Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CDF Transforms Ndola Central Constituency


The Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is working wonders in Ndola Central. A plethora of projects ranging from bridges to water and sanitation have been actualized by the fund, making Frank Museba Tayali a proud Member of Parliament.

Ndola Central Constituency has wisely utilized CDF to the benefit of residents in the area. Through CDF, Ndola Central has successfully undertaken 20 infrastructure projects to improve the welfare of its residents.

The projects, which range from ablution blocks, bridges, clinics, schools, water reticulation, street lighting, purchase of a tractor loader backhoe, procurement of 2,140 desks distributed to various schools, and procurement of 20 desktop computers for schools, have not only enhanced service delivery but also improved the quality of life.

“All that I am and all that I will ever be; I owe it to the great people and Constituency of Ndola Central,” Mr. Tayali reiterated, quoting what he said three years ago after his election as area MP.

In his mid-term review, three years after assuming the position of lawmaker, Mr. Tayali said his work for the constituency truly speaks for itself.

“I shall continue to strive to be the voice of the people and work diligently to make Ndola Central better than I found it, as well as continue to be available and responsive to the needs of the people more than they have experienced before me,” he stated on his Facebook page.

Some of the projects include a 1×3 classroom block at Lesa Waluse in Dag Hammarskjöld and Chibolele in Chipulukusu wards to expand learning spaces.

Bridges have been constructed in Dag Hammarskjöld, Nkwazi, and Kansenshi wards, while clean and potable water has been delivered to Chipulukusu, Twapia, and Nkwazi wards to improve sanitation and hygiene.

Ablution blocks have been erected at Twapia Market in Twapia ward and at Nkwazi Primary School in Nkwazi ward. The ablution block at Hillcrest Market in Kanini ward has been upgraded to enhance sanitation.

George Clinic has been constructed in Dag Hammarskjöld ward to enhance healthcare delivery, while a laboratory has been built at Kansenshi Secondary School to enhance the teaching of science.

Security has also been enhanced in Kansenshi ward with the installation of streetlights on Ndibu Road. Twapia Market in Twapia ward has been built, and a boundary wall has been erected at Hillcrest Clinic in Kanini ward to safeguard the facility.

The car park at Ndola Teaching Hospital has been upgraded at a cost of K1 million.

Apart from infrastructure, the constituency has settled bursaries for students at various tertiary institutions amounting to K12 million, while loans worth K9 million have been given out to kick-start and spruce up businesses in the constituency. Grants worth K6 million have been awarded to various institutions and individuals.

There are nine CDF projects currently in progress. These include the construction of a market at Peter Singogo in Kanini ward, construction of George Police Post in Dag Hammarskjöld ward, and construction of an ablution block at St. Andrews School in Yengwe ward. A street lighting project on Kalewa Road is also pending, along with a road drainage project.

The maternity wing at Nkwazi Clinic in Nkwazi ward is set to be upgraded to provide appropriate accommodation for the delivery of healthcare services for women in the process of childbirth, while a 1×3 classroom block will be built at Kansenshi Combined School in Kansenshi ward to increase enrollment and attendance.

Road improvements are earmarked in Mapalo and Twapia to reduce vehicle operating costs, reduce travel time, and decrease maintenance costs. A grader will be procured to escalate large-scale construction projects, such as building roads. There are also pending projects for the rehabilitation of roads in the Central Business District in Kanini, Kansenshi, and Yengwe wards.

Other pending projects awaiting approval include the solar lighting of Yengwe Market, solar lighting of Tanzania and Buka Roads, and the extension of the Ndola Teaching Hospital mortuary. The completion of an office block, sinking of boreholes, soakaway, and installation of new cooking apparatus at Ndola Remand Correctional Facility, as well as connecting power to two sites by the Rural Electrification Authority—Kamatete Rural Health Centre and Twalubuka Primary School in Dag Hammarskjöld ward—completes the list of yet-to-be-approved projects.

Mr. Tayali has personally sponsored projects such as boreholes in four locations, upgrading the ablution block and electrifying the market, all in Nkwazi ward.

The MP has also facilitated the paving of a car park at Mapalo Clinic in Chipulukusu, as well as donated benches to Mapalo Clinic, Mapalo Police Station, Ndola Passport/Registration Office, Twapia Police Station, Twapia Clinic, Peter Singogo Clinic, Kansenshi Police, and Kansenshi Correctional Facility.

He has further donated 100 desks to Twalubuka and Lesa Waluse Schools in Dag Hammarskjöld ward, as well as donated four vehicles inclusive of fuel expenses in the constituency for community work such as funerals and other services.

“In my personal capacity as Area Member of Parliament, I have supported different parishes and/or congregations, as well as different sports clubs. There are still better days ahead of us,” said Mr. Tayali, who is also Minister of Transport and Logistics.

He is happy to be walking the talk and keeping the promise.

And people have responded to Mr. Tayali’s mid-term appraisal by pointing to areas needing attention.

“So far so good, but remember the people of Hillcrest Extension in Kanini ward. The roads are bad, and the rainy season is around the corner. Grading can help us,” wrote Evans Mufwaya.

Webster Muleya said: “Good work there, Honourable. Just a reminder, Sir, please put Chifubu Secondary School on your developmental program as well. This school, which is in your constituency, has been neglected for so many years by past MPs because of its name. Please find time to visit the school.”

A Ndola resident, Ashok T.L. Desai, said CDF is working well.

“Continue with your work for the benefit of the local community members,” Desai said.

Evans Kasalula mentioned that Hillcrest, where he lives, has no secondary school, and children are risking their lives every day crossing a busy highway to reach Kansenshi and Chifubu Secondary Schools.

“Why can’t you upgrade one school to a combined secondary school between Perseverance and Suburbs schools?” he asked.

Betty Chomba urged the MP to push the council to do a good job on Mulungushi bus stop.

“If this place is done properly, befitting Ndola, people will always remember you,” Ms. Chomba said.

Philemon Towani told Mr. Tayali to include the construction of drainage on Independence Way in Kanini ward, as there are no drainages on the other side of the road.

“Houses are flooded during the rainy season, and the project for streetlights you started is not yet completed. During the night, it’s very dark,” Mr. Towani said.

Moses Sandikiya said if the MP could work on the stretch from Kalyeni to Kitwe Rail crossing on Minsundu Road, then he would win the hearts of Chipulukusu, Nkwazi, and Northrise residents.

“And you know what that means. Otherwise, you are doing a commendable job because you have almost touched all sectors in the Ndola Central constituency,” Mr. Sandikiya said.

By Benedict Tembo


  1. At the passport office in Ndola you find benches for clients with the inscription “Donated by Hon. Frank Tayali MP”. I wonder why a serving minister should donate to such an important government department. The passport office rakes in a lot of money daily, how do they plan to cater for their numerous clients if they can’t provide decent seats? Do they have to wait for donations ? This isn’t normal

    • I think my name should be on all Zambian infra-structure. I have been paying the tax used to construct these since 2004 when I started working and before that my father had been paying tax since 1950

  2. Good for the MP. For bursaries, he should concentrate on blue collar skills training, which the Zambian construction industry desperately needs. Not degrees!

  3. In the meantime the real thieves are externalising Billions of Kwacha worth of foreign exchange. And they are blinding the gullible with change. The self praise messiah continues to praise himself for every little thing he does as of though he was doing the Zambians a favour. Shame.

  4. And has he dealt with that notorius weed in the city centre? But you Zambians are sleepy. In Paris such a river is exploited to the full by townplanners targetting business. You should have built restaurants and night clubs along the river. Even allowed boat transport from Chipulukusu up to Lubuto!

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