See Where Hakainde Hichilema Stands
By Field Ruwe EdD
Success of a president is linked to the concept of self-reliance. With the exception of one president who came close to optimizing national resources and enhancing domestic revenue, subsequent presidents have failed, in their first two years, to devise a comprehensive strategy that fosters self-reliance as an organizing principle. Who is the president that came close, and who is the one that completely failed? Here are the results of a comprehensive survey conducted by Zambia Development Institute (ZDI). Presidents are ranked from best to worst.
1. KENNETH KAUNDA (1964-1991)
Love him or hate him, Kenneth Kaunda stands as the sole Zambian president who enacted significant reforms that led to profound transformations in the nation’s self-reliance. He initiated his leadership with a vision of a self-reliant people bequeathed with mineral and natural resources.
Upon assuming office, Kaunda redirected the trajectory of Zambia’s development by establishing the University of Zambia within a two-year period (1965-1967) and completing its construction by the end of 1970. Tapping on the expertise of the 109 university graduates at the time of independence, including Professor Lameck Goma, Kaunda dedicated the nation to the pursuit of self-reliance and initiated efforts to instigate transformative changes across various sectors of Zambian society.
In 1968, Kaunda initiated the Mulungushi Reforms, which sought to transform Zambia’s mono-economy into a more diversified system through the nationalization of various industries. This involved securing a 51% stake in significant and medium-sized multinational companies. Following this, he directed a portion of the revenue generated from copper towards the development of manufacturing facilities managed by Zambians, aimed at benefiting the Zambian people.
Kaunda, with his visionary approach, sought the assistance of UNZA’s inaugural graduates to establish and oversee factories across each of Zambia’s seven provinces. This collaborative effort resulted in the swift development of a diverse range of industries within the country, including the Livingstone Motor Assembly plant, the Kawambwa tea factory, the Mansa battery factory, Mununshi Banana production, the Chipata bicycle factory, the Kapiri Mposhi glass factory, the Mulobezi Timber plant, and the Mwinilunga Pineapple canning factory. By January 1970, these initiatives provided rural residents and villagers with a reliable source of income. Since that time, none of the six Zambian presidents have matched Kaunda’s level of innovation.
2. LEVY MWANAWASA (2002-2008)
Levy Mwanawasa is regarded as Zambia’s best president by many Zambian scholars because of his leadership style that was more collaborative, empathetic, and ethical. He demonstrated a personal and political transformation that centered on self-reliance. However, his “New Deal” initiative lacked a cohesive and integrated strategy to address the multifaceted aspects of a comprehensive self-reliant program.
Mwanawasa was a staunch advocate for prioritizing agriculture as the cornerstone of the national economy, directing $53 million to support this initiative. A key component of his strategy involved the construction of dams to improve irrigation, which he considered vital for the agricultural sector in Zambia. His leadership approach significantly contributed to enhancing the health, economic well-being, and self-sufficiency of various communities throughout the country.
Mwanawasa, like Kaunda, gathered a group of scholars and specialists to advise him. He established a clear separation of duties between the Zambian police and the military, fostering a professional security sector free from political interference, which he considered a crucial aspect of national revitalization.
Mwanawasa’s New Deal came to untimely end with his passing in 2008. At the time of his death, advancements toward self-reliant were limited. However, his administration did achieve a notable economic growth rate of 5%, increased foreign currency reserves to US$1.4 billion, and recorded the lowest inflation rate in three decades. It is important to highlight that Mwanawasa played a key role in promoting substantial investments in infrastructure initiatives undertaken by Chinese companies.
Michael Sata, despite being a politically astute yet somewhat coarse figure with a confrontational personality, possessed a distinctive vision of self-reliance that is currently facilitating enhanced mobility and connectivity in both urban and rural regions. His aspiration was to reshape Zambia into a country marked by comprehensive road connectivity by the year 2017.
To actualize this vision, Sata launched the 8000 Zambia Accelerated National Roads Construction Program (ANRCP) in his first year of presidency. The main aim of this initiative was to enhance road infrastructure, encompassing the repair and upgrading of existing road networks. From 2011 to 2014, road construction initiatives represented 42 percent of the overall spending on non-financial assets.
