Thursday, March 6, 2025

President Hichilema Applauds Launch of Oxford Handbook on Zambia’s Economy, Calls for Economic Growth through Productivity


President Hakainde Hichilema joined the Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) to celebrate the launch of the Oxford Handbook of the Zambian Economy, a groundbreaking publication providing an in-depth analysis of Zambia’s economic landscape. The President expressed gratitude to the authors and editors for their work, noting the book’s potential to serve as a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners committed to Zambia’s economic progress.

During his remarks, President Hichilema underscored the importance of fostering a positive mindset among Zambians, encouraging citizens to embrace hard work as a foundation for sustainable development. “Our people’s commitment to productivity and diligence will be central to driving economic growth in all sectors,” he stated.

The President also outlined his administration’s priorities following Zambia’s recent debt restructuring, stressing a renewed focus on increasing productivity across key sectors. He emphasized that prudent resource management remains essential to achieving economic growth and improving citizens’ quality of life.

The launch of the Oxford Handbook of the Zambian Economy is expected to enhance understanding of Zambia’s economic challenges and opportunities, equipping stakeholders with the insights needed to contribute to the nation’s development.


  1. This man talks very well about the economy but delivers nothing. The economy we want and what he promised was fuel at k7, mealie meal at k50, fertilizer at k250, no loadshedding. What he has done is renovate his has house at the expense of Zambians and increased the cost of living, borrowed more than PF and continued selling mines.

    • @kci, the only sensible things you’ve mentioned are loadshedding and increasing cost of living. He promised heaven for the two, but has failed to deliver even purgatory! With no solutions in sight especially for crippling blackouts, there can never be any economy to talk about. Even net-metering is all talk and remains a bridge-too-far, yaaba.

    • Listening to the Bank Of Zambia Governor Kalyalya ………its is clear that the economy is in a mess. Kalyalya has increased the cost of borrowing. Meaning less money available to investors who will be scared of borrowing. Meaning reduced capacity for production of goods and services.

    • I lost my job and there was no hope for me. I suffered looking for a job and luckily I came across Mr Bernie Doran on a review about Forex, NFT, Binary, and Crypto trade. I borrowed $1000 from a colleague to invest with his trade platform , thank goodness I made a profit of $12,000 on the first week, reinvested 5000, and withdrew the remaining balance directly to my bank account. I was able to pay my friend, and convinced her to invest as well. I’m very grateful to him for helping me
      manage my trading account. I will advise all of you who want recover your lost funds and to invest for the future and a better tomorrow should start with Mr Bernie Doran, he has the best signals and strategies on the trade market
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  2. Who’s the author of the book? The mention of Oxford might have excited our man because he’s got an inferiority complex. I’ve not seen him launch books written by locals. Last time he travelled to SA at government cost to launch a book written by his mzungu friend. Most of what he says now don’t make sense

    • Horman Chitonge, Caleb Fundanga, Mundia Kabinga, Vera Songwe

      About $200 for 896 pages, so something for those with a lot of money and spare time kkkk

      Meanwhile how is the economy doing in the non-theoretical space of reality?

  3. The President’s sermons on the economy have devolved into mere drivel. It’s embarrassing to reflect on how easily we were misled by his charlatan routine.

  4. Just to assist blind misi people who are not able to see what development we have received so far from hard work GRZ:
    (1) Lusaka Ndola dual carriage way being done
    (2) Heavy investment in the mines
    (3) Shake road is now dual carriage way
    (4) Chandwe Musonda road done
    (5) Free education is back
    (6) Partial withdraw is now avaialable
    (7) CDF increased a game changer
    (8) More schools and clinic are being done in rural areas with solar
    (9) Debt restructuring done
    Just to mention a few, so Jack compound people see above

    • Just explain to me please Dual Carriage way from 1.2 billion reduced to 650 million
      Are you sure its for bothsides or just the one side ?? And is it true the contractors are getting the toll fees for the next 20 years ? If this contract was signed on behalf of the people of Zambia Why is one not allowed to read it online or atleast get a coupy ???
      CDF is very selective and not available to all
      Free eduction Yes but with the quality given it should be free I would guarantee you if tachers in upper grades were given the same exams as their pupils you will be shocked at the failure
      Investment in the mines is great we hear all these million of $$$$ coming in But what is in it for us ?? Taxes only ?? We dont need the mines Agriculture Forestry and tourism should be first

  5. @ Tikki

    The paper was circulated on the procedure on how the dual carriage way funding was done again you are busy asking the same, please ask someone to read it for you in your own language may you will understand because it’s like when someone says PPP you do not understand it.
    CDF is governed by the laws of Zambia not an individual what is so difficult to understand here bwana Tikki

    • You are certaintly entitled to your opinion and I respect that
      howerer the signed contract is not the same as the paper put out by GRZ
      CDF I’m sure some will support that its riddled with favouritism in most cases
      You mention laws indeed they are there but who adhers to them these days ?

  6. Now I understand , here in Zambia people can only appreciate your work when you are no more even if an angel drops from heaven people will still find time to condemn. If you have a plan whether at family or country level just do your best do not even think of pleasing anyone some people have never known the word appreciation all what they do is to condemn.

    • It appears to have a brain, common sense, and an opinion has now become a crime in zambia
      Most on here appear reasonably comfortable so its not for ourslves we bleet but the less fortunate lower down the ladder

    • Exactly. If they can write a 1000-pahe tome about the economy why not able to perform the requirements in reality

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