Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tonse Alliance is just a Treacherous Coalition to Betray Zambia’s Future


Tonse Alliance is just a Treacherous Coalition to Betray Zambia’s Future

By Magret Mwanza

No matter how well you disguise a hyena, even in the finest sheep’s clothing, its true nature will always emerge at the faintest whiff of blood. This analogy is fitting for the so-called Tonse Alliance, a coalition of greed and treachery that seeks to reverse Zambia’s progress and reintroduce a culture of impunity.

With figures like Edgar Lungu, Sean Tembo, and Danny Pule at its core, the alliance is nothing more than a desperate attempt to grab political power an attempt stained by their well-known agendas and histories of self-serving deals, corruption, and a flagrant disregard for Zambians’ well-being.

The leaders of the alliance ranging from the notorious PF under Edgar Lungu to new recruits from minor parties like the Patriots for Economic Progress, the Christian Democratic Party, and the Zambia Republican Party are not motivated by patriotism. Their mission is clear: to return to the halls of power, not to serve the people, but to secure wealth and protect themselves from scrutiny.

Lungu’s presidency, particularly left Zambia with deep scars. Under his watch, corruption flourished, public resources were drained, and shady deals were struck with international figures who posed more of a threat than a benefit to Zambia’s economic independence.

Lungu’s own legacy is tainted with so many unresolved scandals and questionable alliances that any return would spell disaster for Zambia’s fragile democracy. His association with Alexander Zingman, a Belarusian businessman tied to shadowy transactions with Russian arms dealers, exposed Zambia to foreign interests with zero regard for its stability or sovereignty. Zingman’s reported dealings with African countries were marked by under-the-table agreements that served the interests of oligarchs, not of African citizens.

The former president’s dealings with such figures showed how easily he was willing to compromise Zambia’s autonomy for his personal gain.

During Lungu’s presidency, Zambia saw an unparalleled surge in debt accumulation, borrowing recklessly without any clear plan to repay or invest in viable development. This alliance has not even tried to mask its intention to revert to the same careless spending and looting practices that left the nation struggling to make ends meet.

If they regain power, they will again auction our nation’s assets to the highest bidder, disregarding the impacts on future generations. Let us not be fooled by the front these leaders put up. This alliance is not about uniting Zambia or addressing its current challenges. It’s about Lungu and his associates desperately trying to shield themselves from accountability.

They are gathering under the banner of the Tonse Alliance to protect the wealth and privileges they amassed during their time in power. Their disdain for transparency and accountability has not changed, and their return to the political scene would be nothing short of a national betrayal.

No Zambian who values our sovereignty, who has witnessed the pain and struggle of rebuilding after the PF era, should welcome this alliance with open arms. The truth is, even the harshest critics of the current administration cannot, in good conscience, deny the corruption and degradation that flourished under Lungu’s reign.

Zambia does not need another term of government run by leaders who serve foreign interests, fueled by a desire for revenge, impunity, and wealth accumulation.

The members of the Tonse Alliance, including the Patriots for Economic Progress, the Christian Democratic Party, Zambia Republican Party, the Lungu-led Patriotic Front, and a host of minor parties, pretend to stand united, but not for Zambia’s benefit. They are united by a desire to escape justice, to plunder Zambia once again, and to reverse the gains we have painfully made. This alliance is, at its core, a treacherous coalition, a gathering of political predators eager to once again feast on Zambia’s resources.

We must call upon Zambians to reject this deceitful alliance and demand leadership that prioritizes the nation’s interests over personal vendettas. Zambia’s future is too precious to be handed over to a cabal that views it merely as a source of wealth to be looted and sold off. We must remember the past, recognize the true motivations of these leaders, and fight to keep our country free from those who would betray it without a second thought.

Let us stand firm, let us stand united, and let us ensure that the Tonse Alliance’s greed and betrayal never find a foothold in Zambia again.


  1. How about just ignoring Lungu? He is not a factor and you’re just elevating him by incessantly talking about him. You’re actually campaigning for him!

  2. Someone could even foolishly pronounce the recruitment of the Mwata Kazembe to be a cadre of Tonse party. Please leave our great leader out of your isms and nosense

  3. Some Zambian analysts! How and why the heck would one want to “disguise a hyena?”
    Who has ever ventured to disguise Mr Hyena or even the less harmful Zebra?
    Sure you go all the way to disguise it “.. even in the finest sheep’s clothing” Awe mwee!

  4. The biggest hyena is the one that wants to choose opponents. Our democracy entails that whoever is eligible and desires to contest elections must be allowed. But it seems the hyena doesn’t want to be challenged. It doesn’t matter whether you have or you haven’t performed, as long as it’s a democratic election you’ll be challenged and Zambian voters shall decide whom they want. We know what we want, just do your job and be at peace

  5. We must really be scared of our own shadow these days as we giving so much time to ECL
    The fact is crime is not a stigma in zambia and our memories fade in weeks when it comes to politics
    Some are going to be shocked when 2026 comes around I’m not saying he will win but certainly put a big dent in UPND fan base
    Look at Zacob Zuma ??

  6. How is the alliance betraying Zambia. You want HH not to have a strong opponent? Come on this the Super League….if you are weak you are relegated to division one. If the people want HH they extend his tenure…if they don’t want him, they replace him with someone else.

  7. Zambians are easily swayed, the author is NOT stopping the Alliance, and I don’t think the “Hyena” is scared or doesn’t want to be challenged, as they want you to believe. This article is about educating the gullible Zambians, those who believe they will be better off with ECL. The author is just highlighting what we all know, because ECL himself has said it, he is coming back to SAVE HIS FAMILY !!! He did not say to SAVE ZAMBIANS !!!
    The same ECL has NOT said how he intends to reduce the cost of living…..But guess what !, he is quick to mention that he will finish building the Church. That is what he knows best……spending…
    The concerned LEADER would address the cost of living that you are blaming UPND, but instead he talking about building churches…..what??

    • ECL cannot drop the prices but HH can just like passed GRZ’S They will clean out NAPSA, TRAFFIC, ZRA, NHI, and Bank of Zambia towards end of 2025

    • Nicely put, when the gullible hear about the church, they will cry messiah!!! and ecl knows this because his fan’s dance to songs like ‘Nalitumpa ine’

    • @general Kanene, I feel your pain. There is a certain type of citizen that endorses ECL and Pf. Stop wasting your time on these one celled parasites. 2026 is coming and they will be in more pain. They got used to handouts – instead of working. Never again.

    • @general Kanene, I feel your pain. Stop wasting your time on these one celled parasites. 2026 is coming and they will be in more pain. They got used to handouts – instead of working. Never again.

  8. There is everything and every opportunity for any alliance well aligned to be victorious and takeover from upnd

    Currently the voters approval for the current sitting is stick at 42% comparable to the nest possible combinations of alliances in these political parties

    However the choice of the presidential will simply add more voters for the opposition alliance in central western copperbelt southern and part of western going into the 2026 That alliance candidate must not have so much difficulties to be explained to people in terms of track record

    An election strategy on selection and placement of candidates also critical

    • It’s premature to make conclusions. Once the rainy season begins and load shedding subsides, we can revisit the poll for a more accurate reflection. Unfortunately, there’s often a tendency for immediate gratification, and a lack of focus on the bigger picture and understanding of cause and effect.

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