Thursday, March 6, 2025

PF Open to Joining Multiple Alliances to Mobilize Opposition


The Patriotic Front (PF) has announced its openness to joining multiple political alliances, including the Tonse Alliance, as part of its broader strategy to mobilize social and political formations aimed at addressing the challenges faced by Zambia under the current United Party for National Development (UPND) government.

In a press briefing, PF Secretary General Raphael Nakachinda reaffirmed the party’s commitment to the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA), while also revealing that the PF had completed a comprehensive review of terms and references from other opposition movements, including the People’s Pact and the Tonse Alliance.

Nakachinda stressed that the PF values its membership in UKA and will continue to collaborate with other political entities within the alliance. However, the party’s leadership, through a task force, has also explored the potential of joining other opposition coalitions. A report submitted by the task force recommends that the next Central Committee meeting prioritize joining the Tonse Alliance and other political alliances.

“The Patriotic Front remains committed to working with all opposition political parties in finding solutions to the numerous challenges that have faced our nation since the UPND party came into office,” Nakachinda said. He highlighted that these challenges—ranging from economic difficulties to governance issues—require a united approach, one that PF is willing to pursue by partnering with like-minded stakeholders.

Nakachinda urged PF members and the wider public to engage in discussions regarding the party’s future alliances. He called on party members to remain calm as the leadership continues to deliberate on the party’s next steps.

The PF’s approach signals a strategic move to build a broad coalition of opposition forces ahead of future elections, aiming to present a unified front to “liberate Zambia” from what they perceive as the failings of the UPND government.

Nakachinda urged PF members to contribute their views on these critical decisions through official party channels, assuring that their input will shape the future of the party and its alliances.


  1. Ba LT, you should have given us composition of these other alliances you are mentioning, i.e., Tonse and the People’s Pact respectively. Readers need such details – to appreciate who is who in the zoo.

    As for PeerFool (aka PF), kuwayawaya fye!

  2. Politcal Alliances will never work…Malawian vice President was eliminated….Morgan Tswangirai was eliminated and the list goes on and on….Politicians only work for their belly forming all these useless Alliances

  3. An average zambian thinks with either his/her stomach or his/her heart. Fails to engage the brain for analysis. Not surprised how some people think Chakolwa can redeem the nation.

  4. PF and UPND once courted each but one calculator gave the ‘unless am no.1’ condition the rest is history as PF won the election unaided…when the electorate decide no one can stop the movement.

  5. ………..

    Zambian politics are very disappointing………

    Is it just me or what ????

    How can a man, Mr lungu ,………

    Who is marred in maltitude of corruption scandals……..

    Be surrounded by all these politicians offering him support to stand for president without clearing his name first ????

    This is shockingly scary and disappointing, that even the trumpets of good governance and rule of law, ka shushuwa and John sangwa SC don’t see a problem with this……??

    Do we stand any chance as a nation to fight corruption when we tolerate situations like this ?????

    The ideal would be let lungu clear his name if he is not a theif, then he can be president all he likes……

  6. So in other words nakachinda is daring uka to expel PF. Now uka founding members are stuck as they thought PF will support them but it seems PF wants to run the show.

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