Wednesday, March 12, 2025

It’s Immoral For Emmanuel Mwamba To Drag HH Into Archbishop Alick Banda’s Woes!


One of the earth-shattering developments to have rocked the nation these past few days is obviously news of the Lusaka Diocese, Archbishop Alick Banda, being embroiled in the ongoing trial in the Lusaka magistrates court in which former Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and another person are facing 22 counts of wilful failure to comply with procedure relating to the manner they disposed of 22 used motor vehicles belonging to the commission and obviously abuse of authority.

According to the testimony of one Suzyo Ng’andu, a former board secretary of ZRA, procedure was not followed when “gifting” the ‘most revered’ Archibishop an impressive Toyota Hilux, commonly known as Ichipaso in the local parlance! As per procedure, the motor vehicle has since been confiscated by the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC). This matter has obviously been widely covered by both government and private media.

However, in his feeble attempts to always try and discredit or smear President Hichilema given any golden opportunity, Emmanuel Mwamba enthusiastically took to his Facebook and offered the following hypothesis : “Just the other week President HH was apologising to the Catholic Church saying he doesn’t hate or fight the Church but a witness former ZRA Board Secretary, Suzyo Ngandu, was called to testify in the Financial and Economic Crimes Court where former Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and Director, Calistus Kaoma are charged with abuse of authority regarding the disposal of 22 vehicles.”

Honesty speaking, what’s the connection between the two? How does the name of tge President come into the picture?

It’s obviously common knowledge that the President took time to apologize to the Catholic church on behalf of his party and government for any perceived wrong doing that might have led to any acrimony or misgivings between the two parties and appealed for collaboration for the good of this nation! Was Archibishop Banda even in attendance during the service in Kabwe last week or even the meeting at State House which was held much earlier? Shouldn’t we as Christians always be quick to forgive?

Coming back to the issue of the court case, whenever any of us is called to testify in court, we are made to hold the Bible aloft and solemnly swear that “the evidence we shall render before this court shall be nothing but the truth.”

It’s in such circumstances that Archibishop Banda’s name came up in the magistrates court. Did Mwamba expect the witness to somehow cover up the truth to protect the good image of the Archibishop or indeed the President to swiftly move in and gag the witness or derail the course of justice and allow any wrong-doers to go scot free simply because a Catholic priest is involved?

What sort of warped reasoning is this?

By choosing to associate with the previous corrupt and brutal PF regime to such an extent of accepting ‘contaminated gifts” to satisfy his perchance for earthly possessions ba Banda has brought the good name of the Catholic church into ridicule and disrepute! Is it true he was known as a bling-bling Bishop during his Ndola days? Ba Zima Ndola confirm, please.

There’s only one option left on the table for Archibishop Banda….to apologise and resign from his priestly duties immediately and join his friend Edgar Chagwa Lungu in politics other than continuing to hide in the Church!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Your article, just like many before are good but often go to far as as well. Why should our Arch Bishop resign for accepting gifts on behalf of the church? The church sustains itself through donations. The church does not scrutinize money or donations where it comes from. You are implying the church should have done a duly deligience before accepting the vehicle to be used in it’s prophetic mission, this is not always possible. Ordained men of God can’t resign because others think differently about issues. The bible is full of men who were not perfect but all had a great relationship with God. David, his son Solomon, even Jona. Don’t be too quick to judge. Just write articles pointing out your point of views but don’t judge people.

  2. The author failed to address the main issue of this case, which is politically motivated persecution. The former ZRA chief has demonstrated that he followed the proper procedures in removing vehicles from the fleet. The State has turned this into a dramatic persecution in order to publicly attack him and even involve the Archbishop.

    These cases are weak in terms of legal justification but heavy in political opportunism, intended to divert the public’s attention from a government that has failed to fulfill its core mandate.

    The role of State Media in blowing up the misdirections from court only confirms Archbishop Banda as a target for his brave interventions on the growing lawlessness under the UPND government.

    • This matter is active before the Lusaka Magistrates Court. Please comment on it only sparingly or not at all. If you overstep the line, it’s possible for legal consequences to take effect. The truth we’re all waiting for is what the court is pursuing now. Why not wait for the court to have the last word so that you can all comment with full knowledge of the facts?

