Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Our response to Edgar Lungu’s address


When we heard that former president, the “almighty” Edgar Chagwa Lungu would be addressing the nation the other day; most of us were obviously taken aback! Isn’t a sitting head of state the only one entitled to address the nation at any given time? Isn’t this more the reason why ZNBC, our national broadcaster, has to disrupt its programming to cover such an important event?

It seems ba Lungu is yet to recover from the shock of being ejected from plot 1, unceremoniously; he may be entertaining imaginations that he’s still wielding powers to draw the nation’s attention at any given time.

To cut the long story short, when ba Lungu finally made it on our small screens or indeed featured on several social media outlets; he appeared inebriated as usual……he was sweating profusely while his speech sounded slurred and uncoordinated, at times. This not withstanding though, we still managed to grasp a few highlights hither and thiter which have prompted this write-up.

The first issue ba Lungu tackled were the legal petitions regarding his eligibility to stand as a Presidential candidate in both 2021 and beyond!

As we are all possibly aware, the former president has since rushed to court to seek legal redress.

He prayed as thus last night, “You are aware that recently, there have been legal petitions against my eligibility to stand as a presidential candidate in both 2021 and the future.

My hopes and prayers are that there will be respect accorded to my application currently before court, to help restore confidence in the courts and the Judiciary.”

As a top-notch lawyer, we obviously expect ba Lungu to be familiar with a legal term known as “less adjudicator.” This simply entails that a matter can easily be restored in our courts of law if fresh grounds have been established. Guided by this principle, the petitioner was left with little or no option, but to head back to court and resurrect this matter. Among the many grounds cited in the petition, is obviously the issue of specialized qualifications of the affected judges; a similar concern which was equally raised by various experts following the appointment of the said judges.

If ba Lungu is indeed a top-notch lawyer as he wants us to believe, how come he has challenges understanding this provision?

If we may interrogate his so-called address to the nation further, it’s quite cunning and hypocritical for ba Lungu to wake-up today and pretend he respects our courts of law.

When the matter of his eligibility came up in court during his tenure for instance, he threatened to go the “Kenya way” by dissolving the entire judiciary, indiscriminately! Worse still, he went ahead and unleashed his uncouth and brutal PF cadres to go and intimidate the judges by setting-up base on the court premises. They put up braii stands and spent some time devouring enormous kilos of beef and gulping countless amounts of alcoholic beverages as they chanted slogans and sung songs of praise and solidarity with their great humble leader!

Given the above, can one still insist the top-notch lawyer is a lawful citizen who religiously subscribes to the rule of law as opposed to man? Ubufi! Wenye! Boza! Makudi! Bubela! Lies!

NB: In our next offering, we compare the cost of living from the days of MMD to date….

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Can you be quiet for some time and reflect? Life isn’t just about talking. HH will leave office one day and you’ll face the people alone. What’s your conscience? How many youths have lost their lives at that slime dump due to illegal mining activities? By the way you aren’t helping HH at all. Instead, you have made many youths and their parents be annoyed against authorities that include the Head of Government. People are still mourning

    • The author is involved in illegal mining activities at the site where a lot of youths have lost lives. He should show remorse by mourning with those that have lost relatives. He can’t claim to speak for HH or the UPND because we know that he isn’t the appointed spokesperson. He’s abusing the President’s name and one he’ll answer for it

  2. Lungu is going nowhere, so the sooner we stop giving him more unnecessary coverage the better. Zambia has no shortage of potential presidents.

  3. These chaps are so preoccupied with Lungu at the expense of fixing what they said they would fix. Time is going, we already removed Lungu, that is in the past. Stop wasting time by talking and talking. We know jobs are hard and one has to be recognised but not by using Lungus name please. Start working, so far nothing is happening, we have a shortage of mealie meal for the first time since 1991 and not because of drought. The exchange rate was already exposing your failures even before the drought – fact

  4. Can the government in power start working please. I voted for you.You have very little time. Bring mechanised farming to peasants, see how you can control externalisation of proceeds from the mines which leaves our country with just a few crumbs, ensure the Police stop detentions of the Politicians longer than what the law prescribes, buy vitz for ministerial cars and explain why the exchange rate did not improve between inauguration time and 10hrs on the day of swearing in, was there a drought in between that period as well. Answers please

  5. Lusaka time your coverage and reporting of Mr Lungu is very biased and one sided . You use to be a go to news and now you have become president HH voice or mouth. The former President or Dr Lungu or any other citizen are free to speak or hold a press conference.
    This article is clearly written by a government sympathizer or who knows . Please go back to roots LT and report and readers will decide . Where on earth did you get the idea that only the President can address the nation?

  6. Give HH some sleeping pills maybe him and his cadres will stop talking about Lungu.we want our own Dubai you promised us

  7. Mwatenga na State House wayenda nayo kunyumba yanu, kwena ubututu bubi sana. Muyopa chani kugona mu State House.. muyopa ma prayers they used to pray during ECL’s residence? We see through you baba!!!! The Power of prayers !!!!!!!! Bazakumangani ngamwachoka po pankani ya State House.

  8. The writer is very ignorant. ECL is the second most important person in the land – he is former Republican President and he earns about 80% of the incumbent’s emoluments. ECL has a following. And the following has since increased because akabunga is not K50 (as promised), fuel is more than 100%, sugar is double the price and poverty has just gone to another level. Talk about electricity tariffs and availability – it’s unfathomable. Instead of worrying about ECL, please just work and deliver that is the only way the people of Zambia will stop crying for or minding ECL. ECL was called back to active politics by the UPND. Now they have to live with him.

    • Yaba pf*****s can be katwishi fye…ati pompwe ECL the second most important person in the country? Chimbwi iwe!!!

  9. Remember, ECL is appealing to the many Zambians because of the BITING ECONOMIC situation. What is the purpose and use of the UPND in government as their coming has just made life WORSE than before. Even dogs no longer have leftovers in the bins to pick from. SORT OUT THE CONOMY AND PEOPLE MAY FORGET ABOUT ECL

  10. @Alebwelelapo, the only people who have not forgotten ECL is ECL and his band of thieves.
    Most of PF have even forgotten about him, (e.g. Miles Samper).
    Even UKA has seen him as fraud.

  11. Now ECL learn one thing in life. When one becomes a President, he is a servant of the people and not become a person who would say; “People love money, and when I go to heaven, I am going to bribe an angel.” Are angels people. One wanders.

  12. Tu upnd praise singers imwe, you have no substance in your views. It just shows how bitter you goons are. You cannot even talk sense. No wonder mumbuwa chabe, did you see how swaggy PF cadres were during their time? Look at you, looking poor & village-like… shame on you!!!!!! Just shut up man!!! TSEKI man!!!!!

  13. Sure UPND ukutana ama cadres babo, they are so poor, these chaps risked everything for nothing!!! Ingombe ilele for sure!!!!! They must just shut up these hungry forsaken, tricked dumped upnd cadres / thugs.. bangwele imwe!!! Ufimbenuma iwe zo ona!!!! If they can starve their own cadres what about any Zambian? Judge for yourself!!!

  14. ECL bukaitemwe. He was groomed and made president by Sata. Who has ECL helped to grow into a president to make sure there is no leadership vacuum? pure self cent-redness. Tamwakabwelelepo ba tata

  15. President Sata did not have time to groom anybody because he was short-circuited by the clinical officer who made ECL president by feeding Chulu with high values whereas Chulu was supposed to be receiving G12 Forms, but did not. The clinical officer and the Nursery Teacher gave victory to ECL. Kanyama Returning Officer, my brother was found hanging and G12 forms missing.

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