Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government Addresses Concerns Over Elevated Aflatoxin Levels in Animal Feeds, Maize Grain, and Mealie Meal


The government has addressed growing concerns regarding the detection of elevated aflatoxin levels in maize grain, animal feed, and mealie meal, following a recent press briefing by the Minister of Health. Aflatoxins, a group of toxins produced by certain fungi or molds, pose significant health risks to both humans and animals when present in high levels.

Aflatoxins can contaminate various agricultural crops, including maize, peanuts, and sorghum, particularly when exposed to high humidity or stressful climate conditions such as drought. While these toxins can be present in food products consumed daily, health risks arise only when the levels exceed acceptable thresholds.

In animals, particularly dogs, high levels of aflatoxins can lead to sudden death. The Ministry of Health’s robust surveillance system recently detected a concerning number of dog fatalities linked to suspected feed contamination. Post-mortem examinations confirmed aflatoxin toxicity, prompting further investigation.

The Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI), in collaboration with a multisectoral team of experts, initiated a field investigation in June 2024 after public reports of sudden dog deaths. The investigation involved sampling animal feed, maize grain, and mealie meal for analysis at the National Food Laboratory and the Zambia Bureau of Standards laboratories.

Laboratory results revealed that some batches of these products contained aflatoxin levels exceeding the acceptable limit of 10 parts per billion. The following brands were identified as having elevated aflatoxin levels:

Pembe – Roller Meal, Number 3 Meal
Africa Milling – Roller Meal and Breakfast
Farm Feed – Super Dog Meal
Shabco Milling
Continental Milling
Girad Milling
Busu Milling
Star Milling
The government has taken immediate action to mitigate the health risks posed by these contaminated products. All affected batches have been withdrawn from the market and quarantined, and companies involved have cooperated fully with the authorities. The government has also issued seizure notices to these companies, and the contaminated batches will be publicly destroyed.

Further sampling and monitoring efforts have been extended to other parts of the country to ensure comprehensive control of the situation. The government is also focusing on educating farmers and millers about proper storage and processing practices to prevent future aflatoxin contamination.

The public is reassured that boiling food destroys over 90% of aflatoxins, a common practice in Zambian food preparation. However, the government remains vigilant and will continue to enforce regulatory measures to protect the health and safety of its citizens and animals.

The government will provide ongoing updates as more information becomes available and continues to monitor the situation closely


  1. Why is Sachmo (big mouth)the one explaining all this. Where are the experts. He’s lucky all the genuine journalists are no more…. Charles Mando would have embarrassed him with only one simple but technical question.

    • “These brands are Pembe Roller Meal number three meal, Africa milling- Roller meal and breakfast, Farm Feed-Super Dog meal,Shabco milling, Continental milling, Girad Milling, Busu Milling and Star Milling.” Source Mwebantu

  2. Millers should be mandated to have QA protocols in place – making incoming, in process and outgoing inspections/tests mandatory. This problem would have been prevented had such measures been in place.

    Similar measures should be put in place for other susceptible products.

    • He has no job. Party cadres are assigned everything by our riff raff government. As a PS he is supposed to manage staff and affairs in ZANIS but what does he know about journalism?

    • The sole expert I observe is the distinguished Dr. Johnstone Chikwanda. He is extensively advocating for and defending energy decisions that may seem incomplete. Whom else are you considering? Millers are refuting. Only Hon. Muchima sounded logical in his argument.

  3. This is how silly this government is. They are giving a cadre Thabo Kawana to address a very serious health matter. If it was commissioning toilets and level 1 hospitals, HH would have been the one doing the talking. HH forced farmers to harvest maize with high moisture contents and he is importing GMO maize from South Africa after selling our reserves. This is what you get for putting in leaders who do not have its citizens as a priority. They have mess up this country in just three years. They are busy chasing for JJ Banda while the country is falling apart. Eagles Milling is missing on the list.

  4. Which retailers bought this mealie meal. What are the batch numbers? Have the miller’s been given the directives to recall the affected mealie meal and who is supervising this process. A government official comes with very scanty official which is not helpful at all. People’s lives are in danger

  5. Is there any sane person who still believes in this man who was heard in the video scheming about JAyJAy Banda’s issues. Who is the Govt spokesperson for this new darkness political party? Zambians you have learnt a hard lesson. Mafias are never good for anything. This is the price of having an under five for a president.

  6. Have you noticed how HH avoids crucial moments (hiding himself) and gives responsibility to his minions whenever there is a crisis?

    • Running from one traditional ceremony to another. He might end up in Angola celebrating the Ovimbundu traditional ceremony.

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