Friday, March 7, 2025

Mozambique unrest affects fuel supply in Zambia


The Energy Regulation Board -ERB- says shortage of fuel in some parts of the country is due to unrest in Mozambique which has forced transporters of petroleum products to choose longer alternative routes.

ERB Director Corporate and Consumer Affairs Mwiika Malindima said that Zimbabwe has also imposed a tax on transporters that are using that country to transport fuel.

Mr Malindima told ZNBC News that the tax in Zimbabwe and other internal issues with dealers are causing the country to experience challenges in availability of fuel.

He also highlighted that the ERB remains committed to supporting measures to mitigate the impact of the drought on power generation by encouraging the use of other alternative sources of energy.



  1. ERB must give us statistics of how much traffic of Mozambique fuel enters Zambia in peace times compared to periods of unrest. Our government never takes responsibility apart from perpetually scapegoating.
    Since 2021, UPND has failed Zambians on fuel procurement and no country has been spared the blame for our incompetence. The monthly fuel price reviews are a huge manace impacting negatively on our lean economy.

    • @My Zambia. I think this fact in its self makes sense. While what you ask is additional information. But to suggest the UPND government do what now? Borders on absurdity. Stop politising a logistic problem.
      Not everything is political neither would the ruling party shoot itself in the foot by raising fuel prices or creating a fuel shortage. Its rather petty of you. Tell us how you as an opposition would do better if elected and stop the mudsligging

  2. We are still waiting for HH’s formula to reduce the price of fuel. When he removing the middle men as promised? But as usual, if it is not PF to blame, it will me Mozambique, DRC, Zimbabwe, Ukraine, Russia. While HH is busy giving tax holidays to the mines, Zimbabwe is taxing us. The first step to solve any problem is to admit there is a problem. The more you keep looking for excuses and burying your heads in the sand, the more the problems persists. Every area you look in the country, there are problems. Mealie meal, fuel, electricity, exchange rate, inflation, mine taxes are all in shambles. UPND should just admit that they have failed and let more competent people free Zambians from all these miseries,

  3. Surprise Surprise !! Next it will be the Power Inter Connector
    and who knows the proposed rail line, This is not being the prophet of doom but the reality of having unstable countries around us for many many years

  4. Where’s the magic to transform everything for better within hours? Maybe reconciling with Mr Seer1 will help. Today I failed to go to the farm because I can’t find petrol.

    • Poor planning…and that farm must have shrivelled maize that you planted after failing to heed to the weather advisory and will now blame HH.

  5. Those are an found excuses just get fuel through Tanzania,the unrest in Mozambique won’t end soon learn to have plan B on such projects you people are you saying you all damn

    • Sam some people are so pathic that they fail to take responisiblity for their actions and daily blame someone else for their own self inflicted problems.

  6. That is why strategic reserves are required to cushion global events and price spikes. Any country that exposes itself to market prices runs a big risk

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