Saturday, March 1, 2025

In Defense of the Rule of Law: UPND Perspective on Edgar Lungu’s Desperate Fight for Power


In Defense of the Rule of Law: UPND Perspective on Edgar Lungu’s Desperate Fight for Power

As Zambia continues to witness the unfolding courtroom drama surrounding former President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility case, it is becoming increasingly clear that this legal battle is not just about constitutional interpretations it’s about the desperation of a man who refuses to let go of power. Lungu’s camp, led by lawyer Makebi Zulu, has taken every opportunity to question the credibility of the Constitutional Court, even going as far as to accuse three judges of bias. This is nothing but a frantic attempt to cling to relevance, and as UPND supporters, we must stand firm in defense of democracy and the rule of law.

Edgar Lungu’s attempt to challenge the impartiality of respected judges like Constitutional Court President Margaret Munalula and others is a blatant distraction from the real issue at hand: Lungu’s constitutional eligibility. His legal maneuvering reeks of desperation, and many Zambians, including outspoken figures like Simon Mwewa Lane from SMLtv, have not been shy to call it out. In one of his most recent videos, Simon Mwewa aptly stated, “Ba Lungu is engaged in a losing battle… it’s arrogant of him to think he’s running the show.” Mwewa’s words echo the sentiments of a growing number of Zambians who believe Lungu’s time has passed.

The Courts are the Custodians of Justice

It is important to remember that Lungu is not the victim here. He had his time in office, and the Zambian people spoke loud and clear in the 2021 elections. The suggestion by Lungu’s legal team, bolstered by constitutional lawyer John Sangwa, that nullifying his candidacy would invalidate the entire election is simply misleading. As Simon Mwewa pointed out on his platform, “ECL was not the only candidate in the 2021 Elections, so it’s inaccurate to imply that ba Lungu’s participation was the single determining factor in the outcome of those elections.” This is an important point that many in the UPND, as well as the general public, need to recognize.

John Sangwa, though respected, is not infallible. As Mwewa further states, “JOHN SANGWA IS NOT THE BASTION OF LEGAL KNOWLEDGE IN THIS COUNTRY.” While his legal expertise is valuable, it doesn’t override the voices of millions of Zambians who participated in a democratic process. President Hakainde Hichilema was elected not because of Lungu’s supposed disqualification, but because the people wanted change. The attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the 2021 elections is nothing but a smokescreen for Lungu’s failure to accept the will of the people.

The First Two Years: Why Lungu’s Eligibility Was Already Settled

One of the key issues being raised in the current case is whether Edgar Lungu, having been sworn in twice, is constitutionally barred from running again. The UPND position is clear: Lungu has already served two terms, and the Constitution is unequivocal on this matter. Article 106(3) of the Zambian Constitution explicitly states: “A person who has twice held office as President is not eligible for election as President.”

While Lungu and his legal team have attempted to argue that his first two years in office (from 2015 to 2016) should be disregarded because it was part of completing the late President Michael Sata’s term, the Constitution provides a definitive answer. Article 106(6) of the Constitution clarifies that if a President serves for less than three years of another President’s term, it is not counted as a full term. However, it is essential to understand that this provision was designed for unusual circumstances, and Lungu’s subsequent election and service from 2016 to 2021 clearly constitutes a full term.

The Constitutional Court already settled this issue when it ruled in 2018 that Lungu was eligible to run in 2021, but this does not change the fact that he has now served two terms. As Simon Mwewa pointed out in his recent commentary, “The truth is, the man was elected TWICE AND HE SERVED TWICE.” This means that any further attempts by Lungu to challenge this in court are merely desperate efforts to circumvent the will of the people and the clear constitutional provisions.

The Real Agenda: Lungu’s Desperation for Power

Lungu’s latest legal assault is not only a legal battle—it’s a last-ditch effort to paint himself as a martyr while diverting attention from his own political blunders. His conduct, especially in the final months of his presidency, was far from exemplary. Simon Mwewa didn’t mince words when he said, “ECL is so desperate for power that he has now become careless with his words.” This desperation was evident in the infamous “Hatemboland” scandal, where Lungu, Edith Nawakwi, and Chilufya Tayali allegedly concocted a baseless story to frame President Hichilema. As Mwewa reminded us, “ECL, EDITH NAWAKWI & CHILUFYA TAYALI tried to cook up a ‘Hatemboland story’ that would have landed HH in PRISON but the story had no merit… and yet today ba Lungu is acting like an Angel.”

These words should serve as a wake-up call to Zambians. Lungu’s legal antics are part of a larger strategy to undermine the current administration and cast himself as a wronged figure fighting for justice. In reality, it’s nothing more than a desperate power grab, an attempt to muddy the waters and create uncertainty about the legitimacy of President Hichilema’s administration.

Visit Simon Mwewa’s Facebook for More Insights

Simon Mwewa Lane TV has been a consistent voice in calling out the former president’s questionable tactics. For those looking for a balanced and insightful take on this ongoing issue, I encourage you to visit his Facebook page, where he regularly shares his thoughts and videos that have sparked nationwide discussions. Mwewa’s commentary resonates with many Zambians who are tired of Lungu’s political games and who want to see the country move forward.

The Bigger Picture: Protecting Zambia’s Democracy

Ultimately, the Zambian people must not be misled by Lungu’s courtroom drama. The country’s democracy is far bigger than one man’s ambitions, and the 2021 elections were a clear expression of the people’s will. Lungu’s attempt to delegitimize the entire process is an insult to the millions of Zambians who participated in those elections.

