Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Fall Of Syrian Dictator Bashir Al Assad


Today there are celebrations in Syria after the rebels overrun Damscus and bumped off power the tyrant Bashir Al Assad. Assad has been in power for several years and reign has been brutal and barbaric. He ruled Syria like his personal farm and butchered thousands of people including little children and women.

Russia had protected him for several years as he aligned himself with Iran just to help protect himself from the West which fought his autocratic rule for over two decades. Assad is now history as he has been consumed by his own egotistical stupidity and insatiable appetite and thirst for stay in power perpetually against the will of millions of his people. Syria is a wreck of a country with cities lying in debris and once highest buildings lying in ruins.

The fall of the mighty Al-Assad is a huge lesson to power-drunk leaders across the world who have chosen tyranny from democracy as the best way to ruling people. Assad had survived a number of assassination attempts on his life and thought he had become an indispensable paragon of long life rule as a rich tyrant but his own demons have confounded him and eluded him like a defenceless little child crying in the woods. His allies have abandoned him at a time he needed them to rule Syria until death. He has fled Damascus alive and he fears the unknown wherever he has sought sanctuary among his weak and scared allies. He could be fearing his own shadow as his enemies he denied justice and democratic rule are closing in on him. His fortified homes replete with all comforts the money from oil can give could not preserve him in power. The ornate mansions he enjoyed with millions of people suffering poverty and the ravages of war are now like ghost buildings calling for sanity to be restored. “What shall it profit a tyrant to build multiple mega mansions and yet lose his soul, running away from justice which he denied to millions of his people subjected to reign of terror. His brutal and merciless machinery which tortured innocent souls and abused honest people has now reached a dead end. It would take a miracle from Allah, and billions of dollars to be invested in the fight against his enemies for Assad to get one percent chance of survival in the bottomless pit of hell. The fact of the matter is that Assad has come to the dark end of the street leading him to an alleyway of extinction and flight to Paradise as a strong Moslem who has hope for life beyond the grave. His supporters afraid of their own shadows are now gnashing their teeth in fury as allies turned their backs on them. They are probably at the back of beyond.

The fall of Assad is a lesson that no matter how strong you are as head of state even living on the moon and under water, time to fall like a bombed skyscraper building comes and such times are interesting because midgets or dwarfs knock down and out the unbeaten and indomitable global giants. Assad has one option! That is to go back to his God (Allah) and ask for forgiveness. Africa has so many miniature Assads. Their role model is on the run for asylum in any Islamic Republic where his safety and security will be guaranteed.

Those with parochial wishes to rule people forever will have to bite their lips and see who can lead the country with great honour . Dictatorship may have a long span but its end is ever inevitable. That is why Africa witnessed the fall Genera of Idi Amin Dada life President of Uganda, Emperor Jean Bedel-Bokassa of the Central African Republic who had the audacity to marry hundreds of women white and black; Marcias Nguema of the Equatorial Guinea who stole huge sums of oil money from the coffers of his government; Mobutu Sese Seko Wazabanga Kuku Mulopwe Life President of Zaire who drove his country closer to bankruptcy despite its abundant costly minerals found in many parts of the now trouble-torn country; Ngwazi Hastings Kamuzu Banda life President who thought he owned the people of Malawi on behalf of God but died with severe dementia after suffering defeat at the hands of Bakili Muluzi when democracy swept away tyranny from the tea garden country of Malawi where freedoms were denied to millions of citizens forced to worship Kamuzu Banda as a closer to immortal human being; let alone Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia who was among the founders of the Organisation of African Unity the precursor to the Aftican Union who swum in the pool of blood of executed beautiful girls smoking dagga and calling himself the Lord of Lords and Saviour to the amusement of diehard Rastafarians who found a great Saviour in a dead man. Dictatorship is beautiful on face value but its end is tragic and regrettable.

By Shaddon Chanda
Academician and Historian


  1. Sounds like a familiar movie from yesteryears – Siad Barre, Gaddafi, Saddam, etc, whose countries have never known peace/stability since their violent ejections. Sometimes, the devil you know is better than the untested angel you don’t know. We’ve such sweet nostalgia for KK owing to the fact that his successors have thus far come up short!

    • Ba Academician this is not the way to write an editorial. No presentation of hard facts! just waya wayaling? Is it too difficult to do some research and give your readers concrete facts like Assad has been in power for 24 years-not several years. This war has been since 2011 The war has claimed about 307,000 people. But your article is hiding in “thousands have been butchered”
      Such statements as the one below are cliched. Cliched because plenty dictators across the world have fallen so which one is a huge lesson?
      “The fall of the mighty Al-Assad is a huge lesson to power-drunk leaders across the world who have chosen tyranny from democracy as the best way to ruling people.”

  2. Wow ,this is a Syria’s matter and Assad day for Russia . Another Afghanistan,Libya ,Somalia ,Iraq unfolding with endless factions fighting for control the next 5yrs and beyond.

    • Dennis I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry. Read this:
      “The fall of Assad is a lesson that no matter how strong you are as head of state even living on the moon…….and security will be guaranteed”
      Ba LT be serious

  3. Sounds like the author needs urgent psychiatric assistance. Haile Selassie relatives can also bring defamation… Oh no it’s someone who has discovered the loophole of freely libeling dead people.

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