Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Former President Edgar Lungu Blames President Hichilema For Power Outage experienced in Zambia and Zimbabwe


The national power blackout we experienced last night is an ultimate manifestation and clear confirmation of how ZESCO, our national utility company, has been driven into complete ruins by the New Doom government.
This once vibrant national power utility is now a shell of itself because the top managers and various competent officers were purged, after the 2021 general elections, on politcal and other grounds I will not name because Mr Hakainde Hichilema will consider them as sedition or hate speech.

Now we are paying, as a country, a bitter price for that unwarranted victimisation of competent and professional officers who knew better how to manage that sensitive national asset.

The New Doom ZESCO management announced on Sunday night that “the country has experienced a power system disturbance … at 20:15 hours, leading to the loss of power supply that affected the whole country.”
Fellow citizens, look at this incompetency from ZESCO endangering the entire country!! Clearly, this is a sheer manifestation of severe mismanagement and gross failure by the outgoing UPND government and its leader, Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

Critical installations such as hospitals were left in darkness accross the country last night. We do not know yet how many lives were lost during that period, particularly those patients that were being propelled by life saving machines.
This kind of recklessness and incompetence is unacceptable. We can’t continue risking people’s lives and businesses.
Zambians should demand accountability and immediate action from Mr Hichilema because he is the one who planted this political and ‘seditious’ seed into ZESCO which has now matured into national power blackouts.

During our time in government as PF, the longest loadshedding period did not exceed 17 hours. It is this period Mr Hichilema described as unbearable and campagined to end once voted into office.
Today, under Mr Hichilema’s watch, most households and businesses are going for more than 48 straight hours and even more in some cases without power supply.
Fellow citizens, help me to see which period is unbearable?
Surely, Zambians cannot continue to subject themselves to a leadership that sees no problem in having delicate facilities such as hospitals and others that directly touch on the wellbeing of our citizens being load-shedded.
At what cost in terms of lost lives and businesses will this government take such matters seriously and act to ensure that the lives and businesses are protected?
I urge Mr Hakainde and his government to prioritize such critical areas in securing 24/7 power supply.
May God bless our country as we all strive to reclaim our national stability.

Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth President of Zambia
Patriotic Front President/
Tonse Alliance Presidential Candidate.


  1. I want whatever this guy is drinking or smoking. You are to blame too for the mess Zambia is in.Don’t forget why we voted you out!

    • True With Kariba low water levels Rationing should have started years ago, maybe 2 hours would have saved us from this ? Same with HH,, he should have looked into this instead of concentrating on investors and traditional ceromonies, new mines and industries sre going to need power we already we short of 1000 mega watts !! The inter connector will now be trouble free

  2. How many black starts occurred during PF when the same competent professionals you claim were in charge? ERB has the records.
    The one good thing is the same professionals that refused to blackout half the country st your request when election results were being announced not in your favour?
    Gone are the days of uniformed zambians. That’s why you are not an option….no 3rd term. Zambians will give someone else a chance if they are done with HH. But till then we shall judge in 2026

  3. During Lingus reign it was common to have a national complete black out. Today he wants to be Champion by telling us lies. HadLungu been President at this critical time , he would be dancing whilst we are be loadehedded with no solution to our challenges. We would have been told to go and Xxxx in Kariba dam if we want Power.

  4. ECL and HH, same difference. This is how HH was jumping at every opportunity to discredit ECL when he was in opposition.

  5. The cost of living is too high. Can we concentrate on sorting out this issue for both the ones in the driving seat and those opposing ,instead of the early campaigns at traditional ceremonies please. It would also be good to reach out to ECL and find out how he managed to keep prices low amidst the debt crisis

    • ECL doesn’t represent a solution, but utter chaos and theft. We just need to start looking past both. God will raise up a competent citizen to lead us into the next chapter!

  6. Am not a fan of HH but I think Lungu should just shut up and go into obliviation….i think we are tired now listening to Lungu….and HH in opposition sounded very smart like he had all the solutions and serious ” connections “….but it turns out HH is just a chola boy for bazungu and also a bandit

  7. As Zambians we know how to sort our problems. When Mr. Edward Lungu as Mu7 called a problem we sorted him out. If HH becomes a problem we do not need ECL to tell us. Who wants to go back to the days of PF cadres and road blocks.

  8. This is a case of decades of no maintainance of critical infrastructure………..

    Maintenance also means predicting future demands and acting………

    Africans don’t do maintenance, it’s not even in our languages……..

    Everything eventually breaks down or becomes inadequate….sewers, buildings , power systems , water systems………..

    Maybe we need to start teaching our children about maintainance

    Forwadee 2031

    • Just take a look at the government buildings that were recently constructed.
      And you see how we expect expatriates to come do maintenance.
      Paint is peeling and cobwebs are part of the ceilings. Fifa recently wanted to cancel a match in our newly built stadium.

  9. @Spaka, 100% spot on. Just beats me how we know to ration that a bag of mealie meal will last us to this day and you are already preparing for that day. That is how we should be doing with everything at every level. They recently had floods in Europe, there were deaths and chaos. But everything is already picking up. How? Because they always have contingency plans in place. Mu Zambia? Never will happen!

  10. I think mambala Jameson Kachasu Lungu niopusa, he is as much to blame for this. As for HH, one is given to wonder, amidst an escalating power crisis, why does he see it proper to continue attending completely useless traditional ceremonies? The levels of cluelessness are wholly gutless!

  11. Let’s play a game. Let’s see who can guess how many more houses ECL will build for his family once he gets back into power.

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