This legal battle isn’t just about Lungu’s eligibility; it’s about the future of Zambia’s democracy. The courts must be allowed to do their work without interference, and the people must remain vigilant in defending the democratic gains we’ve made. As UPND members, we are confident that the Constitutional Court will see through Lungu’s charade and uphold the rule of law.

Lungu has lost once before he will lose again, because truth and justice are on the side of the Zambian people.

by Malitus Hagwamu


    • Sorry to say these things…our friends don’t see things as politics but as long as it’s our own we will support even things that are obviously wrong. The one who is desperate is Mr Hakainde Hichilema… he’s got so much to lose and if the former president won the contest…..

  1. Looking at this from an objective standpoint, it is clear the one who is desperate is HH. You can fool people once but you can’t fool them forever. UPND has failed to deliver and the only way they want to safeguard their stay in office is to use underhand tactics. People can see this, they are living the day to day hardships of the failure in leadership. If HH thinks he is popular let him allow a level playing field for election. Let Lungu on the ballot

  2. It must be a tough assignment to write an entire article about the law while quoting the great legal mind of Simon Mwewa Lane

    • You made me spit out my alcohol in church with your comment. Lol, I seriously can’t believe this guy used Mwewa as a potential reference!

  3. Lets unite in moving the country forward. Forget about people like ECL whose objective is to loot the country only and will use their friends tribe former bar mates to loot the economy. Those that are calling for his return are simply missing brown envelopes. I know politicians are poor at calculating probabilities. What surveys has ECL done to convince himself that he can now win the elections. I even think he lost in 2016 also.

  4. This is not about Lungu but we have a President who is clueless and no solutions to the people problems.How do run community house and state house using public funds not even UK or USA can afford that .The Man is a Fraud

    • How can you be happy for an alleged theif to be potentially president of zambia…???

      That is what is wrong with zambia, theives and the corrupt are celebrated by the supposed educated ……

      Lungu should be clearing his name of the allegations of stealing……..

  5. Politicians and learned lawyers are confusing us ordinary citizens.This is the reason why I don’t believe in any political party because the drivers are the same.
    Some lawyers are saying the truth others are saying other way round.Please learned lawyers help us to understand the interpretations of the so called eligibility issues.

  6. Hagwamu Straighten you logic, The fact that Lungu had his time in the office doesnt immunise him from victimhood. He can still be a victim even if he had previously been in office. Or does the law say so?
    The fact that the Zambian people rejected him in 2021 doesnt mean he will be rejected in 2026. Clean up your argument before publishing it.

  7. ………..

    That lawyer for lungu, makebi Zulu is a disgrace to Zambian law ferternety……..

    Lungu should first clear his name of the corruption allegations swelling around his name before he even talks of standing for president………

    All those supporting lungu to stand are all corrupt theives , how can you support an alleged theif to be president……????

    This is nothing political or tribal, its a matter of principle,………..

    Lungus family face serious allegations of corruption, by extension lungu himself……….

    All those dirty leaders gathering around lungu are all corrupt theives for supporting an alleged theif to be president………

    It is a sad situation, very sad……

    • Yes they are “allegations of corruption” Just like it has been alleged that HH stole during privatisation.
      All those dirty leaders gathering around HH are all corrupt theives for supporting an alleged theif to be president………

  8. If ECL is nothing to upnd why the drama by upnd? They are having nightmares & chest pains, they are threatened. All ECL is trying is to rescue the nation from these good for nothing backward, un-exposed clowns

    • It is shocking to UPND and their supporters that people can be supporting an alleged theif to be president…….

      Imagine what kind of corruption there will be if lungu ever became president ???

      People will just say let’s all steal, after all you and your family stole first time round…..

      It will be festival of looting and stealing

  9. Imagine amending the constitution to spite someone like FTJ did to KK, that is so low. You will not win, pipo will NEVER let you continue to ruin the already backward nation, you freaks!!!!!! Just get out of ZED already!!!!!

    • Sorry badala… …

      You and the kaponya pf cader who have been ejected from markets snd bus stops are alone……..

      Normal Zambians will vote UPND enmass in 2026……….

      Forwadee 2031………

  10. ……….

    Lungu should be clearing his name of all the corruption allegations against him and his family……..

    Otherwise, let’s just legalise corruption,……..

    let’s tell the current GRZ , to just go ahead and loot………stealing is not a problem, you will still be supported.

    Forwadee 2031………

  11. We Zambians just love drama, what is ECL offering as a solution to the problems we are facing. listen to he’s speeches…zero nothing oh but people love him, enough comedy in this country, lets focus on improving the economy and our lives. A man thats gifts millions to his children when the country is in debt is just not a leader for me…the same money he borrowed using the country’s name. you people should serious…if you are a criminal then will understand why you want ECL

    • C’mon, man…….

      I expected better than that from you…..

      You seem to have a fondness for theives, that seems to be the African destiny……

      A theif should be condemned and shunned.

    • 20 million Zambians and only ECL can check HH are you serious…? we have to wait for ECL to check HH…listen to the so called checks and balances that ECL is doing nothing but emotional speeches. Name three things ECL said that he will do to improve the lives of zambians. Zambians Mulomo too much. Thats is the reason why foreigners are now owning grocery businesses because the one thing you are good at is politiking…nothing else…every day hh is not working, even ECL we said he was not working. even mmd you said they were not working…stop mulomo.

  12. I cannot understand how normal Zambians would vote for hechi hechi hachibwelele hh, upnd keep on lying to yourselves & your regionalism tribalistic tendencies, people see through you. if they could remove a working ECL who is this your failure hh? Enjoy while it last!!!! some of you will just hide from pipo with shame & fear


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