Saturday, March 15, 2025

Socialist Party Promises a People Driven Agenda


Socialist Party (S.P) member of the central committee Reagan Kashinga has declared that the party is spearheading a people driven agenda aimed at making Zambia a better nation 60 years after independence.

Mr. Kashinga, who is also SP Copperbelt Spokesperson, said the people of Zambia are resolved to vote out the UPND regime and bring in a leadership that will promote the common good.

He noted that capitalists in the UPND Government have betrayed the forefathers by putting national and natural resources in the hands of the foreigners who were chased at Independence.

Mr. Kashinga charged that President Hakainde Hichilema’s love for foreigners and rich people at the expense of the majority suffering Zambians is alarming.

“As Socialist Party (SP) in the Copperbelt Province, we hereby thank our able members for turning out in huge numbers during our party mobilisation event held during the Independence Weekend in Mufulira District of the Copperbelt Province.The ever growing numbers of Sociality Party members, leaders and structures on the Copperbelt and beyond shows the growth of the party led by our President in the name of Comrade Dr. Fred M’membe,” he said.

“The efforts of the people pushing on the ground in wanting to change the government for a better Zambia cannot be ignored. We told our people in Mufulira that victory is certain in the near future as it is dark before dawn. We wish to state that Socialist Party is not for cowards. This is a people centred unstoppable revolution that will never be extinguished. There is no looking back for the Socialists,” Mr. Kashinga said.

He said SP is determined to spearhead economic freedom in Zambia.

“We want to steer economic freedom for Mother Zambia. As revolutionists we are championing economic freedom today, tomorrow and forever for Zambia. These capitalists led by Mr. Hakainde Hichilema have failed the nation. Capitalists have betrayed our forefathers by putting our national and natural resources in the hands of the foreigners whom we chased to gain independence. We must regain control of our natural resources unlike what we are witnessing today with the UPND under the watch of HH. Mr. Hichilema’s love for foreigners and rich people at the expense of the majority suffering Zambians is alarming. Mr. Hichilema would rather spend more time at his rich friend’s farms as opposed to ensuring that our suffering small scale farmers have adequate inputs and on time,” Mr. Kashinga said.

He also decried the caliber of some cabinet ministers in the New Dawn Government.

“The system is paralyzed by the UPND government and nothing is working well. Agriculture is dead, Health is nothing to talk about, Education the quality is compromised and Mining is for foreigners. In short, all ministries are dead. Honestly speaking, how can you have a minister like Paul Kabuswe, Reuben Phiri or Masebo and you expect things to move, surely? This is a regime of corrupt individuals enriching themselves as voters suffer.These are issues we have to sort out as economic freedom fighters and we shall not just sit in our comfort zone to watch these looters strip our country. The Socialist Party is here to stay,” Mr. Kashinga conclude.


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  1. I AM NOT SPEAKING FOR THE ZAMBIAN PEOPLE BECAUSE I AM BUSY WITH GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS – PILATO. By ZambianObserver News…. That’s what happens when you sell your soul to the …..

  2. I am sure PILTAO must be working very hard transforming pipo’s lives just like hh is doing you know…LOL!!!!

  3. It is fitting that this socialist rally was in Mufulira where the copper mine and smelter was sold by Hichilema without due process to a faceless entity in United Arab Emirates with zero experience in mining and smelting. We colonialists in Britain used to rob you – now you rob yourselves. I grieve for you. We have poor government all round the world – when all we need is people of morality to fight not for themselves but the common good!

    • Anthony you have just increased your taxes in that England of yours. Do you see us sticking our noises in your country? Inflation blights you as much as it does here. Debt is our other problem.
      I wont pretent to understand English law, but understand that the Mopani transaction was above board, contrary to your unfound and noisey suggestions otherwise the Government would have been sued.

    • So before to fail to deal with your immigration problem stop meddling in ours. Want to speak about Zambia? Admittedly we rely on your “donor support” to balance budget and finance our education/health sector. Sadly,we are in this position cause of the pillage of your colonial forefathers. Just last week we reminded you of reperation that is owed to us as former colonies. We have not forgotten the laurals that live off and snigger down at us. Lest you forget… before being critical get your facts right.

    • You want to speak of the Middle easterns and Indians? You forget they now OWN much of your country….the irony that you look down at them and us, without taking stock of facts again. Selling to them we dealt with OUR debt problem, a way of solving our problems as we realise that we are a burden to the British Public. The least you can do is give us that much credit instead of insulting us….

  4. Socialist party to champion a people driven agenda, how can this family party achieve that agenda. Conceed its capitalism turned into socialism by Fred Membe.

    • 1000% spot on @MundaDekane…they just talk about the “people” and yet do nothing but line their own pockets. A bunch of failures at real issues in life but want to be “ruling class” as a means of attainment

  5. Zambia had a socialist government during the UNIP / KK administration — what Reagan Kashinga is calling “our forefathers.” The “people” suffered miserably then. Where in the world has socialism / communism worked to the benefit of the majority of citizens? We continue to advocate for a system that belongs to the archives!

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