Sunday, March 16, 2025

As political earthquakes rock the nation; it’s HH Mpaka 2031!!


In recent days, the nation has experienced what may best be described as political earthquakes…..

Not so long ago, Chanda Kasolo, a renowned Patriotic Front (PF) propagandist chickened-out of the nasty and rough game of politics.

“Despite the current economic challenges the country is going through, there’s no opposition political party which is capable of unseating the UPND government,” Kasolo told the News Diggers Newspapers in an exclusive interview.

But who is this Kasolo?

Before aba abena Emmanuel Mwamba that now want to “cry more than the owners of the funeral,” as Chinua Achebe would say in one of his books, hijacked the Patriotic Front……well according to one Mr. Ground and Chama America, Kasolo managed the party’s propaganda machinery. Like Squirrel in The Animal Farm, he tirelessly “sweet talked” the masses with their “more money in your pockets, more jobs and lower taxes,” rhetoric until the message somehow found a home into the minds of some of our gullible citizens.

Once the PF romped home to victory, Kasolo would of course be rewarded with a position as Luapula province Permanent Secretary prior to being elevated to the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in the same capacity before ba Edgar Chagwa Lungu would wake up one day and unceremoniously strip him off of his decorations!

He would leave PF out of frustrations and team up with Kelvin Bwalya Fube, another political genius, in his Zambia Must Prosper political experiment where he immediately got appointed as Secretary General; a position he has now relinquished and exited from public life altogether!

Just when many of us were trying to make sense out of Kasolo’s earth shattering decision, Wynter Kabimba drops another bombshell!

“My party has been compelled to offer solidarity to the UPND government because of its commitment to fight corruption which he says is a noble cause and should be supported by all well-meaning Zambians,” disclosed Kabimba during a press briefing in Lusaka recently.

Some people may want to label Kabimba however they see fit including lampooning him as “njala yamunyokola!”

However, no one can take away the fact that Kabimba is a political strategist……nay a political genius who authored and facilitated Micheal Sata’s victory as President. Unlike ba Edgar Lungu, Kabimba is a top-notch lawyer! He didn’t need chew a widow’s money or wait to join politics to enjoy a comfortable life. He joins the UPND Alliance with clean hands and he’ll definitely do a brilliant job mobilising support for UPND.

Since Kabimba knows PF inside out, wait and see how he’s going to expose their evil deeds whilst in government.

All in all, Hakainde Hichilema is delivering according to people’s expectations…..and all we can simply is, HH Mpaka 2031!


Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Kasolo is looking for something imwe ba means mfumu. If you are loyal to Mr Hakainde Hichilema you should tell him the truth. Kasolo says there’s no viable opposition that can unseat HH…. that is his imagination… outside the southern province eight out of ten people don’t want Upnd… and Kasolo is one the two that would vote for HH.

    • You’re a terrible liar, I’ll also vote for HH7 so that makes three of us plus my wife and children. Does that give you two? Conduct an opinion with Emmanuel Mwamba to see how shocked and how wide your mouth will drop
      I’ve already proved you wrong you Defunct TuPF criminals “stupid foolish dogs” Deja Vu
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. You’re a terrible liar, I’ll also vote for HH7 so that makes three of us plus my wife and children. Does that give you two? Conduct an opinion poll with Emmanuel Mwamba to see how shocked and how wide your mouth will drop
    I’ve already proved you wrong you Defunct TuPF criminals “stupid foolish dogs” Deja Vu
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  3. Jesus help us. Can we be talking about this when we have power for 3 hours in a day if you are lucky, buying poisoned mealie meal at k450. Fuel, fertilizer, medicines are in a mess and someone thinks Kasolo is important right now. Animal farm indeed. Zambia twasebana!

  4. Who is this guy Prince Bill M Kaping’aPolitical/Social Analyst? Which planet is he living on? You are a Judas you freak!!!!!!!!! I do not support any political party or leader but this article above is nonsense

  5. Yawn!!!!!!!! pangas are out, fighting fellow ZEDIANS who have different views, fighting neighboring nations, pipo get arrested / abducted without bail etc.. we are a nation in this era with excellent human rights. Poverty, unemployment, load-shedding, food poisoning is human rights abuse you fat cat!!!!!!!

  6. ………

    As things stand……..

    There is no alternative to HH………

    The one to replace HH is not yet born or still in school………

    Fo………fooo……forwadee 2031……

    We are here.

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