Sunday, March 9, 2025

Indian Man Refuses to Meet Mother of Mauled Boy, Offers Mealie Meal as Compensation


An Indian national whose vicious dogs mauled a 14-year-old boy, severing his hands and severely injuring his legs, has refused to meet the child’s mother, Beauty Sifumkwe, despite having initially agreed to do so.

The 35-year-old widow, who resides in Chipata Compound, walked to the businessman’s company in the Misisi area for the scheduled meeting. However, upon arrival, she was turned away by the man’s wife, who asked her to return the following day, stating that her husband was busy with important meetings.

An emotional Mrs. Sifumkwe, speaking outside the company premises, expressed frustration and doubt about securing justice for her son.

The brutal attack took place on January 11, 2024, in Chipata Compound, where the 14-year-old boy was accused of attempting to steal side mirrors. In response, the businessman allegedly unleashed his dogs on the boy, resulting in severed hands and severely injured legs.

Adding to the distress, the only compensation offered by the businessman was a 25kg bag of mealie meal for the grieving mother.

BMTV journalist Idah Banda Musakanya, who has been investigating the case, uncovered disturbing footage showing inhumane treatment of the boy before he lost his hands. Despite the severity of the attack, the case was initially closed by the police, and the boy was reportedly hidden in one of Lusaka’s compounds, seemingly to let the matter fade away.

Thanks to continuous reporting by BMTV, two Indian men involved in the incident have since been arrested and detained at Central Police Station. However, concerned citizens remain vigilant, closely monitoring the case to ensure justice is served.

This tragic incident has ignited public outrage, with many Zambians demanding accountability and justice for the young boy.

Source: Idah Banda Musakanya


  1. Indians ultimately control zambia……..

    Zambians can control the politics, Chinese can control part of the shifting economy……..

    But indians are in firm control long term……

    Thousands of indians , parkistanis , bangaldeshis enter zambia and illegally get papers to live here……….no one can touch them……..

    Forwadee 2031…

    • Obviously they are in control and a good reason for that too
      Firstly what have achieved by ourselves ? apart from running things down and then having them restored by outsiders
      Secondly we have many honourable and dedicated Indians amongst us

    • What nonsense are you spilling? What do u want us to conclude from your post? So because Indians are ultimately in control long term you HH sycomphants are saying we should allow HH to be president long term??

    • LT where have you being you b!tches?
      Whtada fvck is this? A boy eaten alive by dogs for stealing?
      Where is Police Inspector General
      (PIG), where are the judges?
      You idyots are busy tormenting Kambwili, Edgar and Catholic Bishop of Lusaka… I wish you death upon you this week.

    • Yes because all politicians are half-baked we can end up with another clueless archaic fool like SP leader Mmembe in State House. People have been left with trash so they are trying to pick something from what is available.
      I have previously stated my astonishment at why clever people like John Sangwa and Sishuwa Sishuwa do not raise their hands for State House. They are leaving the country to rot. The lessons we have learnt so far are that accidental Presidents like Lungu are Chimbwi no plans.
      Equally planless are persistent knockers on the door like HH who only want to satisfy their egos. Perhaps we need to look at who is coming from an organised background

  2. So sad that justice is often not available to those with no money. Worst still, the police appear to be more concerned about “what’s in it for me”. Cry my beloved Zamunda.

  3. Pressure from the media and the public, even the police should REQUIRE that the men and their wives meet the boy and his family to discuss the event and the repercussions on the boy’s future — restorative justice is what I’ve heard this process called.

  4. Imagine an African doing that to an Indian in India. He would rot in jail without trial.. and Indian jails are not like the Pamodzi hotel.
    Why would the police drop the case? I’m disappointed with the HRC for not taking interest in such serious issue. ..or they waiting for permission from the appointing authority?

    • Zambia Police doesnt exist. What exists is UPND Police. Previously there was PF Police. Next? Uka Police?

    • For once Deja Vu you have spoke the truth. The Human Rights Commision should take an interest and have this asian man prosecuted. Does this Indian woman understand the criminality of what her husband did? Let be picked up and bundled like a common thief since he is too important and speak to this woman. Any attempts to bribe or seem compensation should be done within the damages specific and General of the law. Dont we have injury lawyers in Zambia who should be fight over themselves to get justice for this woman and her son? The nerve and arrogance of this Asian family. What an insult to Zambians in general. Next you will hear they have run away from justice in Zambia.

  5. The mealie meal that had been offered as compensation depicts the standards that our leaders have set. Agarwal got back KCM that has assets worth billions of dollars through a $100,000 donation. Fish begins to rot from the head.

    • Whether you like it or not KCM belonged to Vedanta. You do not even have a fraction of the money that you would have paid in compensation if the court case had proceeded. You still owe LapGreen for grabbing ZamTel.

  6. This is low our leaders subject their citizens..if our govts in Africa put their pipo first all this would not be happening

    • So sending the agrieved party back home is not a racist disregard for the injured son’s mother? Sometimes tikki think about the comments you make before writting them.
      That is an arrogance that is beyond reproach amd the asian person needs to be picked up by the police and charged. Lets see what the law says about the injured person and their rights under the law.

