Monday, October 28, 2024

ECZ Insider Manipulators Shocked by His Election Loss – Why Zambians Must Say “Never Again”


Edgar Lungu’s Dark Admission: ECZ Insider Manipulators Shocked by His Election Loss – Why Zambians Must Say “Never Again”

In a jaw-dropping confession on Emmanuel Mwamba’s podcast, former President Edgar Lungu exposed a troubling truth: his deep-seated grip over Zambia’s electoral system. In a shocking revelation that should send chills down every Zambian’s spine, Lungu admitted to embedding his most loyal cronies within the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ). These were no ordinary appointees; they were powerful insiders, positioned with a singular purpose – to sway the election in Lungu’s favor. Yet, in a twist that highlights the enduring will of the Zambian people, even his carefully chosen officials found themselves “at pains accepting defeat at the hands of UPND.” Their shock was palpable, as if they believed Lungu’s grip on power was beyond challenge.

This brazen admission throws a harsh light on the murky tactics of Lungu’s regime, exposing a calculated, manipulative leader who went to great lengths to entrench himself in power, undermining the very fabric of Zambia’s democracy. For years, Lungu has presented himself as a patriot, a guardian of Zambian democracy. But his confession now reveals a darker reality: behind the scenes, he was a puppet master, pulling strings to subvert the people’s will and undermine the principles he claimed to uphold. It’s a betrayal of trust so complete that it demands Zambians ask themselves: can we risk letting him, or anyone in the PF, regain control?

The scandal surrounding Lungu’s insiders at ECZ is not just a minor political misstep; it’s a massive warning of what a return of the PF could mean. If given another chance, a regime that’s already proven its willingness to manipulate could become bolder, more ruthless. Imagine the lengths they might go to if restored to power, this time with the intention to “right the wrongs” of their past defeat. With this mindset, one can only fear that they’d take irreversible actions to ensure no loss could ever shock them again.

Voting back a figure like Lungu, or a party like the PF, is essentially giving them a free pass to do even greater harm. This is the same administration that saw democracy as an obstacle rather than a duty and sought to entrench themselves by any means necessary. The betrayal of his senior ECZ allies in their shock at losing speaks volumes – they believed, as he did, that they could bend the system to their will.

Zambians must look to the future, not backward, and keep leaders like Lungu and the PF far from the reins of power. This dark episode is more than just a political scandal; it’s a reminder that Zambia’s democracy is fragile, something to be defended against those who seek power at any cost. Lungu’s shocking admission is not just a window into his manipulative tactics; it’s a stark warning of the dangers of letting such a regime return. Now is the time for Zambians to stand firm and say “never again” to Edgar Lungu and the manipulative politics of the PF.


  1. To a certain extent the writer is correct
    this started way back and is still embedded to this day
    ECZ, Judicial, Police
    Allies come first
    When we see opposition and other qualified persons being put in positios change has come !!

  2. The question is, has this all stopped after UPND came to power? OR have they only sought to expand and refine these dirty tricks? UPND has failed to be the light of change and, in many ways, has worsened the abuse of power. I’m ready for a new front, even if headed by Lungu.


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