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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Is HH’s Call for Constitutional Amendments His 2026 Political Lifeline?


By Kapya Kaoma

Am I the only one questioning the timing of President Hichilema’s call for constitutional amendments? In retrospect, I recognize some echoes of history—specifically, the 1970s when President Kaunda employed constitutional amendments to maintain his grip on power. The victims were Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula.

A similar strategy was employed in the mid-1990s. Back then, former President Kaunda expressed a desire to re-enter active politics after losing the 1991 elections to President Chiluba. Due to the extreme economic stress under the Chiluba regime, Zambians openly pleaded, “Batata bweleni, twacula.” (“Father, please come back; we are suffering “). President Kaunda announced his intention to contest the 1996 elections, inciting a wave of excitement among the populace. The atmosphere became charged with great anticipation. Sensing defeat, the then-unpopular President Chiluba was compelled to enact a constitutional amendment that effectively barred his most formidable opponent from contesting the upcoming elections. Kaunda was unjustly declared ineligible to run. As a result, President Chiluba was able to claim victory.

The unsettling reality of this history brings us back to President Hakainde Hichilema—a figure whose legacy is marred by his involvement in the infamous privatization schemes under Chiluba’s regime, which many believe resulted in the exploitation of Zambians. This heartless man bathes in Zambians’ blood—millions died while he made millions of dollars from Zambian assetts! Is it any wonder that he now seeks to amend the Constitution to eliminate the threat posed by any significant political rival in Lungu as the 2026 elections loom?

President Hichilema has openly commented on maintaining control through strategic maneuvering. He is acutely aware of the growing disdain among the populace; even the stray dogs on the streets seem to share an aversion towards a leader whose governance has left many facing dire economic hardship. Zambians have become increasingly disillusioned as they witness the chasm between Hichilema’s promises and reality. His actions signal a singular preoccupation—President Hakainde Hichilema. While he champions the ideology of conserving national resources, he maintains a lavish lifestyle, spending millions on two extravagant residences while globetrotting at will. The costs associated with his transport, the maintenance of his security details, and the daily operation of both his presidential estates have become burdensome to the national economy. He doesn’t care! But each day he commutes between and enters in his two residences is a testament to his lack of ubuntu—hundreds of children would have lived had he chosen to live Plot 1. Moreover, his incessant travels have only compounded the discontent. The man finds fulfillment in wasteful travels while the masses are starving.

As his approval ratings continue to plummet, it’s evident that Hichilema is floundering in a sea of his own deception. His only recourse to secure victory in 2026 appears to be the fabrication of another narrative—one that implores, “Give me more time.” However, people are no longer swayed by empty rhetoric. The political winds have shifted, and he is desperately beginning to feel the pressure—a situation reminiscent of the Chiluba era. Will this tactic prove effective?
Here, the use of constitutional amendments to win the 2026 elections looms large. Should the ruling party—currently in control of Parliament—choose to expedite amendments, the outcome could echo the past injustices inflicted on Zambian democracy by both President Kaunda and Chiluba.

History serves as both a lesson and a warning. The precedents set by past leaders must not be dismissed; they illustrate the dangers of political maneuvering that prioritizes power over national well-being. The unfolding drama should invite each of us to reflect on our role in safeguarding democracy. The events in Kenya, where ordinary people proved that they can hold elected officials accountable, serve as a new paradigm for African democracy.

Democratic ideals cannot be left to the selfish elected officials—at times, radical mobilization, though costly, is the only voice heard by the powerful. We must demand transparency, integrity, and genuine leadership from our elected officials.

Challenging President Hichilema to rise above the political gamesmanship of his predecessors is our patriotic duty. The stakes are higher than individual power; they encompass the future of democratic integrity and the well-being of ordinary Zambians.

The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but our collective action can steer the nation toward a more accountable and responsive government. Whether we muster the bravery to challenge deceit and demand accountability remains to be seen.


  1. HH has warned about the defectiveness of our constitution and we better heed, otherwise he will use it to do anything. There’s nothing like good/honest politicians, and only a good constitution is the needed panacea to keep them in check.

    • One of the lacunas is that of the Running mate. Imagine if today our President HH collapses and died . We will end up with Nalumango as our republican President. Just think about that .

    • Iwe Observer what’s there to imagine? Worse things have happened. Lazy Lungu took over from Sata!

  2. ……..

    Just saw the name , did not bother reading the usual deranged hysteria………..

    Kapaya has not recovered from the 2021 electrol defeat of PF

    Despite the devastating effects of the drought in the region, the president does not need any tinkering with any laws………

    It will be 2031…….

    Forwadee 2031

  3. Question though is… Why amend the constitution? I guess power is sweet. Someone’s pants are on fire. If only UPND was perfoming mwebantu. Pipo loved them man shoooooo!!!!!!

