Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Zambia’s Weather Being Affected By La Nina


Central Province Meteorological Officer, Chongo Tembo, says Zambia is currently being affected by a weather condition known as La Niña, which is causing significant temperature variations across the region.
Mr Tembo notes that the province and the country at large is grappling with unusual weather patterns linked to the ongoing La Niña phase marked by unexpectedly cold mornings and hot evenings.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kabwe , Mr Tembo explained that this climatic condition arises from cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures in the Central Pacific that disrupt weather patterns both globally and regionally.

“Currently and particularly in Kabwe, the mornings are colder than usual, and the evenings are unusually warm, which is a direct impact of the La Niña phase,” Mr Tembo stated.

He disclosed that in line with the consistent national weather updates, the Zambia Meteorological Department has issued alerts for strong winds and isolated rainfall that are likely to affect the agricultural and fishing sectors nationwide.

“We’ve had some rains in provinces such as Eastern, Western, North Western, and Muchinga among others although we have not yet recorded any rains in Central Province. Residents in various districts, especially farmers and fishers, should be prepared for sudden weather changes that could affect crop production and the safety of water bodies,” he warned.

Mr Tembo has emphasised the importance of community awareness saying staying informed through reliable sources and adhering to advisories is crucial for mitigating the adverse effects of these weather patterns.

He noted that while the expected weather conditions may pose challenges, they also present opportunities for preparedness and that understanding and adapting to these changes is vital for minimising disruptions to daily life and economic activities.

Mr Tembo stressed that his department is collaborating closely with the Department of Agriculture as well as engaging local communities in ensuring readiness for the La Niña induced weather conditions.
He has also urged residents to keep abreast of weather updates and advisories in order to respond appropriately to the changing conditions to safeguard their livelihoods and well-being.



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