Monday, March 10, 2025

Increase In Fake Solar Products Worries Government


The authority has since sent a stern warning to businesses that are fond of supplying fake solar products to unsuspecting customers to desist from doing so as it puts the lives of people in danger.

Minister of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Elias Mubanga said the government is working around the clock to ensure that people are provided with affordable solar products, saying the government has already provided a zero-tax rate on solar products therefore the government expects suppliers to be reasonable to their customers.

Mr Mubanga further charged that the government is concerned with the rampant exorbitant pricing on solar products being sold to the citizenry, saying there is need to regulate the products through certification, in order to provide genuine solar products for the safety of the people.

He added that the government has also identified some establishments that are importing genuine solar products to continue with the good work, saying that some of these companies will be visited soon.
The Minister has since sent a warning to anyone that will be found wanting in these illegalities, that the law will soon catch up with them.

“There is a need for high adherence from companies that sell solar products to supply at affordable prices to cushion the energy deficit,” he said.


  1. Just making alot of noise….you went to China to beg the Chinese to come to Zambia and every knows the Chinese are good at manufacturing imitations….99% of Chinese products are fake and they don’t even last long…..

    • You should be ashamed of yourself. Zambia can’t even manufacture toothpicks or teeth brushes and here you are ranting ati 99% of Chinese products are fake .
      Who told you that those fake Solar products are from China? I have respect for China and the how far they have come to even challenge the countries of the West.

    • He really doesnt know what he is talking about. Chinese products are all over the world and superbly classified even by Americans. Thats why Trump was trying to block them. The China which produced lousy products was in th 70s and 80s. They have improved by leaps and bounds. If anything they are a good example for the Third World to start believing in themselves and start competing globally. In Africa we are all specialists in criticising the Chinese but producing nothing.

    • @Black Moon, you are right but maybe you don’t know that the Chinese have different qualities for different markets. They export the most superior products to the USA, EU markets and export the most ” affordable” products to some impoverished African countries.

  2. I think people you can now see clearly who is failing us here, we have qualified electrical engineers who are supposed to check these imports properly before they are distributed to the general public but now look, they are failing even just confirming fake products imagine. Last month but one we had the same issue at society house involving civil engineering. If these engineers cannot detect fake products, do you think they have some capacity to innovate a new product to replace those imports? I do not think so.

    • They can only act on the instructions from State House. If the fake products are from China, our government will protect them.

  3. See them coming, hear them talk but never believe whatever they say these politicians. Since 1964 Zambians are hard workers who just happen to have politicians who lack true love for our nation. Zambians have never had a govt that truly love them. Just saying so that i am not called by gate keepers a Zimbo or Chilufya Tayali

  4. Point the finger at the Bureau of standards, they only exist by name. The minister is supposed to castigate this institution.

  5. Even Chinese products have grades.Most of
    Them that come to Africa are of low grade
    And cheap in price.So china has the best grade
    For higher price.

  6. That anonymous guy is in America where Trump has a heavy propaganda network against trade with the Chinese. Americans are being fed with crap that Chinese products are poor but the market for them in the US proves the propagandists wrong

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