims about a US $10 million bribe, that he has no proof of. That, under English and Zambia law, is a the crime slander, and when directed against a sitting government, is potentially the more serious crime of sedition. Go and check the law, and stop speaking emotional rubbish. If I accuse you, I had better have proof, otherwise I have committed a crime. Mmembe is going to learn his deserved lesson, unless he has the documents proving what he has claimed…

  6. @DEJA VU, These chaps from that S. province are the so divisive, tribal pipo who will only celebrate their own.

    • We Tonga are the tribalists? Have we ever come to your province and sold your land to Boers? Have we ever come to your province and tried to steal districts? Has HH fired all the Bemba from the military and civil service and replaced them with Ila, Tonga, Lozi and Luvale? Do we come to your towns and try to impose our language on you? Forget about coming to your province, do we even know where your province is? Have we ever engineered the death of two million of your cattle by refusing dip services which our taxes and food production have more than paid for? Have ever come to your provinces and sold your coal mines? …because if you exchange the subjects all of the statement I have made above everything I have said is manifestly and provably true

  7. They celebrate the arrest of fellow ZEDIANS, they are the most bad hearted tribe in ZED, hey some sect of pipo!!!!

    • Stop your nonsense rants about the tribe. Not all are bad just like not all are good in other tribes. You seem to be really hurt that one from that tribe is doing better than you. Learn to criticize objectively without hate.

    • @Timbwi which better are they doing? Yea could be right because they have have out done PF in the looting of our finances.

  8. My mother is their own, these chaps from S. province are apparently my uncles but my mother always complain about their tribalistic evil ways. Anyone who is not from their province is an outcast

    • The tribalists are you. In Chiluba’s government, 45% of the ministers were Tonga. In the government of Chiluba, Sata and Lungu, you fired all the Tonga, Lozi and Luvale, and hired only Bemba and Nyanja. You go to Livingstone, Monze, Kasempa, Solwezi or anywhere in Northwestern Province, there are droves of your kind who refuse to learn the local languages, and speak only your own. You go to your provinces, the few Tonga, Lozi or Luvale who are visiting or residing there, politely speak your languages. Do not accuse us of being who you are. We produce everything (in the so-called Zambezi Provinces), and what you do not steal, you use to build universities in your villages, where nothing is produced. We are not going to let you spew fictions fuelled by tribalism here.

    • Correction: The tribalists are you. In Chiluba’s government, 45% of the ministers were Bemba. In the government of Chiluba, Sata and Lungu, you fired all the Tonga, Lozi and Luvale, and hired only Bemba and Nyanja. You go to Livingstone, Monze, Kasempa, Solwezi or anywhere in Northwestern Province, there are droves of your kind who refuse to learn the local languages, and speak only your own. You go to your provinces, the few Tonga, Lozi or Luvale who are visiting or residing there, politely speak your languages. Do not accuse us of being who you are. We produce everything (in the so-called Zambezi Provinces), and what you do not steal, you use to build universities in your villages, where nothing is produced. We are not going to let you spew fictions fuelled by tribalism here.

    • The vote of your alleged Tonga wife would never make a difference which ever way it was cast, or whether it was present or absent at all. However, the tribalism of one such man as Frederick Chiluba or Michael Sata destroyed the livelihoods of the Tonga, Lozi and Luvale he fired from the military and civil service, and denied jobs; and has had an even more deleterious effect as he looted Southern and Northwestern province to build universities in your villages and line his own pockets. No Tonga has ever taken anything from anyone of you or your provinces. You accuse us of the tribalism that you do. We Tonga people paid the cost of sending Kaunda, a Bemba, to negotiate independence with the English. We Tonga people decided that Kaunda, not the English, should rule Zambia in 1963

    • I do not blame you for the views you hold Ufimbenuma. I blame the government of Kenneth Kaunda for favouring certain languages on the state radio broadcaster Zambia Broadcasting Services (ZBS) in the 1960s. This created a kind of false elite people from among the native speakers of favoured languages. That is what has produced people who hold the views you hold. I’m keen observer of offspring of inter-tribal marriages in Zambia. I have seen many cases of such children being ashamed of the fact that one of their parents comes from an unfashionable tribe. That’s what we are calling “one Zambia, one nation”.

  9. As a little boy every time we visited them they made sure & reminded me that my dad was not one of them..they are so evil. I am not surprised that hh does these evil things. I have had first hand experience with these chaps

    • If Zambia encounters serious violence or breaks up one day as has happened in some African countries, I think I know who planted the seeds of such a scenario. I’m actually wondering if the Guntila Muleya murder is part of this strong anti-Tonga sentiment that rears its head now and again in Zambia. I hope we have not reached that stage.


    • The tyrants of Zambia are Chiluba, Sata and Lungu. These are the people who indulged in political assassinations and gross plunder of the state coffers. HH is a law abiding citizen. This homosexual, Mmembe, is being arrested for breaking the law. I notice that you are not contesting this inconvenient little fact.

