Thursday, March 6, 2025

Why we support the cyber security bill!


Unless you haven’t been a victim of cyber bulling, then the cyber security bill would sound meaningless to you! Social media in this country has become toxic; day in and out, it is being used to abuse, brutalise, scandalise, malign, and victimise innocent souls. A good example is Chipo Mwanawasa, one of the advisors of President Hichilema. Rogue social media pages have gone out of the way writing several articles alleging that she’s in a motherly way, thanks to the Republican President! During one of his public engagements, the President even had to be forced to ask her to stand up for the public to see whether she was pregnant or not!

Chipo is one person that had has been well brought about by her family; she’s always media shy and dedicated to her work. Why should the nation indeed allow such a poor soul to be the subject of relentless abuse and attacks by such characters with impunity?

Equally, we’ve been victims of cyber bullying by Thomas Zyambo’s Zambian Whistleblower on a number of occasions. Whenever it fits them, they go out of the way writing trash about us; insinuating that State House is responsible for coaching and sponsoring us to report high profile individuals such as Brebner Changala, Rapheal Nakachinda, Maureen Mabonga, Munir Zulu and even Zyambo himself to the police! No one of course sponsors us to do what we do, we do it out of our own volition as we sincerely love our country.

If indeed State House is bankrolling us, we wouldn’t be jumping on Power Tools to Lusaka; we would be enjoying nights at Pamodzi and not even resorting to suffering through meals at Soweto market!

The other time, we had to fight running battles with Patriotic Front senior officials who were threatening to castrate my muzungu friend, Kelvin Soper (an equally able witness) and stuff his ‘ujeni’ into his mouth! Maybe it’s high time UPND had a change of heart and started doing politics differently to redeem itself of the AKASO syndrome! We are being accused of being sponsored by the state when we are actually struggling to make ends meet! Levy Ngoma, the political advisor to the President, are you listening?

Thomas Zyambo and his goons at the Zambian Whistleblower can continue writing voluminous materials about us, including invading our privacy by fishing out photos from our Facebook page, we won’t be cowed into submission. If anyone commits an offence which is likely to polarise this nation, we shall gladly dash to the police and report the same.

Munir Zulu once confronted our friend and fellow witness, Joseph Nkweto Kasonka at the Lusaka Magistrates court and warned him that the PF have prepared a HIT LIST to go after us after the change of government in 2026. Well, the beauty is that there won’t be any change of government as the Zambians long got fed up of the PF’s corruption, violence and theft but if at all the worse came to the worst-case scenario, we’d simply jump on a plane and seek asylum abroad!

All in all, we’d like to appeal to the New dawn Admiration to take the cyber security bill to Parliament and pass it as a law. Why should we allow a few individuals to continue abusing others!

Mwaloba ilyauma bashetani!

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a

Political/Social Analyst


  1. Bakateeka condemned the cyber security law while in opposition and it’s just fitting that government maintains that stand, if not repealing even the existing one. If you’re being harassed or defamed, you can sue for civil defamation/libel. No need to criminalize everything. Mind you, change of government can have consequences…

  2. When you are involved in illegal mining activities and we tell you on this forum that what you’re doing is causing unnecessary deaths of youths, how does that become cyber bulling?

    • You must a wrong person in mind bwana, the only time I got closer to mining was when I condemned Jerabos for using street kids to undertake illegal mining in Chingola. Stop hallucinating!

  3. Most of the laws governments make are to protect their longer stay in power. All the laws that were a thorn on the side of UPND’s ribs before 2021 are now a sweet darling. How do you consolidate a law that you labeled repressive? Even at that level, you want to add more menacing clauses to it. Power is sweet. Thank you for laying your true colours bare.
    A bird of prey cares less when betrayed by a chicken. Bill, my brother, your New Dawn hay days are numbered and when that time comes such Cyber statutes will be condemned by you again.

  4. This is very funny, saying the President had to ask Chipo Mwanawasa to stand so that people could see that she was not pregnant, this is extremely hilarious. Was this article written by Bikiloni or Difficult?

  5. Hilarious indeed to say the President had to ask Chipo to stand for people to see that she was not pregnant. Since when was a pregnancy test done visually and I am not in any way suggesting that she is pregnant. Let’s develop thick skins if we want to be in these games.

    • When the buttocks are protruding you are pregnant. Sorry when the belly is protruding you are pregnant. So Mwiimbu is pregnant…
      No when your buttocks and the belly are protruding you are pregnant. No when your face is swollen…

  6. Don’t worry kapinga, in few years time you will be doing time behind bars, convicted under this same law. Then you will remember your words.

  7. Zambia is not a serious country…. during PF time Mr Hakainde Hichilema lead demonstration against the same law this baboon tarantula is supporting…. meaning he’s not principled and he’s dangerous to the country and himself ( I wouldn’t mind if he got injured).

  8. Unless you haven’t been a victim of cyber bulling, then the cyber security bill would sound meaningless to you!

  9. There are enough laws on Zambia’s statute books that can deal with everything you have said. People have been arrested for defaming the President on social media. Remember, it is also a MEDIA. Years ago, a Times of Zambia journalist wrote an article alleging that a Zambia army truck load of arms had gone missing from Arakan. He was arrested and tried even as he stated in court that a senior politician in UNIP had told him the story. If it were today, the story would have appeared on electronic or social media and the same would have happened- ask Mmembe. We do not need any more laws to make life more complicated for people than it already is.


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