Friday, March 14, 2025

AIKONA man…….where are the ambulances!


HEALTH Minister Elijah Muchima says he’s tired of hearing different stories regarding the ambulances procured under the constituency development fund (CDF) and has since threatened to cancel the tender for the supply of 66 ambulances if ZAMMSA does not justify the delay in securing the same.

In November last year, Local Government & Rural Development permanent secretary – technical services, Nicholas Phiri assured the nation that all the 150 ambulances will arrive in the country by May 2025 with the first tranche delivered on December 31, 2024.

Now, if the health minister can complain that he’s tired of hearing different stories about the same, then there’s surely a problem somewhere in the procurement process……we smell a rat!

Where the ambulances? Why can’t we as a nation at times just learn to do things straight forward, unless there’s ‘nchekeleko’ along the way?

We believe we don’t require rocket science to sort out this conundrum. Instead of just playing to the gallery, we expect Muchima to quickly engage ACC and of course, the shushushus to ‘sniff’ around and establish whether this transaction was executed above board? Already abena Emmanuel Mwamba are alleging that government deliberately refused to order the same from Toyota Zambia or Nissan CFAO or indeed any other registered franchise holder.

Do these ministers and permanent secretaries even realise how often some of us get abused or insulted on social media for defending this government as they quietly enjoy the trappings of power?

Aikona man……this is not what we voted for; heads must roll!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
National Coordinator – HH Mpaka 2031!


  1. There os no need for any head to roll or summersault here. The problem with this country is that there is over exaggeration and sensatiolisation of everything. This is just a genuine delay as explained by the people involved. Don’t add or subtract things that don’t exist. There is absolutely no corruption here, what is needed is just following up the issue and finding out where the bottle neck is. I agree that the minister should consider cancelling the tender not because of any corruption but because of non adherence to tender conditions

    • Yes, just to cancel the tender for non delivery on time, and not because of imagined corruption which does not even exist here

    • He has matured from Social Commentator to HH’s National Coordinator up to 2031! An achievement with flying rainbow colours.

  2. Knowing how things are done in Zambia I say Guilty !!
    Tender conditions are there was communication done and the delay explained ??
    I doubt it Was the tender given to a Authorised vehicle dealer ????
    I smell a rat

    • I smell a buffalo.
      This tender has been extended several times. Delivery period initially was five months from contract date of June 2023, but moved to 31-05-2025. Bear in mind that the emergency initial delivery date was 30-06-2024. People’s lives are at stake and Ace is allowed to delay this much. Those saying this isn’t graft don’t know what corruption stench is like.

  3. There are proper agents who could have been given the contract to supply or simply getting from the OEM’s after all government buying.
    There is a delay because of underhand methods. Ask ACC to get involved.Perhaos they will say the truth.

    • Under hand methods? Which ones? Have you managed to give those same under hand methods which you know of to the ACC? Stop alarming the nation

    • A Pharmacutical Company being given a vehicle contract
      Is that not enough to justify an inquirey
      What a about the suplly of spare parts ??
      Some just dont want to see the nonsense that goes on

  4. Delayed delivery is delayed delivery, why do you always wear lens to since corruption where it does not even exist, punish the supplier for late delivery and don’t start smelling rats or mice where there is non of that smell please

  5. Bill you’re very correct! We voted in this government to change the scenario. Three years in power is more than enough
    Corruption must end now
    You have this boy Liswaniso saying rubbish things in front of the President. That’s unacceptable. Chimbuya at home
    That boy must be nipped in the bud before power gets to his head

  6. Hon. Elijah Muchima himself bitterly complained about rampant corruption at MoH and promised to clean up the dirt. He was wondered how a firm without expertise could be chosen to supply ambulances disregarding OEMs. Owing to the peace meal supplies, it already shows the contractor has failed to honour the deal. June is just a few months away, hence a timely reminder from the minister. Let’s fight past as well as current graft wholeheartedly.

  7. The supplier quoted very competitive prices for those ambulances……….

    That is the normal pricing in normal countries, was it $150k or $120k ?…..

    Others wanted $250k per ambulance……..

    The delay is understandable, but concerning


  8. It’s not understandable. The guptas in South Africa supplied similar invisible ambulances that only senior ruling party members could see.

  9. The same phiri and co are shareholders in the profits for this tender that’s why they will keep on extending and that’s why they opted to go for a private supplier instead of Toyota zambia because the private supplier can then inflate the price to include their cut which established suppliers like Toyota, CFAO etc will never do.

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