  11. KAINDE (hh) loves the spotlight, he loves teaching pipo his so-called wisdom kikikikiki, full of himself, munshololwa

    • HH is the most humble and honest president Zambia has ever had. You are used to murderous, boisterous, boastful, plunderous presidents, because they represent what you are. HH is as straightforward as they come. The man does not take a penny in salary. He does not even live in State House, and did not even want state security. Michael Sata gave his wench, Christine Kaseba, an illegal state salary; He and Lungu looted the US $2.8 billion they found in the state coffers, borrowed another US $32.5 billion, and looted it as well. You can fool some people some times, but you cannot fool all of us all of the time.

  12. Leadership means accepting insults everyday for example see below what people say if are in any situation like below:
    (1) If you are humble = People will say he/she is a Coward
    (2) If you are successful = People will say he/she is Arogant
    (3) If dress simple = People will say he/she is Poor
    (4) If you dress smart = people will he/she is slfish

    So if in leadership forget about what some of bloggers are writing otherwise you not do anything on earth

  13. Leadership means torating everything no response for example see below what people say if are in any situation like below:
    (1) If you are humble = People will say he/she is a Coward
    (2) If you are successful = People will say he/she is Arogant
    (3) If dress simple = People will say he/she is Poor
    (4) If you dress smart = people will he/she is slfish

    So if in leadership forget about what some of bloggers are writing otherwise you not do anything on earth

  14. Mmembe see the people you were supporting. You insulted ka Edgar Lungu but you were never detained even for two minutes.

  15. Instead of discussing whether the police acted within the law to arrest this Mmembe for seditious practices, we have bigots here advancing tribalism and castigating people from Southern province. Only imbeciles can castigate people from a province of Zambia on tribal lines forgetting that southern province like any other province in Zambia hosts Zambians from different tribes since these are Zambians free to live anywhere in Zambia. When any Zambian commits crime or is in conflict with the laws of Zambia, they will be held accountable. Stop trying to divide the country on tribal lines. Most Zambians are beyond such pettiness !!


    Please avoid that language from Jack compound you are just exposing your self that you belong to the getho and so Zambia cannot get anything sensible from you. These are the people we simply just tell to shut in special meeting because as you can see , this chap is bringing up stone age culture, he does not know that southern province has people from other provinces but they are headmen or Ba sibbuku.

    Just to pump knowledge to you , no one applied to God our creator to be born into a certain province of Zambia, but only him decides that. The same way we have leaders or kings and presidents they are all anointed by God regardless of regions where they came from.

    • You are talking tribal rubbish. When Chiluba came to power, he fired all the Lozi, Tonga and Luvale from the military and the civil service, and replaced them with Bembas and Nyanja. The government of Chiluba was 45% Bemba. Chiluba closed all the cattle dips in a calculated fit of jealousy and hatred, to cripple the agriculture of Southern Province, which was responsible for 90% of the maize and nearly 100% of the commercially sold meat. Chiluba then sold Tonga agricultural land to Boers who used to steal wildlife from the nationals parks. Sata then tried to steal Siavonga and Itezhi Tezhi district, from what is already the 3rd smallest province in the country. Your people then destroyed Maamba collieries and sold our Tonga coal to Indians… etc etc etc…

  17. The only people wanting to divide Zambia on tribal lines are very well known. We won’t allow them to take us back to the stone age. Zambia is here to stay

  18. Mmembe knows that the more you are arrested the more chances of becoming Zambian president. Still scoring the sympathy votes kikikikikiki!

  19. @ingombe ilede-imuntu munsune, HH is a privatization thief. HH can not even declare his assets has required by the law. You are talking about the man who can not even spend a night in State House due to superstition. What you need to know is that Zambians know they made a mistake.

    • You tribalists have investigated HH for more than 25 years, and have not been able to find a single ngwee which he stole from anyone. HH never worked for a the government a single day day, and was not part of the looting that you people did, when you sold Kaunda’s economy to the Boers and stole government assets. Dummy there is no law in Zambia requiring the disclosure of presidential asses. Thieves like your relatives Chiluba and Sata would never enact such a law because it would expose them. Even though I wish there was such a law, I support HH for refusing to divulge his assets because no other president has been made to do so. HH refuses to live at State House because he has his own better mansion; HH refuses to get a ngwee in presidential salary

  20. @ingombe ilede
    You’re tribalist and very unpatriotic…just like the Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema…HH is a known tribalist and very unpatriotic….HH is not interested in developing Zambia…HH is just lining his pockets

    • The truth is hurting your ass, and I could not care less. I am tribalistic? When did I come to your province and try to make you speak my language? When did I come to your province and try to steal your cows, sell your land to Boers, your coal to Indians, and make you pay for money I borrowed and stole? When did I fire all your tribesmen from the military and government, and fill them with only Tonga, Luvale and Lozi? Because of HH, every constituency is getting an equal amount of CDF money. Under your kind, the money came from Southern and Northwestern Province, and it went into building universities in your villages and lining your pockets…

    • So primitive this Ingombe. “Your province”?? Listen to his tribal language. Noone owns a province. As Zambians we are free to settle anywhere within the boundaries of Zambia. And stop farting nonsense abou anyone firing a tribe. Is that the driving force behind HH? Then he will lose much worse than Lungu in 2026 because we Zambians will pass a clear message for any tribalist.

  21. Fred may be imprisoned today by quoting the law. Tomorrow the same law will be quoted when tables have turned. And Zambians have eyes to see, and ears to hear with. Soon Zambians will win over this tyranny.

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