Monday, March 10, 2025

Questions for the President: Addressing Electricity and Water Shortages


A. Electricity Shortage

1.What are the primary underlying causes of Zambia’s persistent electricity shortages, and why have previous attempts to address these issues proven ineffective in the long term?

2.How does Zambia’s reliance on hydropower exacerbate electricity shortages during drought periods, and what specific strategies is the government implementing to diversify the country’s energy sources and reduce this dependence?

3.Despite global advancements in renewable energy technologies, Zambia has been slow to adopt alternative sources like solar and wind. What are the primary barriers hindering this transition, and what measures are being taken to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy?

4.How are small businesses and industries affected by the lack of consistent electricity supply, and what are the broader implications for Zambia’s economic growth, employment rates, and competitiveness?

5.What specific measures are in place to reduce electricity losses during transmission and how effective have these measures been in improving overall electricity availability and reducing the financial burden on the power utility?

6.With load shedding becoming a common occurrence, what is the government’s strategic plan to mitigate its impact on essential services like hospitals and schools, and how is this plan being implemented?

7.What incentives are being offered to encourage private investment in the energy sector, and how can these investments contribute to reducing Zambia’s dependence on the state-run power

8.How are electricity shortages impacting Zambia’s ability to attract foreign direct investment, particularly in sectors that rely on stable energy supplies? What strategies is the government pursuing to address this challenge?

9.Given Zambia’s growing population and industrial ambitions, how prepared is the country to meet its future energy needs? What are the long-term plans for expanding electricity generation capacity and ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply?

B. Water Shortage

1.Despite having substantial water resources, many communities in Zambia face regular water shortages. What specific actions is the government taking to address this issue, particularly in rural and urban areas?

2.How is climate change contributing to water scarcity in Zambia, and what adaptations is the government making to its water management policies to address these challenges?

3.Why has Zambia struggled to maintain and expand its water infrastructure to meet growing demand? What specific measures are being implemented to ensure sustainable water management and improve access to clean water?

4.What is the current state of water sanitation in Zambia, especially in high-density areas? How are water shortages exacerbating public health risks, and what steps are being taken to address these issues?

5.What are the primary causes of inefficiencies in water distribution, such as leakage, illegal connections, and outdated infrastructure? What plans are in place to address these issues and improve water delivery efficiency?

7.Given the impact of water shortages on agriculture, what specific measures is the government implementing to support farmers in accessing water and sustaining production during dry periods?

8.How does Zambia’s legal and regulatory framework for water management compare to best practices in other African countries? What reforms are necessary to ensure equitable access to water and effective water governance?

9.What accountability mechanisms are in place to ensure that funds allocated for water infrastructure are used effectively, and how is the government addressing corruption in this sector?

10.To what extent is Zambia collaborating with regional bodies to manage shared water resources? What are the implications of regional water diplomacy for Zambia’s water security?

Musonda Chishimba


    • Hes actually answered himself / herself in the questions, eg what causes power shortgae?, next question, the dependence on hydro ……..

  1. LELO LELO tu upnd, you thought it was easy to run a nation, muzalila simunalile yet. You do not run a nation like you are running your own ingombe ilde business!!!!!!! Akaso someone said that just go to their party headquarters, look at their own cadres.. poverty is their portion and you will know that they are stingy freaks!!!!

  2. You are asking wrong questions. Ask about Dubai and Chembe river. Has Dubai and Chembe river moved? What did HH say about leadership and drought.

  3. F@@li$h Zambians! Who has bewitched you? Did not your forefathers fight for independence? How now can one man sell your food, your livelihoods and you do nothing but complain. When are you going to get your country back which has been sold off? Did you not help your neighboring countries which are now thriving while you get nothing but lying tongues!! Wake up and get your country back from enablers of western agendas. Very soon fathers will start selling their daughters into prostitution. Get your country back and turn to God, you have wondered off the path long enough!!

    • @wotu wotu, great comment until “turn to God…”
      What is with getting back your country, work hard and then turn to God individually? Faith is an individual’s conviction and choice. It should not be “chintu bwingi”.

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