Friday, September 27, 2024

Over 2000 Kalulushi Farmers Receive Farming Inputs Under FSP


Over two thousand three hundred farmers in Kalulushi on the Copperbelt will receive inputs under the Food Security Pack (FSP) Programme for the 2024-2025 farming season.

Kalulushi Community Development Officer, Aubrey Chanda, said each farmer will receive White and Orange Maize seed as well as a bag of Urea and two bags of D Compound fertilizer.

Mr Chanda told ZANIS in Kalulushi that the government will also distribute Beans, Soya Beans and other Legumes to the farmers to enhance productivity and national food security in the 2024-2025 farming season.

“Government will not recruit any new members under FSP this year because of low productivity due to the drought that the nation experienced in the last farming season,” said Mr. Chanda.

Mr Chanda noted that the Government will continue to support old members adding that this has been done in order to cushion the impact of drought and also to promote food security at various household levels.
Meanwhile 2800 farmers also received inputs for irrigation farming under emergency wetlands as a response to the drought.

He said the farmers ventured into Maize production and vegetable gardening to sustain the household food basket.
Mr Chanda said that this was done to cushion the drought burden and also to safeguard food security in the communities



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