Friday, March 14, 2025

Minister Mposha elected Vice-President of UN Environment Assembly


Minister of Green Economy and Environment Hon.Mike Elton Mposha, MP, has been elected as a Vice-President of the Seventh Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly representing the Group of African States.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Secretary of Governing Bodies Radhika Ochalik announced Hon. Mposha’s election in a letter dated 6 th September, 2024 and addressed to all Ministers responsible for Environment worldwide.

“I have the honour to refer to the letter from the Secretariat, dated 6 August 2024, regarding the
nomination of His Excellency Mike Mposha, Minister of Green Economy and Environment of Zambia, as Vice-President of the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-7),” Ochalik stated. “In the absence of any objections to this nomination in the preceding one month, I am pleased to announce that, in accordance with Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure of the United Nations Environment Assembly, His Excellency Mike Mposha has been duly elected as a Vice President of the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly representing the Group of African States.”

Hon. Mposha currently also serves as Vice-President of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET). In the subregion, Hon. Mposha serves as the Chairperson of the Lake Tanganyika Authority (LTA), which includes ministers responsible for the environment from the four countries bordering Lake Tanganyika: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia.

MGEE Communications Unit


    • What purpose does this serve? We had a minister who despite warnings from International organisation warnings about Elnino in Southern Africa did nothing to prepare the country for that situation. This was despite attending several global environmental meetings across the world. Had he adequately informed cabinet about the impending drought , the country would have bn well prepared for the drought. The efforts we are doing now would have bn done two years ago. What the president was trying to get from China is two years late. It does not do any good to serve on these bodies if they do not benefit the country. Zimbabwe are in a better position because on the drought and power crisis because they were forewarned by their Environment minister.

    • Cabinet was informed about the impending drought but it was too busy gathering around the treasury to count how much would be given to party cadres that had been detained during PF rule, calculating how much ministers would get as allowances when accompanying HH on his everyday trips abroad, and how much UPND members would get from CDF.

  1. Illegal harvest of mukula in Mporokoso and surrounding areas has caused so much environmental degradation. Those that voted don’t know anything just like these positions don’t mean anything


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