    • Fresher you are making assumptions amd that is just speculation.
      Lets base our statements and opinions based on facts. And the limited facts we have is what is reported in the article….not assumptions

  7. Vicarious liability according to law of Delict, he should be charged either for negliegence- the forseeability of harm and he ignored it or for attempted murder

  8. -Unleashing dogs on a boy for an alleged theft attempt, even if it were to be true, leading to severe injuries is a harsh and disproportionate response.
    -Offering only a bag of mealie meal as compensation for such serious injuries can be seen as dismissive and devaluing the boy’s well-being.
    -Raises questions about justice, legality, and human rights in handling suspected crime, putting to question the process, law enforcement and human rights organisations.
    -Potentially reflects and aggravates underlying racial and socioeconomic dynamics in Zambia, especially between local citizens and foreign business owners.

    • It does look like the police may have been bribed. That is why we need a free press. Which can dig up what authorities are trying to bury. DeadNBC and Daily Mail are not the kind of mail a democracy needs

    We do not know the circumstances in which the boy came into contact with the canines, but he may have trespassed. However, any canine that has tasted human blood must be put down because it will not stop at that. One day, even the owner will be a victim.

    • This is what happens when you dont teach kids that you can not enter people’s homes with disegard. Rights are not ultimate. Dogs unlike humans are linear in thought and training. What was a 14yr old so close to the car to begin with? Now the liability or basis of their claim is limited?
      The mother should also be charged with child negelect. This are the kind of parents that allow their children to be misfits and now the child is disfigured.

    • Workers are not an effective deterant to criminal. Small? This is a person acustomed to taking what is not theirs. Stop justifying criminality

  10. Oh my goodness.This is very sad and traumatic for that little boy.What kind of life will he lead without arms.His life has been ruined.firstly why do we allow vicious dogs to be kept in Zambia .some breeds should be banned .Dogs that can maul lik that should not be kept for domestic use.We might as well be allowed to keep lions in our backyards.secondly why did the police delay in arresting the Indian man.They are quick to mobilise to stop opposition parties from holding rallies but when we really need them like now they are nowheer to be seen.thirdly, an /ngo or government should really help that poor boy.The mental anguish he must be facing not to mention physical pain is horrendous

    • @Deja vu …..Again generalising amd making unsubstainated statements. Do you even know if the Police were involved or the matter reported to the Police?
      Do you know where this act occurred?
      Lets be rational and objective in our contribution and not swayed by the love of innuendo. Why are you bringing Masumba into this? That is so malicious and uncalled for.
      Stop being political in your discourse. What to be a Politican go form a party and I doubt you will have a following given the outburst….is this how low you can stoop?

  11. One big problem we have in Zambia is that we are very superficial because of our poor education. Has this reporter confirmed that the dog-owner is INDIAN? She has just concluded because he looks like those in India he must be Indian. Xenophobia and racism at work. For other Zambians its because the people who define things for them, the Western media is not there to clear issues for them.

    • How come Zambian media dont identify Donald Trump as a German businessman? His parents were immigrants originally from Europe. Footballers like Thierry Henry and Saka are identified as English or French. But they look African.

  12. Those indans, they maybe Pakistani should be made to compensate the widow handsomely, there Zambian nationality investigated and sent to chimbokaila.
    If they bride, take the money and still jail then

  13. Fresher Waku Ma Ruins is a brain dead short sighted, slow thinking brute. What is so superficial about being mauled by vicious dogs. The boy is disfigured for life, and that is a fact. It has nothing to do with poor education. The dog or dogs did not attack this boy because he was illiterate. The owner of the Dog/Dogs knew that his dogs were vicious and dangerous. He should have kept them on a leash, period. It is about time all the cheap, no good Zambian politicians are taken to task. It is about time these politicians came to the aid of this young boy.The owner of the dogs should shoulder all the resposibilty of making sure that the medical bills, everyday care and lost future earnings of the young boy are calculated as part of the compensation backage.

    • You confirm Fresher’s assertion that you are superficially educated. Can’t you see his separate points? You don’t have the capacity to walk and chew gum simultaneously?

  14. Mwenye has no regard for a black person and only him as a tool period. We have done very bad for ourselves that it is now mwenye anikonde. Such a crime should not be tolerated or even left to fade away. It is such a pity that the most vulnareble and poor Zambians have nobody to protect them or even stand up for them. What is nsamia doing with vicious dogs in Misisi? These people are slowly moving even in the ghettos displacing the locals like they have done in Madras and Kamwala. People do not want to accept it but these people are a nuisance everywhere and should be treated with a lot of caution.

  15. @Deja vu …..Again generalising amd making unsubstainated statements. Do you even know if the Police were involved or the matter reported to the Police?
    Do you know where this act occurred?
    Lets be rational and objective in our contribution and not swayed by the love of innuendo. Why are you bringing Masumba into this? That is so malicious and uncalled for.
    Stop being political in your discourse. What to be a Politican go form a party and I doubt you will have a following given the outburst….is this how low you can stoop?

  16. I’m appalled and disguested if what i’m reading is true, however the person who droped the case of such magintude should be questioned i feel, there is more to this!! indians are the most corrupt ppl and they like playing smart in everything they do no wonder you see them residing on one area by themselves!! that is disrepectful to family “mealie meal” for that human damage!! jokers


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