  4. Anything they touch fails, they said mount solars on your properties as if pipo have money or it is for free, i guess even if pipo did that the sun would stop shining

    • I was on the copperbelt recently, I can assure you sir, solar panels of various kinds are being sold every day.
      What you read on social media and what I have seen recently when I was in the country don’t seem to match. There is too much exaggerated reporting on the negatives. The challenges are there, but there seems so much resilience in people, most are getting on with their lives. What I have seen is that a lot of our people are adapting and finding means to deal with situations brought about by a natural calamity, in addition to what may be human failures too by not being proactive on alternatives in time.

      In the meantime it is obvious in your write up that no matter what the current government does even if positive, you will never see any good in it.

  5. When wicked pipo ascends the throne even nature begins to die!!!! Nature is dying b/coz sons of wickedness on the throne across the globe. So Kainde and his goons are doomed!!!!! Whatever they speak & touch will NEVER prosper, their gods are too small for Jehovah God.

  6. Politicians are the same lacunas will be there for ever and it’s a good deal to amend some laws BUT we should do it in faith. DR Kaunda UNIP(the late) did the same, DR Chiluba Fredrick MMD(the late) did the same, I don’t know about Dr Mwanawasa SC MMD(the late) and MR Bwezani Banda MMD(the late), King Cobra Sata M PF(the late)did the same and now it’s Dr Hichilema H UPND who want to amend some lacunas

  7. So HH has now finally discovered that power is sweet and he wants to remain in power for as long as he can…Zambians see what you voted for… instead of focusing on developing Zambia HH’s mind is focused on maintaining power beyond 2026…

    • Hehehe………

      That’s why Zambians belive in witchcraft……..

      When did the president say he does not want to vacate the presidency ????

  8. LELO LELO tu upnd, you thought it was easy to run a nation, muzalila simunalile yet. You do not run a nation like you are running your own ingombe ilde business!!!!!!! Akaso someone said that just go to their party headquarters, look at their own cadres.. poverty is their portion and you will know that they are stingy freaks!!!!

    • We are here……..

      It is a 5 year mandate untill 2026……

      Then 2031………like the dun raises every day, it will be HH

  9. It is wrong to misinterpret the call by President HH to amend certain mischiefs in our constitution like 52 (6).
    Indeed if one reads carefully this mischief, we could go on even for 100 years without election; Image a situation were before election day, a candidate is found wanting or dies, and that mean re-registration, and this keeps on repeating.
    Please note that I do not wish this to happen. But we live in the world were people can bring plan B as we hear to those who are used to plan Bs.
    It is just good to amend or put something to limit the time flame. this is good for our Zambia in the Sun. We must thank our President HH. Others like ulia jikwite can not alert the people

  10. And this is why Africa will never develop..we have economic crisis and this is when they’re starting nonsensical Political fights ..instead of putting Politics aside and work together as one country but they choose to start fights….UNBELIEVABLE

  11. Some people want to sleep and when they wake up, they find Zambia developed. Developed by who?
    Development is pleasure and pain experienced by a people who have big dreams of their future. In life, the minute you fill satisfied with where you are, you are not there anymore. Development is not something that comes by accident, no. It is worked for by changing certain ways of doing things. Eating manners will definitely be changing. To live as your ancestors lived, is a sign of laziness and decadences of the minds. Development is not brought about by Government. The people keep defining themselves as they go on and since Government is made by the people, it gets affected by the new breezy from the people and habits of making roads, towns will change and so on.

  12. Is HH’s Call for Constitutional Amendments His 2026 Political Lifeline?
    He has to grab at anything and everything. Lungu is scaring him bad.

  13. Busy trying to settle personal scores at the expense of developing Zambia…Lungu also has no message for Zambia…a Presidential candidate proposing violence against his opponent….Lungu is supposed to be in Jail….and HH should be brought to Justice after he leaves office in 2026 and sent to jail

  14. Q? Was this constitution drawn after the so called independence? Q? Does it favor the grassroots? Q?if so, are the construction rights being executed accordingly? Otherwise the entire constitution may need to be redrawn & be tailored for betterment of its people & growth. My suggestion

  15. Blaming HH for the botched privatisation program is like blaming a broom for sweeping the room. Why is it that nobody puts the blame where it rightly belongs- FTJ Chiluba and his ministers, among whom was Edith Nawakwi. It is THEY who invited Grant Thornton to do the job.
    let us be fair. The economic crisis we are in is no one’s fault- not even Lungu and PF. In 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic led to reduction in production of goods and services while at the same time people were still being paid for doing nothing. This led to too much money chasing too few goods (inflation). Zambian boys and girls who used to go to China and Dubai to import goods could not go for 2 years- China had a prolonged shut down. Recovery takes minimum 5 years, and that is in advanced economies!

  16. Oh, by the way, Lungu signed his arrest warrant by threatening violence against the sitting President. GBM was arrested for threatening to go after Lungu’s throat- remember? I was disappointed with Lungu’s words this week. It was very unpresidential and unstatesman like. One would expect William Banda to say those words- not a former President!

  17. It is not Chiluba, it is Kaunda to blame because he was given 10 years privatization program that each he would be receiving 1,9B as balance of payment, instead he made the elephant ZCCM!
    CHILUBA was given only one year to privatize which was not the fault of IMF, our freedom fighter, Buchizya.

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