Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Catholic Church Protests “Systemic State Intimidation” Against Worship Rights in Zambia


Catholic Church Protests “Systemic State Intimidation” Against Worship Rights in Zambia

Lusaka, Zambia – 28 October 2024

In an impassioned and scathing open letter to President Hakainde Hichilema, the Catholic Church, through the Archdiocese of Lusaka, has denounced what it describes as “systemic abuse” of state authority after police forcibly cordoned off the Cathedral of the Child Jesus in Lusaka. The incident, which occurred today during a memorial service for Zambia’s late Fifth President, Michael Chilufya Sata, has sparked public outrage and concern over what many see as a disturbing infringement on the right to worship in Zambia a nation that professes Christianity as its cornerstone.

Worshippers, gathering early for a requiem mass, were reportedly greeted by heavily armed police and anti-riot officers sealing off entrances to the cathedral, preventing them from entering the sacred grounds. Describing the scene as “shocking and dismaying,” the Archdiocese declared the presence of police in riot gear an “utterly unacceptable” act in a nation that prides itself on its Christian values.

“This act is an affront to the Church and a brazen display of intimidation. It violates our freedom to worship, a right that should be held inviolable in Zambia,” the letter states. The Church leaders highlighted that they had obtained proper permissions months prior for the service, intended to honor the memory of former President Sata. Nonetheless, access to the cathedral remained blocked, even as a similar government-led ceremony proceeded undisturbed at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.

The Archdiocese rebuked the government’s “heavy-handed approach,” alleging a larger “coordinated scheme” against the Catholic Church, extending beyond today’s incident. They accused authorities of systematically violating human rights and turning police into “an extension of the UPND Party,” as arbitrary arrests and detentions of government critics become more commonplace.

The letter draws attention to Zambia’s founding Christian values, warning that the increasingly autocratic tendencies of this administration could erode the very fabric of the nation’s democracy. In a parting statement directed at President Hichilema, the Archdiocese invoked a solemn reminder from 19th-century historian Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This line, punctuating a plea for true leadership and accountability, underscores the Church’s unyielding commitment to defend the faith and the freedom of its people.

As the country and its leaders grapple with the reverberations of today’s events, the call from the Catholic Church to respect sacred spaces and democratic rights has resounded across Zambia and beyond.

Here is the letter from the catholic church


  1. And how much tax payers money was wasted on Sata’ s memorial…how much did the government spend on Sata’s burial site….looks like Africans we love wasting our resources and we love begging at Same time

  2. Who ever is incharge of this Catholic Church, the Archdiocese of Lusaka, ………

    The Vatican or who ever, needs to advise them to stay out of politics,……..

    They are being used by the clique…….

    They wanted the alternative memorial to be turned into a PF rally……..

    They are failing to convince people on the streets, now it is easier to do so through religious shenanigans

    Forwardee 2031….

  3. @ Muntu and Spaka
    Now you understand why i don’t belong to any religion….why i don’t belong to any Political organization….they’re all useless…making a big deal of someone who died 10 years ago…memorial this memorial that….why not use the money to feed street kids….and the church now has become a rubble rouser

  4. You are dealing with people that have no respect for human rights, no fear of God, and no respect for civility and human rights. Makes you wonder who they serve.
    Those defending these barbaric actions, just know that as civil liberties are slowly eroded, it will soon catch up with you. It won’t be long before you are on the receiving end. Just ask PF.


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