Wednesday, March 12, 2025

AFLI Zambia Coordinator warns against normalizing abortion


Advocate for Life International (AFLI) Zambia Coordinator – Rev. Oliver Mulenga has warned against normalizing abortion.

Rev. Mulenga, a clergy of the Pentecost Assemblies of God, said there is a need to stop abortion by respecting God’s teaching which stipulates that human life begins at conception.

He said society and families are being cursed because of rampant abortion.

Speaking to Radio Icengelo News, Rev. Mulenga challenged Churches to take a lead in speaking against abortion.

“Let us choose life. People should stop abortion. Go out to health facilities and check on rising statistics of abortion. Cries of the aborted babies are reaching God. God does not compromise over people aborting children. Let us choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19: says ‘this day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live’.” Rev. Mulenga continued.

“Society is being cursed because of rampant abortion. Zambia would not have been the same if aborted children lived. To make matters worse are not seeing Churches teaching their congregants about the badness of abortion? We need to raise the alarm on this scourge,” he said.

Rev. Mulenga added: “Imagine a young woman who has aborted going for nursing, whose child will she nurse in the facility when she aborted her child? How ironic, you put killers’ incharge of preserving lives. Life begins at conception, abortion is killing. We have blocked our blessings. Some families are suffering because of abortion.”


  1. When we start holding the men who impregnate the women seeking abortions, accountable the whole conversation will change. Blame is always on the woman as if she got pregnant alone.

    • And the women are passive when they get pregnant?
      Does a child deserve to be murdered because his or her father had no self control.
      This is such an evil argument. Justifying murder of innocent, helpless babies because the parents are foolish?
      May God deliver you from such thinking, lest his judgement falls on you.

    • Since we like copycating the West, Americans mostly insist on a woman making the decision to abort. As you may have heard their main argument is because it is their bodies. They should decide whether to kill their baby or not. Isnt it the baby’s life?
      However, the American law bans me from shooting a fleeing robber. He is human, I have to know. But what if I argue that he has stolen my briefcase which has my asthma pump without which I could die? because it is my muti isnt it? Lawyers?

  2. Reverend, tell us what are the teachings of the Crist our Lord when it comes to rape, incest, abuse of minors….? Concentrate in solving those sins FIRST before pretending to be Righteous one. Remember, who is without blame should cast the first stone…

  3. You need to stop burying your heads in the sand and start promoting/encouraging family planning. You can’t stop s3x, which has even been made worse by the crippling loadshedding. I mean, what else are people doing in darkness? Even the papas have become culprits these days 🙁

    So, promoting family planning and making it readily available is a sure way of substantially stemming abortions.

  4. Abortion is murder.
    The woman that goes to have her unborn child murdered is a murderer. The person who performs abortion is a murderer. A man that allows his wife to have an abortion is complicit in the murder. This has nothing to do with who made who pregnant. It’s about killing an innocent, helpless baby.
    If in your mind, you can justify abortion, it shows how wicked you are. The only one who has demonstrated a love for killing innocent babies is satan. Throughout history, the most wicked societies have done child sacrifice, influenced by satan. I can see people on this blog whose thinking is also influenced by satan and they want abortion to be ok.

    • Very much so. We are in the season where wrong is being looked at as right. Both men and women need to have self control and learn to abstain or take precautions if they feel so highly as to kill because of individuals irresponsibility. It’s a lack of immaturity and shows no love or fear of God’s word. It’s still considered blood shed and affects the lands and the consequences of it has an affect on everyone there whether they understand or not. Know that decisions that we make are being accounted and even the ones that stand as neutral is being taken into account. Wrong is wrong and right is right. There is no maybe when it comes to life.

  5. Abortion should be the decision made by the woman whose body it affects, not old men keen on controlling and pressing women.

    • Are serious? You think there is a rational argument for killing an innocent unborn child?
      Only weak men support abortion. Because they are too weak to control their bodies, and too weak to take responsibility for bringing a child into the world. So they take the convinient route. Murder the child. Very selfish way of thinking. Very evil.

      Get married, instead of sleeping around with any, and everything in a skirt and then wanting to run from the consequences of your immorality. Sickening.

  6. What many do not know is that abortion is a sacrifice to the biblical god Molech. The bible says (Leviticus 18:21): “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.” Today instead the hot furnace has been replaced by the abortion clinic! As a Christian nation, let us avoid this vice and seek alternatives such as adoption of unwanted children as well as other alternatives. As he pastor mentions in the above article, God curses anyone that is involved with abortion. It is murder

  7. Abortions have a lot of consequences. Many girls have died in the process and that’s the worst case scenario. Those who have survived suffer a lot of mental, psychological and emotional problems. Others have aborted the only child they may have had in their life time and end up childless in marriage.
    I support the Reverend, life should be preserved and not wilfully destroyed.

  8. Its a personal choice and stop quoting the outdated bible
    it will continue whatever the decision
    So the professional is best

  9. There’s actually a far sinister reason for the pushing of abortion “rights” on Africa by the West, through organizations such as Planned Parenthood. It’s all about POPULATION CONTROL. The West wants to reduce Africa’s population to make it easy to invade it and exploit it. Africa is not overpopulated as the West falsely claims. China and India both have larger populations than the whole continent of Africa. And yet the African continental landmass is far much larger than both countries. If anything, Africa is underpopulated. We need more babies, and abortion undermines this. STOP ABORTING AFRICAN BABIES !

  10. @Patriot they came in and told us to obey all their rules-not ours. So Marry one wife, not impali, cover your buttocks otherwise you’re naked, Marry between man and woman.
    We meekly obeyed because they were killing us if we didnt. Once we started enforcing their laws they came back wearing bikinis and we had our Iris Kaingus wearing them, and they sent diplomats who told us you must allow same sex marriages otherwise we wont trade with you, they will order us to allow abortion so we can be as civilised as them.
    So we keep dancing to whatever beat they have. Like in the cotton fields master is always right

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