Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Unashamed Stealing of Kawambwa Seat


Unashamed Stealing of Kawambwa Seat

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba expressed deep dismay over the recently concluded Kawambwa Central by-election, describing it as a complete sham. He claims the people of Kawambwa
overwhelmingly supported Mwansa Danstan of the National Congress Party (NCP), but their will was subverted through rampant vote-buying, violence, and bribery,
as confirmed by Transparency International.

Mwamba lauded the gallant efforts of Mambilima MP Hon. Jean Chisenga and Lusaka lawyer Celestine Mukandila, who attempted to prevent violence on election day but are now
detained at Kawambwa Police Station on what he terms baseless allegations of robbery and theft. Similarly, he commended Hon. Mumbi Phiri, who courageously intervened
at a polling center where Minister of Green Economy and Environment Mike Mposha was allegedly engaged in electoral malpractices.

Mwamba also recognized the role of Kanele Radio Station in exposing electoral fraud. The station investigated and broadcasted live the illegal voter registration and
transportation of voters from Nchelenge to Kawambwa. He praised the spirited campaign efforts led by Hon. Anthony Kasandwe, Hon. Chanda Katotobwe, and others, but lamented
the failure to safeguard votes on election day, which he attributes to the absence of leadership at polling stations and the totalling center.

He accused the UPND, in collusion with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), of orchestrating a blatant theft of the election through violence, manipulation,
and state machinery. According to Mwamba, the Zambia Police’s inaction and alleged bias further emboldened these malpractices.

Drawing parallels to past events, Mwamba likened this by-election to the Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections, claiming the same tactics of state-sponsored fraud and court
interference were at play. He urged his party and supporters to prepare for upcoming by-elections in Pambashe and Petauke, emphasizing the need to counter the UPND’s
alleged thuggery and manipulation.

Mwamba called for a strategic reevaluation to combat what he describes as a state-backed assault on democracy. “What shall we do? Just continue to cry?” he asked,
urging collective action to confront what he perceives as a determined state enemy.


    • Presumptous of TIZ…and not factual. Lets deal in facts. Were they also there to speak to the non sense Mwamba suggests?

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    • A scam ontop of a scam……

      After they scam you in crypto trading, now they want to scam you of your desperation……..

      Very cruel


  1. The gap between the winner and the runners up is wide enough to presume that vote irregularities did not affect the final outcome. But the vice needs to be nipped in the bud going forward.

    • What irrational thinking! It doesn’t have to be tight to be rigged. What if you bully opposition members so that they don’t vote?
      Ba Mwamba which dictator has any shame? Shameful actions from dictators include our neighbor Mobutu who would send husbands on trips abroad while he slept with their wives. Idi Amin would execute opponents without trial, Hitler put one tribe in prison camps for torture. HH? He is writing his own history

  2. Where is the evidence of all this ?????

    Everyone now has a phone to record…….

    It is PF assaulting the electorate with wild claims of malpractice……..

    They were confident of winning only to find the people are more sensible to not vote for them………

    even ambushing empty lodge rooms looking for salvation, yet none to be found………

    Only to be left with empty accusations


    • Independent cadre

      It was mostly free and fair……

      If you have evidence otherwise , share……..

      Everyone has a mobile phone to record malpractice


  3. So what rampant vote-buying, violence, and bribery is this man talking about?
    If you add the opposition vote together ;Tonse, SP, UPPZ and M4CE , their total would be 5,650 votes which is more than the 5,519 votes the UPND got. The electorate cast the votes as they wished.
    The UPND and everybody else knows that the opposition is weak and fragmented. Typical lies and propaganda from Mwamba

    • ECZ reports to no-one……….

      They are an independently operating entity………

      Foreigne country champions for democracy keep keen eye on ECZ for any sign of democratic infringement………

      They will voice their displeasure at any sign of election corruption


  4. You can see, waona manje, you have been cheating your boss with fake crookedly magnified and exergerated popularity 4 ECL, in order to suck him, for the sake of your stomach. Neba lungu nabo, bingi tu. And he still remain convinced by conmen that he SHALL win the election. Please just rest, because your plan be is already sworted and you just end up criminal nocases and finally lose your iunitu

  5. You can see, waona manje. You have been cheating your boss, with your fake crookedly magnified and exergerated popularity for ECL in order to suck him for the sake of your stomach. Ba lungu nabo, bingi tu. And he still remains convinced by the conmen of winning the elections.please ba lungu just rest because your so called plan B, is already sworted and you may just end up with serious cases and eventually lose your immunity.

  6. Zambia’s favourite game is politicking 24/7 .Now is it a wonder why our GDP is still low,debts are high,slums are plenty and loadshedding is ever present?
    Yeah in 2011 ,we even believed PF lie of “more money in your pockets in 90 days” and allowing street hawkers all over to just gain votes which resulted in cholera… to our own detriment .


  8. I told Dejavu and his tribal gang to get their depression medication ready………

    Its going to be long ride, 2031 , and beyond………

    I also told them……..

    Zambia has more sensible citizens than their kaponya tribal supremacy savages who only know stealing and hand outs……….

    Zambians know the difficulties GRZ faces in drought and PF debt………

    But the nation has a functioning normalcy………….


  9. Yes Pf debt is indeed bad !! but wait till this grz declares in 2026 what it stands at then perhaps you will keep quiet
    Drought with forethought there are ways to alliviate such
    SA mp’s are using same excuses but with a more literate populations they are being booed
    Loadshedding ??? lets leave that to another time

    • Imagine inheriting a GRZ paralysed by debt, corruption, tribal division and the culture of caders controlling everything……..

      On top of that, most strategic parts of GRZ were infested and over run with tribal PF plants who frustrated governance at every opportunity…….

      As for loadshedding, you should be asking why billions was continued to spent on hydro knowing full well the effects of climatic change…..
      BTW, a drought is not always predictable


  10. Ambassadeur Mwamba..? Which university or college on earth gives such a degree. Zambians! Please do not let laugh.

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