Wednesday, March 5, 2025

2024 Grade 7 AND 9 Examinations Results Impressive – Syakalima


Minister of Education Douglas Syakalima, has released Grade 7 and 9 results with both recording an increase in the pass rate of two-point three percent pass rate compared to 2023.

Mr Syakalima disclosed out of 302,870 who sat for the 2024 Grade 9 examinations, 169,280 pupils have obtained the Junior Secondary School Leaving Certificate.

The Minister also disclosed that 350,116 candidates obtained the Primary School Leaving Certificate, representing a pass rate of 71.19% percent points out of the 491,785 candidates who sat for the examination, of which 234, 097 were boys, and 257,688were girls.

Mr Syakalima said that the progression rate from primary school to secondary school which will now be form one has slightly improved to 71.19 percent in 2024 from 69 percent in 2023.

“This is further confirmation that despite the increase in the numbers of learners, quality has not been compromised, based on the measures the New Down Government has implemented over the three years, as earlier stated,” said Mr Syakalima.

And Mr Syakalima has further disclosed that the Ministry of Education will implement the 2023 Zambia Curriculum using a phased approach, commencing with Early Childhood Education – ECE (Level 1), Primary Education (Grade 1) and Secondary Education (Form 1), in 2025.

He said that ECE (Level 1), Primary Education (Grade 1) and Secondary Education (Form 1) will open on Monday, 10th February, 2025, in order to allow enough time to print and distribute the teaching and learning materials and orientation of the teachers.


    • Its very difficult to decongest a garbage dump. Apart from the scroungers scampering for garbage, the law enforcers cant proceed because they are scared of messing themselves up

    • Its very difficult to decongest a garbage dump. Apart from the numerous scroungers scampering for garbage, the law enforcers cant proceed because they are scared of messing themselves up

    • Its the feel good factor driving students ………

      With positive incentives like free education and meal allowance for higher education, even the students are happy with this GRZ………

      we are here…….


    • While most of the current versity graduates are coming from congested lecture rooms, this isn’t an issue with society. It’s better to sometimes appreciate the fact that at least the first steps in the right direction in addressing education for all have been bravely taken by the ministry and government.

  1. Ba Syakalima Examination Results are only Impressive if there are jobs in the country. One million pupils can have six points but if there are no jobs at the end of their education?? North Korea is better.
    That is what has been happening in Zambia the past 20 years. Diluted school graduands with no jobs at all.

    • Jobs are there…….

      The problem with the half baked graduates is they don’t want to start at the bottom and prove themselves……..

      They want white collar or semi white collar jobs straight away………

      Asian graduates get into a company as general staff even as cleaners and work themselves up the ladder………


    • @Spaka what jobs? In your blind rush to defend your minister, you are being narrow-focused-deliberately I suppose. You are restricting yourself to University graduates while Iam clearly referring to Syakalima’s subjects here: Grade Seven and Nine students.

    • In fact Education needs reform cos its a waste of resources for a country to hold Grade Seven and Nine exams because where are you sending them to after this qualification? The colonialists had these exams because they needed Grade 7s for manual jobs such as cooks, painters gardeners etc. Grade Nines were needed for crafts jobs such as, plumbers, carpenters, Electricians, Mechanics. Now you probably need Grade twelves for these jobs

    • Lazy Lungu to Half-baked Hichilema

      Badala, jobs are there…I’ve got many boys who are working if they want in lusaka and other areas……

      Jobs are there, your people just don’t know how to look for jobs………or they can’t work.

      Entry level jobs like driver, shopping attendants and others in the hospitality……

      Thats why you see so many forigners.


  2. Mufulira top shops residential area, 3 days without ZESCO power today 24th December and we should be reading about exams here.

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