Monday, March 31, 2025

President Hichilema Officiates Groundbreaking Ceremony for Lumwana Mine Super Pit, Paving the Way for Major Economic Boost


President Hakainde Hichilema officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for the Lumwana Mine Super Pit in Kalumbila District, marking a pivotal milestone in Zambia’s mining sector. The event, held on a one-day working visit to the North-Western Province, signals a new era for the country, with significant investments poised to strengthen Zambia’s standing in the global copper industry.

The expansion of the Lumwana Mine, spearheaded by Barrick Lumwana, will see an estimated $500 million USD invested in infrastructure development, operational expansion, and advanced mining technologies. This substantial investment is expected to create over 3,000 direct jobs during the construction phase, with an additional 1,500 long-term jobs upon completion.

“This is a momentous occasion that reflects our ongoing progress in building a robust, globally competitive mining industry,” President Hichilema stated. “Copper is rapidly becoming a critical mineral on the world stage, and this project ensures that Zambia remains a key player.”

President Hichilema extended his gratitude to Barrick Lumwana for their dedication to the project and their commitment to collaboration, ensuring the success and impact of the Super Pit expansion.

During his visit, the President also engaged with traditional leaders and addressed a public rally at Manyama in Kalumbila District, where he interacted with local residents.

President Hichilema departed from Solwezi Airport at 17:40 hours, seen off by North-Western Province Minister Robert Lihefu, along with senior government and UPND officials. His visit underscores the government’s commitment to fostering development and economic growth in the region through strategic partnerships in the mining sector.

Lumwana Mine Super Pit in Kalumbila District


  1. Zambia needs a reasonable windfall from this investment for its people, the legitimate owners of the resources. I hope this is the thinking in GRZ circles.

  2. Barrick Lumwana and FQM have been praised as the largest contributors to local taxes. However, figures show that the total contribution of mines to the National Treasury is just about 8%! If we can reconcile these facts then we don’t have much to celebrate. It’s like people of Southern province celebrating the expansion of the power generation capacity when high voltage pylons pass over their villages that still don’t have electricity.

    • We are dull as Africans…….

      There is no way supplies to the mines would be imported in other countries which are serious about developing……

      If all supplies to the mines were manufactured in zambia, we would be even exporting and thousands of jobs created…….

  3. New dawn always making headlines about
    Their achievements but nothing seen on the
    Ground.Zambians can’t see any benefits from
    These breaking news.

  4. Mr. President, you are the president of Zambia currently, stop behaving like you still in opposition. There is no need to respond to everyone who criticizes you. Self praise is negative energy. Focus on the job you were elected for. All the best

  5. ” Pivotal milestone….monumental….first ever….ground breaking….significant….all these are UPND headlines for the past 4 years and still zero achievement….UPND is full of deceit

  6. You see Zambians are not foolish, we see through you HH, you are not even supposed to be there in the first place. Your louse minister of mines supposed to be attending such minor achievements of yours

  7. You see Zambians are not sleeping any more sir, we see through you HH, you are not even supposed to be there in the first place.

  8. I bet you, you are one of the major shareholders of this HH. Muzalila, the way you are after ECL will be worse on you.

  9. Mwatenga na State House wayenda nayo kunyumba yanu, kwena ubututu bubi sana. Muyopa chani kugona mu State House.. muyopa ma prayers they used to pray during ECL’s residence? We see through you baba!!!! The Power of prayers !!!!!!!! Bazakumangani ngamwachoka po pankani ya State House.

  10. What is ground breaking about this ??
    If more attention was paid to the ZESCO issue I would agree
    But I suppose most of the hierachy havent had even 1 hour of loadshedding

    • LT needs to get a full newsroom staff compliment. A sub-editor and an editor would have noticed that the headline is bland”….Paving the Way for Major Economic Boost” Really? How do you know this is paving the way for any ecnonomic boost? Then even the construction of a hospital in Mfuwe paves the way for such a boost. Be on top of the story. Professionals know the precise or relevant words to use for any story!

  11. Kikikikiki what happened to the Pivotal monumental milestone chinese pilgrimage….i told you they will make noise alot of noise about the Chinese trip and then go quiet…..

  12. Tu upnd praise singers imwe, you have no substance in your views. It just shows how bitter you goons are. You cannot even talk sense. No wonder mumbuwa chabe, did you see how swaggy PF cadres were during their time? Look at you, looking poor & village-like… shame on you!!!!!! Just shut up man!!! TSEKI man!!!!! Ba boss banu bakaso!!!!!! Imagine being in power & getting out same poor shame on you!!!!

    • Hehehehe…….

      To you PF caders flashing thousands of dollars is development……????

      None of that rubbish happening with
      HH, ……….

      he’d rather pay student meals than pay caders…….

      Forwadee 2031……..


      You must that cader called Njimbu once on LT …….

      Njimbu proudly told us that lungu is a better leader that HH ever would be because lungu wore cloths worth thousands of dollars while HH dressed cheap………

      Njimbu also told us it rains money around lungu………only it was borrowed money !!!

      Very shallow and cheap thinking. Just like you.

      Who are caders to be enjoying tax payers money ???

  13. Sure UPND ukutana ama cadres babo, they are so poor, these chaps risked everything for nothing!!! Ingombe ilele for sure!!!!! They must just shut up these hungry forsaken, tricked dumped upnd thugs.. bangwele imwe!!! Ufimenuma iwe zo ona!!!! If they can starve their own cadres what about any Zambian? Judge for yourself!!!

  14. @UFIMBENUMA, you are full of crap.
    You write so many comments and they are full of semi literate pronouncements and shows your ignorance.
    You need to understand you are writing comments about things you have no understanding of.

  15. ……….

    Here the main problem is the mining sector or zambias minerals are not being used correctly to drive development of the country………

    Those mining companies should be the catalyst for our manufacturing industry……..

    90% of all conumerbles and other none heavy marchinary used by the mines should be manufactured in zambia……..

    This is not the case, instead , we take to dull short sighted way out by insisting………

    suppliers are zambian , but those suppliers are gifting manufacturing jobs to South Africa and China by ordering there……….

    Either laziness or we are just dul.l…….

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