Saturday, March 15, 2025

UPND and MMD Forge Alliance to Promote Peace and Development for Zambia


UPND and MMD Forge Alliance to Promote Peace and Development for Zambia

In a pivotal move toward unity and national development, the United Party for National Development (UPND) and the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) have officially entered into an alliance, aiming to foster peace, stability, and economic growth across Zambia. The alliance was solidified today at the National Party Headquarters, where President Hakainde Hichilema and MMD leader Nevers Sekwila Mumba signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The agreement underscores the shared commitment of both parties to advance Zambia’s social and economic progress while prioritizing national unity.

Addressing members from both parties, President Hichilema emphasized the essential role that peace and unity play in national development, urging Zambians to honor the legacy of Zambia’s first president, Kenneth Kaunda, who championed these values. “There is no option for peace, neither is there an alternative,” said President Hichilema. “When you lose peace, you lose stability. Let us walk KK’s path of unity.”

In signing the MoU, President Hichilema and Dr. Mumba committed their parties to a united front dedicated to overcoming the economic and social challenges that Zambia faces. The UPND-MMD alliance will reinforce the ruling party’s position, while signaling its inclusive approach to governance and its determination to build a prosperous future for the country. President Hichilema expressed gratitude for the MMD’s support, particularly for their resilience in standing with UPND amid criticism and opposition. “I am aware of the mockery you have endured for supporting us. Some have left, but you have remained. Thank you for your resilience,” he said, recognizing the solidarity of MMD members through political adversity.

The alliance between UPND and MMD brings together two parties that have committed themselves to prioritizing the welfare of Zambians, with a focus on social and economic emancipation. One of the key tenets of their collaboration is a dedication to steering clear of “revenge politics”  a practice both leaders denounced as detrimental to unity and progress. President Hichilema reiterated his party’s commitment to moving beyond grudges, emphasizing that there will be no room for divisive politics in their shared vision for Zambia. This stance seeks to create an environment where reconciliation and cooperation are the basis of political engagement, as opposed to the bitterness and division that have sometimes marred Zambia’s political landscape.

Dr. Mumba, a longtime advocate for peaceful political discourse, used the platform to caution against the dangerous influence of hate speech, tribalism, and regionalism, all of which he criticized as tactics that divide rather than unite. His remarks struck a powerful chord as he highlighted how falsehoods and allegations, which he described as “demonic,” have been weaponized against President Hichilema. “If we did not have a focused President, Zambia would not have made progress. I am surprised at how tough President HH is. Some of the lies said against him are demonic, yet he has remained quiet and is facing challenges head-on,” Dr. Mumba said, noting the resilience with which Hichilema has managed to lead despite facing adversity.

Drawing attention to the previous Patriotic Front (PF) administration, Dr. Mumba called on the party to abandon its rhetoric on democracy, reminding Zambians that during the PF’s time in power, the nation saw the troubling influence of cadres in both public and private sectors, including trading areas. This criticism underscored the alliance’s commitment to a new era of governance, one marked by accountability, transparency, and inclusivity. Dr. Mumba praised President Hichilema’s leadership in times of national crisis, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, cholera outbreaks, and droughts, all of which presented formidable challenges. He noted that these events demonstrated the President’s capacity to lead Zambia through hardship and maintain a course toward economic transformation.

In a significant gesture of solidarity, Dr. Mumba pledged not to pursue the presidency in the 2026 elections and instead to fully support President Hichilema. This decision, which represents a departure from the often fractious nature of Zambian political rivalries, underscores the depth of commitment both leaders have toward building a sustainable future for Zambia. By consolidating their efforts, the UPND and MMD have sent a clear message to Zambians that their alliance is rooted in a shared vision, one that goes beyond individual ambitions and instead prioritizes the greater good.

The formation of the UPND-MMD alliance offers a unique opportunity for Zambia to address its challenges with a unified approach, driven by two parties that recognize the value of collaboration. As Zambia moves forward, the alliance is set to reinforce the government’s resolve to tackle economic issues, from unemployment to inflation, while also aiming to uplift Zambians through social initiatives.