  3. Politicians and religious leaders are all useless….the world is messed up right now because of Politicians and Religious leaders….useless Pompwes….and please can we focus on finding solutions to address Electricity crisis….Enough with Bandit Lungu….Bandit HH also is clueless….HH thinks this is an opportunity to go with a gigantic begging bowl to the West and East

  4. These Bishops and Prophets encourage corruption and theft….they don’t encourage hardwork because themselves are just thieves violence instigators…..the catholic church started the Genocide in Rwanda

  5. Mwamba thinks he is clever journalist and gain gain popularity by bashing HH each moment he sees an opportunity. Truth of the matter is that he is not a genius journalist otherwise he would be employed by respected newspapers. I think he got where he was through simple connections. My advice to him is simple. He should tone down otherwise if he has any money it will finish paying lawyers.

  6. Archbishops receive gifts from the layfaithfuls. I remember Dr Banda recieving a Jeep on his birthday when he was Ndola diocese shepherd. This has come as an opportunity for those he’s injured.

  7. The targeting of the former head of ZRA in the legally dubious case is a stark reminder of the political nature of prosecutions underway in Zambia. The UPND has insidiously utilised a flawed legal case to tarnish a brave critic from the Church of the Government’s lawlessness, unequivocally demonstrating that when the government fails to govern the country, it resorts to manipulating public perception through headlines. Ambassador Mwaamba has drawn attention to the matter within a media landscape heavily favouring the Ruling Party, which is his prerogative.

    • It’s a very sad chapter in the country’s history where political opponents and those who have divergent views are being given cases abruptly and from nowhere.

  8. Anyone u see supporting lungu just know there’s financial benefit otherwise hw can a reasonable person with 5 senses suport such a calous thief like edgar lungu…all his close family mbrs hv confesd to receiving stolen money from their father lungu

  9. Iwe Prince Bill M Kaping’a the bootlicker, you are the opportunists low lives who makes a president into a tyrant because you want a brown envelop. your hh is in power & the DEC, police etc work under his instructions /command iwe we fontini iwe!!!! hh sent them because bishop is not from the South ingombe ilede

  10. You Prince Bill M Kaping’a how do you sell your soul to these crooked pipo who have brought the nation into poverty? Pipo are barely surviving, no electricity, no money, no jobs, no businesses, you are the guys who deceives the president for your own selfish interests, tell hh what pipo are saying & going through, you freaks… my God

  11. Give power to an African and he thinks he is a god, have you seen the pride in your leaders lately?
    Moan, lament & cry my deceived nation & the Most High God will vindicate you. God sees your tears & it is just a matter of time that king Saul will be REMOVED!!!!

  12. A lot of the clergy were corrupted by Lungu. You see, when you accept generous gifts from politicians, you lose your objectivity. This is why well-meaning clergy require donations to be made to the establishment than to themselves. Lungu corrupted the whole system, Zambians stood up to show the system that they are still in charge which is commendable. As for HH, the patience of Zambians is quickly waning. The loadshedding crisis and the constant lies by Zesco and an inability to act is strange. At the very least, a change at the top is warranted. The loadshedding crisis has made a dire economic situation worse, Zambia’s economy has effectively collapsed. What is upsetting is that if this were 2026, the drought notwithstanding, there would be no loadshedding.

    • Further to my point, ZESCO’s shareholders are the Zambian people – not the Zambian government. When you hear a board chair of the same company making statements that the company will give its employees some freebies for solar, it is rather insulting. ZESCO should be halving its administrative workforce in response to the crisis. That said, it is laughable when a company states that it cannot supply power to its shareholders because the rates that these shareholders pay are low, I mean, whose equipment do they use? If the company is designed to break even, so be it. There is something grimmer and darker going on at that company.

  13. This Alick naimwe is a human being! He can steal or even impregnate a woman. Can’t u see the hate he has for hh and how he supports the thief buckteeth lungu? Why support thieves who are dressed up in gowns?

  14. What of the UPND government officials corruption which has fresh evidence. Why are they not being prosecuted? So we have to wait for 2026 when UPND is removed.


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