Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cyber Laws And Crimes: Let Hichilema Shut down His Koswe, Zambian Watchdog And Sanity Will Return Online


Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s State House media team, which runs the two rogue media outfits – Zambian Watchdog and Koswe – is the greatest threat to this country’s unity, peace and security.

So, what hypocrisy is the UPND government trying to achieve by threatening citizens with arrests for exposing their crimes and other scandals? What is even more shocking is that, they’re threatening and intimidating citizens over the very crimes they themselves are committing and perpetrating daily using the irresponsible and rogue State House media team. What type of leaders are these? Why are they so heartless? What type of entitlement and self obsession is this?

Mr Hichilema and his league think they can continue violating cyber laws with impunity by using their rogue media networks like the Zambian Watchdog and Koswe to abuse, malign and insult private citizens and leaders of this country whilst the entire country watches them with fear and intimidation. They want to endlessly feed the public with hatred, lies, malice and misinformation, and when citizens respond with the truth about their failures, then they have committed a crime and must be punished. They’re really overrating their influence and abilities to curtail freedom of speech and expression in this country. But this will not work. In fact, it will backfire very badly!

With or without their evil schemes around cyber laws, security and regulations, their failures will continue being exposed by the masses. They are careless and scandalous regime. And they should not deceive the world into thinking that they are advocates of responsible use of social media because they’re not. In fact, they are the most intolerant, undemocratic, divisive people to govern this country. When they can’t think, they resort to threats, violence, abuse of laws, and law enforcement agencies, to silence their critics.

The seditious guerrilla media outfits, Zambian Watchdog and Koswe, which are being operated under State House by Mr Hichilema’s media team openly incite hatred, malice and violence against Mr Hichilema’s critics everyday without any form of restraint. These two unhinged rogue media outfits are dividing, inciting, and destroying this country in a very irreversible fashion, and this government can wake up today and demand for sober and responsible social media usage.

But like we keep saying, someday soon, the real faces behind these rogues media outfits being managed under State House will be made to pay for their crimes together with their master. Already there are loyal citizens with a conscious, who once worked with the State House media team in running these rogue media outfits that are prepared to testify against them. Everybody being used to transmit hatred, abuse, malicious falsehoods and insults against private citizens and Mr Hichilema’s political opponents is identifiable, no matter how hard they try to fool themselves into thinking that their identify is hidden from the world, they’re wasting their time.
We repeat what we said a few days ago about this issue that the zeal and excitement to create laws with the aim of fixing their critics and opponents over crimes they themselves are committing daily, is theirs for now, but it’s just a matter of time before this impunity and lawlessness being perpetrated by State House is finally nipped in the bud.

Let Hichilema and his overzealous colleagues preach responsible social media usage to their Koswe and Zambian Watchdog because they work for them.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Bwana President of the socialist party who I believe is not socialist. Just try hard to manage your Ka Mast Professionally. If you have any evidence of criminality by the Watchdog and Koswe you are free to report the the Police. Remember also that New Dawn Government is not like PF. New Dawn is trying to establish a professional police service.

  2. Very right. Just like sanity returned to Journalism after Lungu closed down The Post. Wise advice from Mmembe.

  3. New Doom govt is trying to establish a one eyed police force that only arrests opposition members. A police force that chases opposition leaders from Radio Station to church telling pastors not to allow the likes of Lungu any audience

  4. No human being can oppress a fellow human being in perpetuity. People don’t seem to remember Bokassa of the Central African Republic. He ruled with an iron hand and eventually declared himself emperor. He died in France in a one roomed apartment due to the cold weather because the electricity and gas were switched off because he could not pay for them.

    • Unfortunately Netanyahu doesnt share your belief. Him and his cohorts think they can forever oppress Palestinians

  5. LT why do you continue publishing the rubbish that Fred M’membe writes?
    They are untrue and part of his hate campaign.
    As a news provider you are doing the people of Zambia a disservice.
    If he wishes to disseminate such nonsense let him do in his own personal publication.
    All you LT are doing is giving publicity to his falsehoods.
    There is so much newsworthy things happening in Zambia.

  6. But in the UPND manfastal they said that the press and all media or news broadcasting companies will carry out their duties of tell tge news or doing tge news without any interference from the government so why do you want that to change now. Just continue with the promise that you had made to say that the news companies will be allowed to do their jobs freely without any interference from the UPND government.

  7. It is CONSCIENCE not conscious, please.
    Conscious simply means awake or aware of surroundings.
    Conscience simply means the inner voice or feeling of knowing the rightness or wrongness if one’s behaviour or actions!

  8. I thought the government of the day is suppose to use TZ, ZDM and ZNBC (radio and TV). What is this allegation about the use of Zambian Watchdog and Koswe — how true is this?

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