As the UPND and MMD join forces, they remind Zambians of the words of Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia’s first president, who championed unity as the cornerstone of a successful nation. The alliance between UPND and MMD is not merely a political strategy but a reaffirmation of a commitment to Zambia’s prosperity, where peace, stability, and progress remain at the forefront. The combined leadership of President Hichilema and Dr. Mumba represents a hopeful future for Zambians, one in which unity and development are the guiding principles.

As they embark on this path together, the UPND and MMD leaders are hopeful that their alliance will strengthen Zambia, inspiring the nation to work collectively toward a brighter, more prosperous future.

Mumba Chilambwe – Source UPND media Team


    • the UPND forged alliance with MMD is a breath of fresh air in Zambian politics, Bringing in seasoned political veterans from the MMD not only enhances governance with their vast experience but also sends a strong message of unity and collaboration, This strategic alliance is poised to foster peace,stability and a renewed focus on development by bridging the political divide for the greater good of our country

    • Ba Bernard is politics a profession? These are just washed up people with the same old tired and failed ideas who just want to live off the public purse.
      The kids need opportunity. What purpose will these useless people do for Zambia? When did MMD last hold a convention? Just Neverous Mumba left a bad taste in the mouths of Zambians with his over zealous mouth in Congo when he was VP. Let Mumba stand down as MMD president. Like other VPs he will be called on from time to time. There is Malimba Masheke, he served us well who calls him in his retirement? If its done. Its done discretely. MMD is dead and finished. Lets not seek utility in things that dont add value to Zambians.

  1. What a sellout this Nevas Mumba is! I have avoided ever commenting about him in all my posts on LT but this bootlicking I cant stand. I thought the MMD would have some part to play in Zedian politics but now I can see The hour has entered the cemetery grounds to join UNIP, ANC, UPP and the likes. Now I cant ignore what I heard Kalaba complaining about. That

    • the special envoy appointments by HH favoured Mumba. Kalaba asked:
      “If Mumba and Kavindele are special envoys and earning 80 percent of an incumbent Vice President’s salary, should they be in active politics?
      Kalaba asked why Mumba was being afforded near ‘stately’ treatment when he was still president of the MMD.

    • He observed that Mumba was getting Vice President’s benefits masked as special envoy when he is still active in politics.
      Openly buying off ba Pastor using government finances is theft by public servant. Just as Mrs Esther Lungu has been charged for this, Mumba and HH should also be charged.

    • The Zambian Constitution does not specifically prevent former vice presidents from engaging in politics after leaving office. but the rule on diplomatic positions typically call for neutrality to uphold the integrity of Zambias foreign policy initiatives, Nerves mumba being an envoy makes this whole merge not right I agree with you on this one

    • @loveness, do you know that Zambia has no legal restrictions on former vice presidents holding both political roles and diplomatic appointments and as a special envoy Mumba can leverage his political insights to enhance Zambias international relations without necessarily compromising neutrality His engagement is likely intended to draw on his expertise and networks for Zambias benefit,reflecting a broader commitment to unity and progress under President Hichilemas administration

    • bernard if you read and understand what I said, I know the constitution is silent on the pact of active politics for vice presidents that’s why I brought up the issue of diplomatic neutrality you cannot be representing a country and have a strong political affiliation

  2. While the recent alliance between the UPND and MMD may be framed as a step toward fostering peace and development in Zambia, it’s crucial to critically assess the implications of such a partnership. Firstly, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) does not necessarily translate into actionable policies or real change for the Zambian populace, particularly in the context of rampant unemployment and economic uncertainty.

  3. Both parties have a history that raises questions about their commitment to truly addressing the root causes of the socio-economic challenges facing our nation. Instead of galvanizing the populace towards constructive action, they seem to perpetuate a culture of fear and dependency on political maneuvering, rather than empowering citizens to seek sustainable solutions.

