Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government Commended For Creating Favorable Environment For Investment


Agriculture Climate Action Foundation (ACAF) has commended the government for creating an enabling environment for investments in the country.

ACAF Executive Director Oliver Bulaya says the recent ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Integrated Phosphate Products Beneficiation Plant, initiated by Sino Great Chemical Company Limited in Chilanga District, marks a pivotal moment for Zambia’s agricultural landscape.

ZANIS reports that Dr Bulaya explains that this project is a transformative step that promises to significantly reduce the cost of farming inputs.

He said fertilizers are essential for enhancing agricultural productivity, which is vital for food security and economic growth.

“By producing fertilizers domestically, we will reduce our dependence on imports, thereby insulating our agricultural sector from global market volatility and also because this development aligns with our national vision to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance food production capabilities,” he explained.

Dr Bulaya further says that the fertilizer plant will not only empower farmers with affordable inputs but also create job opportunities, stimulate local economies, and attract further investments in the agriculture sector.


  1. How can it be a favourable investment environment when people with farms in ten miles, Zanimuone, Kabangwe, Ngwerere and Mungule areas are subjected to ZESCO outages each and every day, outages not even associated with loadshedding. There is ZESCO maintenance work literally every day and sometimes for days. Energy Regulation Board should take a keen interest here and do an independent audit.

    • Indeed this area is another world when it comes to ZESCO power outages, I heard a welder at Zani muone complaining the other day, that this was the situation even before loadshedding

    • @Siamunji… There are no farms in ten miles, Zanimuone, Kabangwe, etc because headmen have sold all the land and what is left are just housing units.

  2. UPND government thinks investment is only for foreigners. They have failed to encourage local investors because to UPND white is God. They get so excited every time they get or shake hands with white complexion. Kwati fyaiche. Ata!

  3. Create favourable environment in energy sector.One year has passed with all the floods
    Still unable to get two hours of power.We are
    Almost reaching four years of New dawn but
    The dollar rate still going up?

  4. The only people that can genuinely build Zambia are Zambians. However the puppet government has made it very difficult for Zambian businesses to thrive. If it’s not taxes then it’s a plethora of licenses and fees. And finally some dimwit would tell you that if they grant you a permit or license you’ll make money and support the opposition! These people can cause you to vomit

    • Zambians can’t build Zambia alone ……….

      they are too busy politicking and taking sides on tribal grounds 365 days of the year..…….

      Even when they pray they are wedging tribal war……..


    • #Spska. You must be a monkey not understand simple things. I don’t get free electricity from Zesco, I pay. I don’t get mealie meal from government I either buy or farm. I don’t get free fertilizer from Upnd, I buy. On the contrary each time I go to the BOMA I find hordes of Upnd officials waiting outside the DC’s office…. obviously for free handouts in various forms.

  5. Last I knew we don’t produce the inputs so will have to import those in any case, and maintain the plant with a small market, increasing unit costs and thus prices for farmers and ultimately consumers. Wouldn’t it make more sense to import the finished product instead, saving on economies of scale and focussing on what we are good at?

  6. No zesco or high cost of electricity if and when available, high exchange rate, no fuel or high price of fuel if and when available, fifteen different types of licenses etc etc. Yes very favorable!

  7. @Siamunji… There are no farms in ten miles, Zanimuone, Kabangwe, etc because headmen have sold all the land and what is left are just housing units.

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