Saturday, September 28, 2024

An Open Letter to Dr. Nevers Mumba: The Urgent Need for Balanced Leadership – Theresa Kolala


In response to Dr. Nevers Mumba’s recent open letter (click)  to Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Mayor Theresa Kolala of Kasama has crafted a poignant message that calls for balanced leadership among Zambia’s political figures. In her letter, she expresses deep respect for Dr. Mumba’s influence and contributions while urging him to adopt a more harmonious approach, particularly concerning the relationship between President Hakainde Hichilema and ECL.

Attached below, her letter emphasizes the critical need for consistent and fair leadership in these challenging times, highlighting Dr. Mumba’s potential role as a reconciler in uniting the nation for a brighter future.

Dear Dr. Nevers Mumba,

I write this letter to you as the Mayor of Kasama, your former neighbor if you remember and know KT 424 in Riverside Kitwe, as someone who believed in you from long ago and also as a concerned Zambian citizen. Your recent open letter to Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu was an interesting read, and I agree that your words carry weight. However, I must question whether this advice would be even more impactful if it came from a place of balance. Unfortunately, many of us in Zambia have noticed that your stance seems inconsistent, particularly when it comes to the current administration and President Hakainde Hichilema (HH). We Love ECL as a former and immediate past President of the Republic of Zambia and we also Love HH as a current President of the Republic of Zambia. If you are a former VEEP that has the Zambian people at heart you would be the one to bring peace that would harmonize HH’s house and ECL’s and as such we can all embrace one another and live in harmony.

You once labeled President Hichilema as “non-Christian” and questioned his ability to lead a Christian nation. Yet today, despite glaring issues in his leadership, you’ve remained notably silent. When he referred to Lungu as “kutumpa” (foolish) and made violent remarks like “mingalato,” you did not speak out. You had the opportunity to be a bridge between these two leaders, but instead, you have remained quiet on their ongoing personal feud, a rift that continues to divide Zambia.

In your Facebook post, I commented, “Have you been sincere in your leadership? Zambia must have been saved long ago, but awe sure tamutwafwa. Nangu mulembe ifitali, it simply shows that mulipancito.” The public needs more than words; they need action. Your leadership is under scrutiny because of your silence on key issues.

Selective Criticism

While you offer well-thought-out advice to Lungu, many Zambians feel you have neglected to address the shortcomings of the current administration.   Chanda John Chimba rightly pointed out, “The current president called ECL names when ECL was president. Show us a statement where you condemned that.” This inconsistency raises concerns about the sincerity of your leadership. How can we trust your advice when it appears so one-sided?

There are pressing issues facing Zambia today, including the high cost of living, load shedding, and a worrying power deficit. Yet, we have not heard you address these matters publicly. As someone respected for your voice in the political and religious spheres, why have you not spoken out? It feels as though you pick your battles, often at the expense of fairness and balance.

The Public’s Reaction

Your open letter has sparked considerable conversation on social media. People are questioning your motivations and the reasons for making this letter public rather than addressing Lungu privately.

Kezo Moses Mpali asked:
“Why choose to bring this to social media? Why not seek his audience and talk? Nonetheless, I love and admire your urge to build. God bless you.

This reflects the confusion many of us feel about your approach. Why engage in public commentary when private discussions could yield more meaningful reconciliation? Remember ECL is the immediate past President and the only surviving father of the nation.

Silence on Major Issues

You have also remained silent on issues that affect ordinary Zambians, such as the police’s behavior toward the opposition and the suspension of the three Constitutional Court judges—a move many see as politically motivated. It’s troubling that while you express concerns over Lungu’s statements, you haven’t spoken up about actions by the current government that have raised eyebrows. These actions have led to bitterness among many, as people feel justice is being selectively applied.

Bupe Bwembya was right to say, “I totally disagree with this biased piece of advice. I find it to be hypocritical and unbalanced, especially that in the recent past, there have been many occurrences that demanded your comment but as expected, you kept quiet.” Your leadership should be about consistency, fairness, and calling out wrongs, regardless of who is in power then you serve the purpose of a Former VEEP.

Police Brutality and Reconciliation

We have seen an alarming rise in police brutality toward opposition members. This should concern all leaders, especially those who have championed peace and democracy. As a man of God, your voice on these matters is needed. You should be leading the charge in calling for fairness and the protection of all Zambians, regardless of their political affiliation. Your silence on this issue is deafening. This calls for other political figures that have been long in the arena of politics, please be the change that this Country needs to see and emulate.

In your position, you could also play a pivotal role in reconciling the personal animosity between Lungu and HH. Instead of deepening the divide, you could bridge it, bringing these two leaders together for the good of the country. Yet, you have not taken that step. Many of us expected you to be the reconciler in this moment of national tension.

Final Thoughts

Dr. Mumba, your advice would carry far more weight if it were offered with balance and sincerity. The Zambian people are watching, and they are looking for leadership that is not only vocal when it comes to one side of the political spectrum but that holds all leaders accountable. In times like these, when the cost of living continues to rise and power shortages affect families, your silence on these key issues speaks volumes.

As I mentioned in my Facebook comment, “Have you been sincere in your leadership? Zambia must have been saved long ago, but awe sure tamutwafwa.” We need more than speeches and open letters. Am one person that was overjoyed by your TV program ‘ZAMBIA SHALL BE SAVED’ and will dash to listen to it with a lot of excitement because we indeed wanted Zambia to be saved. We need leaders who stand for justice and fairness across the board. Am a Mayor of Kasama and a leader in the community of Kasama and by all fairness I serve as both a Civic Leader and a Christian.

The Zambian people expect more from you, and it’s not too late for you to rise to that expectation. Be the voice of balance, be the peacemaker, and most importantly, be consistent in your leadership it will help you in your future endeavors.

Theresa Kolala
Mayor of Kasama



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