Monday, March 10, 2025

Find the Root Cause of the Kafue Accident


The Zambian Roads and Highway Safety Group is urging those tasked with road safety to find the root cause of the Kafue accident involving a Juldan bus enroute to South Africa.

The Highway Safety Group feels we owe it to the families of the four passengers that perished in this accident to thoroughly investigate what transpired in this fatal accident, including the events leading to the accident so we come up with solutions to avoid future accidents.

The Highway Safety Group’s interest include the state of the road where this accident happened, whether this section of the road was well lit with proper road signage to warn of any dangers that may exist and whether the lanes were well marked to separate oncoming and going traffic? Were there potholes, broken down vehicles that could have distracted the Juldan bus?

The Highway Safety Group is therefore hoping to hear from the builders of the road, the Road Development Agency (RDA) whether their road was in a good working condition not to have caused this accident. RDA must also certify if this road can safely handle long distance and high speed vehicles such as the Juldan bus heading to South Africa on that fateful day.

The Group also wants to see hear from the Zambia Police what their conclusion on the accident is and whether a bus doing the speed that the Juldan Bus was doing would lose control if the road conditions and others were ideal for highway travel?

The Group also expects RTSA to review holistically their policy on night ban which forces buses with over 10 hours of travel to compete for space during the day when they could have travelled at night.

The Group wants to see a review of the insurance policies on fatal accidents to include compensations beyond funeral cover of persons that perish in these accidents. How much are insurance companies providing for families of accident victims killed on our roads?

Finally, the Group wants a review of the emergency services and if there was anything that could have been done to ensure that more lives were saved from the Kafue accident.

The Highway Safety Group is of the opinion that road safety agencies like RDA, RTSA and the Zambia police have for a long time glossed over causes of many fatal accidents in Zambia. Banning of bus companies, revoking of drivers’ licences and installing of GPS monitors does not stop accidents or save lives. Ensuring roads have no obstacles and are well marked with road signage does save lives.

Mthoniswa Banda

Group Admin – Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG)


  1. Just wonder why Juldan buses are among the worst culprits when it comes to road accidents. Why are there no deterrent sanctions on such?

  2. ……….

    Speed……speed……speed is massacring people

    When a Zambian driver sees 180 km/h written on the speedometer, they think the needle has to reach the 180 km/h when driving, other wise why did they put
    180 km/h……….

  3. For the first time in the history of the innumerable road traffic incidents in Zambia, someone has now asked the CORRECT QUESTIONS. Zambian roads are badly engineered and signage is non-existent. The road marks are painted with house paint that washes away and fades as soon as the cheque is cashed by the contractor. Mind you, these roads were built mu Feduro, at the time when the maximum speed of a Land Rover was 110 kmh and buses 80 kmh. The other issue concerns Zambian attitudes to road safety. Bus drivers are ‘cowboys’ who have never owned a car themselves and think over-speeding is cool.

    • Vandals even when seen are tolerated. Start by reporting law breakers. Bad roads speak to you elected official, ba Tayali is too busy to deal with the freedom way mess and worried about his compensation ya mu opposition monga that is why he was elected or serves as Minister. Its not Gary’s work alone. Compliment each other and deal with these law breakers. Perpetual oftenders ban them from driving as they abuse the opportunity. Traffic cops as well need to dealt with.

  4. The root cause of such accidents is very. Zambia is the easiest country on earth where one can acquire or buy a driving license. 98% of Zambians have never been to a driving school. One just needs to know the driving wheel to be on the road. Then they would be drinking alcohol while on the road. Best solution is: Let the national or the army take the task of re-examining every driver.. Withdraw every license. And issue licenses to those who pass.

    • Very correct. Even chaps that cant read have drivers licences and no appreciation for the highway code. How can such a thing be allowed?

  5. Are those vehicles inspected for road worthiness?
    Driver licenses does not mean that when you learned driving you are qualified to drive any type of vehicles. Class BCD BE.

  6. The same young bus driver would drive to Livingstone. Drink beer on his way. The same day he would pick new passengers back to Lusaka. With alcohol in his body. That is asking for more accidents and for more deaths.

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