  4. The narrative that peace and unity can be achieved through political alliances overlooks the pressing need for genuine economic reform and job creation. The Zambian people deserve leaders who not only understand the wealth of our nation but also have the courage to implement policies that will unlock that wealth for all citizens, rather than merely engaging in political theater.

    • One of the challenges I sometime see is this presumption that if a president attends one event that doesn’t directly have anything to do with the economy then issues relating to economic growth are being neglected. It seems a number of people don’t seem to see that multiple things can be done at the same time in a synergistic manner a la the simplistic saying “walking and chewing gum at the same time”. The other day the president was meeting investors of one of our largest mines and following up on commitments made on investment and CSR. That in itself did not entail that the “politics” was being neglected.

  5. Moreover, the historical context of both UPND and MMD suggests that stepping aside might be a more prudent path for them. It is time for new voices and visions to emerge—ones that prioritize the aspirations of ordinary Zambians over political expediency. In this critical moment, we must advocate for a political landscape that nurtures competition and innovation, rather than alliances that may ultimately serve to entrench existing power dynamics.

    • Exactly. We are tired of the same recycled ideas. Some of the people dont add value even from their professional background to the woes and issues that affect the country so why even waste time surrounding yourself with such characters? MMD is finished and its leaders have never added value to the party to win elections. Why waste time?

  6. Judas Iscariot Mumba the vendor of souls. Hichilema also lacks integrity. Nervers Mumba’s legal mandate as MMD President lapsed in 2021. You can’t be an MMD President for more than 2 five year terms. It’s against their constitution. Nervers was first elected in 2011 and has resisted any elective national convention since. He’s a shameless scrounger of a pastor. We don’t expect our President to fraternize with a character but that’s happening because both lack integrity

  7. Finally he’s managed to completely bury the MMD.
    Upnd must remember the story of the Washerman and the Camel. If they are not careful he will take over this party and destroy it as he’s done with previous parties he’s lead….

  8. I have said this about this man Mumba, his wife apparently is a slay queen who keeps him busy sinking this low

  9. This man NEVERS was supposed to be the voice of God over Zambia, but chose this way, how the mighty fall indeed. A bootlicker really while pipo lament of hardship in Zambia?

  10. Ba Mumba was supposed to be the voice of God over Zambia, but chose this way, how the mighty crash indeed. Kwena nshamonako ine

    • Kwena I respected him a lot when he led Zambia shall be saved. I thought he was a genuine servant of the lord but now I see he was just assessing if he had a following that he could use in his political ambitions.
      As crafty as Fred Mmembe who for some time cheated Zambians that he was a journalist. Then when he saw his staff being appointed in political positions he revealed his true colors of politician.

  11. Ba Mumba, a bootlicker really while pipo lament of hardship in Zambia? Kwena where is his discernment to encorde the future which is doom for hh & his dead upnd?

  12. The MMD is not almost dead but is completely dead. The UPND MMD alliance is a psychological alliance as evidently one party does not exist. If MMD existed, it was going to be participating in bye elections. Even for the MMD president to say he won’t stand as President in 2026 is wise reading of the ground because where will votes for him come from.

  13. First it was Wynter Kabimba joining forces to fight corruption now it’s Nevers Mumba who is running a dead party but looking for survival in this hard economy.My country Zambia needs serious prayers.What has gone wrong with Bally will fix it ,has he run out of ideas how to fill up Kariba dam?

  14. This is what hunger can do…Politics of the belly….and now appoint half if MMD bandits in top government positions and Diplomatic missions…..truely leopards changing spots or just chameleons….Nevers Mumba knows that he can’t win even if he stands as a ward councilor..the Man is the most useless Pompwe Politician in Zambia and this shows that HH is desperate and afraid of PF and Edgar

  15. Bally will fix it!!! LOL, he is fixing the nation to the ground, by the time he finishes we the nation it will be ground zero. Zanu izo

    • Attracting new business deals inviting investors
      yet ZESCO still a couple of years away from supplying our current needs
      let alone new ones

  16. What is true is that Zambians spend too much time politicking and not working………

    They take politics and political court cases to another level , not seen even in the owners of democracy……….

