Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government To Repair 14 Elevators At UTH And KCM


GOVERNMENT has made available K2.8 million for the immediate repair of 14 elevators at the University Teaching Hospital UTH which have not been operational.

Minister of Health Elijah Muchima says government aims to improve health care services across the country.

The Minister regrets that the institution and its facilities were left to deteriorate over the years without any action.

Dr. Muchima said this when he visited UTH in the company of the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary for Administration Christopher Simoonga.

Meanwhile Professor Simoonga revealed that a further K2.5 Million has been set aside for health improvements at the Kitwe Central hospital.

The University Teaching Hospital has engaged ZAL Elevators Limited and Schindwe Elevators to carry out repair works at the institution.


    • Permanent Secretary Professor Bwalya Fumba has set aside K2.5 million to repair guitars.
      The government will repair 14 guitars for Pilato and Maiko Zulu.

    • And is this a story mwebantu? Government doing what it is there to do and we are blowing trumpets for it. Tell us also when they paint roadsigns and bring chalk to schools. The PS should hand over the chalk to the headmaster with lots of Army bands playing and part cadres ululating. We really have nothing to do.

    • It seems you don’t know UTH very well and how bad the elevators are especially when you want to move the patient to from one block to another its a nightmare.

    • I don’t see anyone that has praised anybody here – not in the article and not in any of the comments prior to yours. There is a difference between taking note of and praising. Perhaps you are questioning the news worthiness of the action/ article which you are entitled to do. I suppose if the article had been that there are no working elevators at the two hospitals and that hospital staff are struggling to move seriously ill patients from one floor to another, you would certainly consider that newsworthy enough. Is it too much to ask that we take note of small gains while we aspire for greater ones?

    • Iwe naiwe Makunku there’s praise intrinsic in the story. Its a bootlicker’s story. A minister had to be accompanied by his PS and journalists to go and witness something as cliched as cleaning one’s teeth? What for? To show us that he is working? Come on. If thats the case then the reporters should tell us when Ngw’angw’azi load one bus full at city bus stop “so we can take note of small gains while we aspire for greater ones”
      The “greater ones” being a UPND minister opening a car park at Mass Media Complex I presume?

  1. People learn to appreciate, shanty compound fellows definitely cannot appreciate a small thing and will surely not appreciate a big thing. Only fellows from shanty compound have this kind of mentality, that is why CDF is highly required in those areas.

    You are really an ambulancement to us you fellows. And we need to be very careful with these fellows otherwise one day they will bring us again chakolwa to lead us because they are the majority.

    As a measure of precaution we need to add new rule in the constitution which says apart from a grade 12 certificate and a barchalors degree anyone want to lead Zambia must have a prooven record of running a business successfully full stop.

  2. In reference to the given title in this article ( Dr Muchima) I read the Minister’s profile, it did not indicate he’s a Medical Doctor or Phd holder…i stand to be corrected.

  3. @ peacemaker. On point about shanty mentality. Yesterday mayero residents stoned a fire truck which responded to a house on fire. What benefit is in such action. These are in majority and can bring back Chakolwa to finish off Zambia completely

  4. People are frustrated and fed up
    UPND know their popularity is waning thus hh travelling the country
    LT is partly to blame with their sub standard news write ups
    there is so much more important news to cover Repairing elevators at UTH should be standard practice and repairs should have gone ahead immediately surely the over inflated 14 didn’t all break down at the same time

  5. I’m personally tired of these stories. I remember during Unip time, we just saw graders doing the roads, our houses being painted etc….unannounced. But today it’s talk, talk and in the end scandals.

  6. What an incompetent government. Also, why refer to Minister Muchima “Dr” yet he is no medical practitioner? Only medical doctors should have these titles.

  7. I was also wondering whether this is news. That’s a routine activity that was just neglected by heath staff. Nothing to do with capex expenditure. We are misusing our Ministers and PSs by involving them in routine maintenance activities that we as civil servants are supposed to do. It’s like cutting grass at the hospital being an issue for the PS and Minister.

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