Friday, March 14, 2025

Former PF Official Mumbi Phiri in Custody Over Aggravated Robbery


Mumbi Phiri, the former Deputy Secretary General of the Patriotic Front, has been detained by police at Ibex Hill Police Station in Lusaka. The charges against her stem from a confrontation during the Kawambwa by-election, where she accused Mike Mposha, the Minister of Green Economy and Environment, of misconduct. Phiri alleged that Mposha was involved in tampering with voter materials, an accusation that ignited a heated exchange and chaos at the polling station.

Eyewitnesses recall that the situation quickly escalated. Accompanied by party supporters, Phiri reportedly confronted Mposha at a UPND campaign location, accusing him of engaging in illegal activities. The confrontation turned physical, with reports suggesting that UPND media personnel were assaulted, their phones taken, and money allegedly stolen during the commotion. The clash added fuel to an already tense electoral atmosphere.

Following the incident, Mposha filed a formal complaint with police, citing Phiri’s involvement in the fracas and the alleged assault of his team. Authorities acted swiftly, detaining Phiri in Lusaka with plans to transfer her to Kawambwa, where she will face charges.

Phiri, a figure known for her fearless and combative style, has remained unapologetic. She insists that her actions were in defense of electoral integrity and has dismissed the charges as politically motivated. Her arrest has sparked polarized reactions, with her supporters rallying behind her and critics accusing her of crossing the line.

The events in Kawambwa have left a mark on Zambia’s political discourse, with many questioning the lengths to which rival parties will go during elections. For now, all eyes are on Mumbi Phiri as she prepares to face the legal and political fallout of a day that turned a routine by-election into a flashpoint of controversy.

isaac Manda


    • The PF DNA of violence at work. But they are going no where. All what they into a ditare doing now is escorting ECL into a ditch without a bottom

    • The vendetta politics of the UPND at work. But they are going nowhere. All what they are doing is escorting HH into a ditch without a bottom

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    • She did but perhaps did not find looking after the hubby as exciting as spending nights away from him with good company.

    • So annoying that Zambia ruled by ZP.
      Just because they used injustice on Mwaliteta, shouldn’t be used on a woman Mumbi Phiri.
      How can that woman be in robbery ?

  1. I think the abuse of the judiciary by the UPND govt has gone too far. Honestly they are trying to tell the country that this woman is an armed robber? Do they expect her to flee the country as well and go to Zimbabwe in exile like JJ and others? This madness will only end when people will reject the UPND govt in next years elections. All the people abusing the judiciary should be imprisoned (including magistrates and police officers). There should be no excuses of saying “I was under instructions”

  2. Is it one way of destabilizing vigilant people fighting against vote rigging by the party in power in the by elections to held next February,2024 in Eastern and Luapula provinces?

  3. She still thinks PF is in power………

    And the violent cader thugs will protect her…..

    Lock her up properly, she will eventually understand……

    No amount of rigging or intimidation or vote tampering can sow the margins of defeat they suffered……….


    • WE are not talking about defeat here that comes in 2026
      We talking about the theft !! which I personally think was done purposely to discredit her
      were any items recovered NO
      Dont get me wrong I DONT LIKE OR SUPPORT HER
      But this political vengance by SOME UPND members Must stop

    • Tikki

      Where is her proof of vote rigging
      or stealing ???

      She has got a server case of PF power hangover…….

      And , they were so confident about their strong hold kawambwa, that they are still in disbelief about the free will of the people…..

      Even here on LT , we were being told about the impending defeat of UPND there……..

      Now while the tribal supremacists lick their wounds in disbelief, accusations of voter theft without proof is all they have……

      You can’t just storm a polling station or opposition camp and accuse and causes mayhem accusing people of rigging……


  4. The kawambwa by election delt a fatal heavy blow to the opposition right in their so called bedroom………


    With that margin of defeat, evidence of vote tampering, buying or intimidation……

    would have emerged , the population of kawambwa is not that big,………

    Most people know each other……….

    It was the free will of the people to reject the corrupt tribal bigotry gangs…..


  5. The 1di,0t called IG Musamba warned against violence…. it’s only the opposition affected…. people like Mwiinde are free to assault anyone including police officers.

    • Where is the evidence naimwe…….

      Direct me on YouTube where I can see your claims……..

      Everyone has a phone camera


    • Go to hell with your blindness. Let me tell you that I am not tribal like. You see even evil as okay as long as it’s HH. I come from the same village as former president Chiluba but as soon as he started misbehaving I turned against him. Wrong is wrong regardless of the one committing it.

    • You are just ranting repeated lies………

      Don’t tell me no one had a phone to recorded your allegations ?????

      Direct us to the videos , badala……..


  6. These sore losers crying assault , theft of election, fonyoo fonyoo………

    are just bittter cader tribal supremacists , who don’t understand the free will of the people………

    As for Mumbi Phiri , if she is pardoned again or let out of prison, the authorities have themselves to blame for encouraging lawlessness……….

    Locking her up properly will serve as an example to other violent cader tribal supremacists before 2026………

    She had mwalitetwa locked up for over a year under Similar circumstances, this is her second time , she will not repent


  7. She originates from Kamuchanga compound in Mufulira. No education. No manners. Very arrrogant woman. One good thing is that she exposed Miles Sampa for lying about his Relation with Michael Sata. Because of her. Hé is now tamed.

  8. Let’s cool it down a bit We all have our views IMAGINE many rural people still want ECL back and not much will change that,
    Same as @Spaka not much will change him either I was the very same post 2021 then I began to realise very shortly afterwards the problem to me was HH he is an arrogant man and self opinionated person, it’s his way or no way There is no doubt he has a brilliant business mind and appears to be honest as the day is long, But to me his presidential qualities are severely lacking, and he has to take responsibilty for whats happening in the country, which he is not doing
    so I can only hope that someone within the party challenges him in 2026

    • Tikki

      Not much will change me because I am of the opinion that, out of the current crop of opponents, HH is the best………



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