    It’s become a clown show to watch………


    Foreigners are getting rich, while Zambians are busy occupied by the clown shows that is Zambian politics and court cases……..

    Forwadee 2031

    • A clown show indeed Why because our/your President is a businessman with few presidential qualities
      I too say forwardee 2031 If HH goes to Finance/ bank of Zambia and a new leader is selected !!!

  17. @ Spaka
    Indians and Chinese are busy getting rich while Zambians spend most of their time discussing Politics and court cases…..any discussion about Politics and other useless things you will see thousand comments but any topic about national development or planting trees and keeping our surroundings will only see three comments

    • Why have you left out Loadshedding ??
      It is getting worse central and Eastern
      One should understand whilst prices go up they may never come down as greed is foremost

    • tikki

      Load shedding………not much any one canna do about low water levels……….

      Except hope for more investments in solar energy

      Forwardee 2031……

    • Anonymous

      That is why I pray for a leader like kigame one day to rule zambia……….

      Shove this so called absolute democracy where people are spending all their time insulting, suing , arguing about the constitution, getting locked up for insulting………..

      for development and advancement of the country……….

  18. So in short MMD is now officially back in power….the party that Zambians keep on rejecting….they didn’t call HH an under 5 Politician for nothing…this is what they meant….now the Government Payroll will be double because he has to create positions for all MMD Bandits…Nevers Mumba is already on Government payroll now all his followers will be on Government payroll

  19. Great development.
    The UPND can now tap into the MMD party for potential MP candidates in Northern and Luapula provinces.
    for instance Elizabeth K. Chitika was former MP for Kawambwa Constituency where UPND recently won a by-election
    Dr Nevers Mumba can easily fit into the UPND cabinet as a nominated MP.

    • Who tells you that MMD is a Bemba party? Just because you UPND represent one tribe doesnt mean all other parties in Zambia do. MMD is a pure Urban party created in Lusaka and the Copperbelt. Its interim president was a Lozi before a Luba took over then a Lenje/Lamba. A Ngoni led it later but because you villagers are used to tribalising issues you are trying to tribalise all opposition.

  20. At the next General election in 2026, the next move should be to dissolve UPND, MMD, and other alliance parties and form a new party called United National Party for Democracy and Development. Nevers should be the VP running mate and Nalumango to chair the new party. Every party with the words, ‘united,’ ‘democracy’ and development in the name should be invited to join. Then Patriots can unite with Patriotic Front. Socialists can go whistle in the wind.

  21. Soon this fake pastor will convince people that he started MMD. How this clown has hang on to a party he single handedly destroyed is beyond me. This man should be saving time in jail.

  22. Nevers Mumba, was a famous clergy, when he saw that he could make more money in politics he formed the NCC. However, the NCC could not compete on a political scene for obvious reasons( politics and pulpit are two different things). So Mumba collapsed the NCC to join MMD. He later became its vice president, but was fired for obvious reasons. Mumba has since held the position of MMD president and managed it through the laptop. The last election saw Nevers get zero votes indicating that he had no membership. So the man who collapses political parties will soon collapse the Dying UPND.

  23. How many members, MPs , councilors does MMD have? And is this the Nevers Mumba led MMD or Felix Mutati one. And wasn’t Nakachinda also part of MMD?

  24. This is a very clever move for everyone in MMD which was dying an anonymous death……….

    Atleast now MMD wil be can be seen and heard…….

    Forwadee 2031…..

  25. What Nevers Mumba has done is simply auctioning MMD to UPND….the Man abandoned his own church and he auctioned his party….

  26. We are witnessing a trail of political destructions that has run through NCC, MMD and now about to engulf UPND. We wonder whether UPND has a credible intelligentsia within the ranks of its ‘think-tank’ able to assess dynamics of national political environments. Or, has UPND attained its apex of desperation by grasping to a flimsy floating straw as it drowns in a political stormy sea? Starving Mumba has actually joined the UPND Alliance as an individual. Otherwise, Zambians can see light at the end of the tunnel triggered by reassuring events emanating from recent elections in Botswana.

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