Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Kamfinsa MP Urges Reforms to Maximize Mining Sector Benefits for Zambia


Kamfinsa MP Urges Reforms to Maximize Mining Sector Benefits for Zambia

Kamfinsa Member of Parliament Christopher Kang’ombe has called for the introduction of progressive laws in the mining sector to ensure the country derives maximum economic benefits and creates employment opportunities for its youth.

Speaking on the importance of the mining industry, Mr. Kang’ombe emphasized its pivotal role in driving Zambia’s economic growth. He underscored the need for deliberate policies that prioritize the well-being of citizens and guarantee their active participation in the sector’s prosperity.

“The mining sector is central to our economy. However, we need to do more to ensure that the benefits trickle down to the ordinary Zambians. Policies and laws should be tailored to enhance local value addition, job creation, and youth empowerment,” he stated.

The MP also urged a review of the Artisanal Support Fund’s beneficiary selection criteria to foster inclusivity and increase opportunities for young people to participate in artisanal and small-scale mining. He highlighted that greater youth involvement in the sector would not only create employment but also cultivate a new generation of skilled individuals contributing to the industry.

“The youth are key to the future of mining in this country. Revisiting the Artisanal Support Fund’s selection process can open up opportunities for them to take part in this crucial sector, which, in turn, will have a ripple effect on poverty alleviation and skills development,” said Mr. Kang’ombe.

Zambia’s mining industry has long been recognized as the backbone of the national economy, contributing significantly to GDP, foreign exchange earnings, and government revenue. However, the equitable distribution of these benefits has remained a challenge. Calls for reforms like those championed by Mr. Kang’ombe are seen as a step toward addressing disparities and enhancing the sector’s impact on local communities.

The proposed reforms aim to bridge the gap between the country’s vast mineral wealth and the socioeconomic challenges faced by many citizens, particularly in mining regions. By adopting inclusive and forward-looking strategies, stakeholders hope to transform the mining sector into a sustainable engine for national development.

Mr. Kang’ombe’s sentiments resonate with growing calls for policy changes in the mining industry to secure long-term benefits for Zambia while fostering equitable growth and inclusivity.


  1. in fact we are not even crawling and what will reforms do. Definitely it will be the negative impact we will receive.
    A baby is first born and does not immediately start to crawl. We have to be patient and the Zambian business persons have to be thinking big with our little moneys by putting it together creating bigger companies in energy, manufacturing, etc.

  2. The Norwegians were ready to help revamp our mining taxation system, but we are our own enemy. Anything that leaves no room for underhand activities is overlooked. Western countries don’t run mines but optimize their taxation systems to get equitable returns for their people.

  3. The biggest problem we have is the mindset of those in charge. Many Zambians approached Richard Musukwa with good projects which he stole and sold to the Chinese while he lied that he was doing something about it. People just saw the Chinese begin to mine at their project sites. Kabuswe who took over both the Constituency and Ministry from Musukwa isn’t doing anything different. He’s even fighting locals like Spax Mining. He’ll only realize his mistakes when he’s no longer MP and Minister because he’ll be one of those that won’t make it to back to Parliament in September 2026.

  4. Our leaders get excited when investors come
    To invest in mining such that they get away
    With all tax compliance as well as environment
    Pollution.They recover their investment in the
    Shortest time where as local are subjected to
    All taxes.


  5. What laws , what policies……???

    Don’t just waffle positive sound bites without telling us how………..??

    I can tell you, zambian taxation laws of our mines have had our best minds , together with top consultants in the world looked at and devised………you can’t squeeze out any more………

    Copper can be mined and produced cheaper in many parts of the world……


    • That is it……

      For decades we have had our best minds together with top consultants the world over………

      Construct, revise , enact …….many times over…..

      We can’t squeeze anymore out of taxing the mines………

      Only value addition will work


    • Tikki

      What are the short commings …..???

      What are the solutions…….???

      That’s like me saying…..

      ” the problem in zambia is we are not developing, we need to change laws in order to develop….”

      Change what laws and policies……????

      , how will changing those laws and policies change things .,…..?

      No one is against increasing revenue , but tell us how we do things differently


  6. Just talking to show I’m working. If you are serious you can introduce a private bill to put your words into effect. After all you are an MP and are the ones making the laws.

    • It turns out ………

      We are very good at slogans idealistic sound bites……….

      And many on LT are great recipients and cheer leaders of those slogans and idealistic sound bites………


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