During the past few days, Social media has been littered with fake news about the alleged deteriorating health of the Republican President, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema.
“Oh….he suffered a stroke; he’s been flown out of the country for treatment,” they rejoiced. “We doubt whether he’s coming back or not.”
Since then, we’d been inundated with a barrage of phone calls and text messages from individuals wishing to know the veracity of such rumours.
“Ignore them,” we kept assuring, “That’s the usual Emmanuel Mwamba’s cheap propaganda. The President is as fit as a fiddle; he’ll soon be traveling to Tanzania to attend the Energy Summit. “
True to this, the President pitched up at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport yesterday for his scheduled flight abroad.
“I am sure you haven’t seen a ghost….” the President quipped as the journalists chuckled .
The rest as they say is history; President Hichilema has since travelled to Tanzania. And he won’t be heading to India or South Africa to seek medical attention upon the conclusion of the business, but will be coming right back home to continue executing the mandate the electorate entrusted in him, of course subject to renewal in 2026 “mpaka” 2031!
What is motivating abena Mwamba and his ilk to continue peddling such falsehoods about the President? Is this part of their plan B…..to alarm the public on social media so that they can destabilize the nation? Frederick Chiluba’s ghost must surely be haunting Mwamba! There’s no way one can just wake up and start celebrating someone’s alleged illness. How does Mwamba and his friends in PF feel now that the President has presented himself in public? They must be licking their wounds and walking around with Ostrich eggs on their faces!
Some of us don’t believe in witchcraft at all; however, when we see individuals such as Mwamba and others in PF behaving in the manner they’re doing, we are beginning to have a change of heart. How can decent beings rejoice over someone’s deteriorating health let alone wish others dead instead of having empathy?
Mwamba can go to hell as what he has resorted to doing is definitely of the Devil!
Prince Bill M Kaping’a
National Coordinator
HH Mpaka 2031 People’s Alliance
Mwamba and Chilufya Tayali are sponsored the same person. Bye the way what happened to FTJ and Sata?
And publications like Zambian Observer and Lusaka times blindly publish their nonsense. They give them the platform to ply their mosinformation and Demagoguery; should be embarassed.
No civilised media would carry such a headline. Certain words are barred ethical media not because the law says so but because they are evil, primitive, sacrilegious or blasphemous. Lets have some civilisation even if we have freedom of speech. In any case if anyone said the same of HH he would be chased by all the law enforcement agents of the country to be left in Chimbokaila for a long long time.
Yellow journalist Mwamba wakuchita fye ignore.
Is there ever any smoke without fire ?
Mwamba this, Mwamba that. Every time you open your mouths, it is about Mwamba. If our president is fit for a purpose, one other day he will be unfit? Is falling sick not human nature? The idea of making it appear like the head of state can never get sick is very unnatural. Should the State invoke Cyber Crime laws when a citizen states that the president is unwell? We are lost as a country in that context.
Where is the president? Oddly, Mama Nalumango is acting until ghost is back home from Tz.
What is misinformation to you is good news to others. Have you been told for what reason the president is going to Japan? Any itenilary.
The UPND stayed a lot longer period in opposition in Zambia’s politics. They are the very guys who enjoyed a robust disinformation this country has ever had, spinning the roulette every which way. So stop secluding information to avoid speculations. He is a public figure.
Where is the president? Simple question needing a modest answer and not reactionary hallucinations from handlers.
Misinformation. I see it by the ton everyday on Zambian Observerbut none of you talk about it because it is attacking UPND’s enemies. What double tongued critics!!
Speaking as someone who really detests and abhors Emmanuel Mwamba, we should not lose our decency in our responses. We can make our point without uncouth language. “Got to hell” is not an argument. Its emotional outburst, and even if you are right you come out as unstable. We do not have to insult anyone. Just saying.
Such words as F**k go to h*** You Moth***f you N***r cann never printed in any newspaper in Europe or America whose language you Zambians have borrowed.
Judging by passed events any illness whether a cold or flu becomes a state secret
Our national coordinator should have avoided these state secrets until when declassified.
Let’s talk instead about flooded markets and stations in Lusaka. These don’t attract cyber crimes penalties. Oh, it is only criminal when the black sheep is involved!
Too clever by half ?
councils are responsible for flooded markets no drains and low lying area
Also allowing buildings in all wetlands
Yes “F**king go to h*ll”… Emmanuel Mwamba from Tanzania, what happened to Frederick Chiluba?