Sata’s program attracted more Chinese contractors who engaged with Zambian government officials to secure contracts and offer loans intended to support road construction projects. The development of road infrastructure is essential for achieving self-reliance, as it promotes the efficient transportation of goods and individuals. This, in turn, enhances trade, draws in investments, encourages tourism, and guarantees access to critical services like healthcare and education.
Sata is ranked third primarily because of his image as “a man of action.” He implemented effective governance and inclusive policies that cultivated a transparent, market-oriented economy, attracting both local and foreign investors. Additionally, he reinvigorated initiatives aimed at reducing corruption. In 2012, the Zambian government received global acclaim for successfully issuing a US$750 million Eurobond. By the time of his death, Zambia’s GDP had achieved an unprecedented level of US$27.07 billion, a significant accomplishment realized in just three years.
4. RUPIAH BANDA (2008-2011)
Rupiah Banda rose to the presidency during a period of interregnum, taking office without an official mandate or a clearly defined independent strategic vision. In his inaugural address, Banda expressed his intention to base his national development agenda on Mwanawasa’s self-reliance principle, asserting, “I do not want people to think of Zambia as a Third World country with a begging bowl, because we are not. I want to empower all Zambians. I want people to think of Zambia as a prosperous and confident nation. I want to move from hand-outs to hand-ups.”
The first two years of Banda’s presidency were characterized by significant economic expansion, reaching a notable peak of 10.3% in 2010, comparable to the growth rates observed during President Kaunda’s administration in the early 1970s. Conversely, this exceptional economic progress faced a dramatic downturn between 2010 and 2011, falling to 5.6%.
Some Zambian economists contend that the downturn in Banda’s economic performance can be traced back to 2009, a year in which he strayed from the principle of self-reliance by entering into a US$3.6 billion agreement with Zhonghui Mining Group for the development of copper reserves. This agreement is seen as the onset of the rise in Zambia’s debt to China. In the end, Banda’s lack of vision caused the country’s GDP to slump to US$ 15.33 billion in 2010 from Mwanawasa’s US$17.91.
According to the 2011 Gallup Poll on African leaders conducted from April 15 to April 29, Banda received a 53% disapproval rating and was ranked 28 out of 34 African leaders in the area of governance. The same poll adjudged Banda among the worst performing African leaders. Fortunately, he salvaged the little integrity at the end of his reign when he acknowledged defeat and handed over the instruments of power to Sata.
5. EDGAR LUNGU (2015-2021)
An interregnum president like Banda, Edgar Lungu failed to inspire and lacked the essential vision required to steer Zambia towards self-reliance. Lungu should be placed at the bottom of the rankings as the worst president; nevertheless, his position is somewhat mitigated by the results of the 2024 Afrobarometer survey, which shows that a significant portion of the Zambian population is dissatisfied with the current economic climate and the country’s overall direction. The survey indicates that most Zambians believe their living standards have declined compared to those in 2020. This context offers Lungu a bragging right.
During his six-year reign, Lungu prioritized infrastructure development, much of which was already in progress. However, this focus led to excessive borrowing, placing Zambia on the brink of default due to an unsustainable external debt burden of $12 billion. The resulting debt default allowed Chinese and international creditors to exert control over the nation’s copper, gold, uranium, cobalt, land resources, and significant state-owned enterprises.
By the conclusion of his presidency, Lung had propelled the economy into a pronounced decline marked by critical macroeconomic challenges, notably double-digit inflation that reached a peak of 22.2%. Consequently, a considerable segment of the Zambian populace experienced extreme poverty, with 68% surviving on merely $1.70 per day and 28% subsisting on less than 30 cents.
6. HAKAINDE HICHILEMA (2021-present)
Hakainde Hichilema, who previously articulated a compelling vision for Zambia during his presidential campaign—one that emphasized a self-sufficient citizenry enjoying equitable opportunities across diverse ethnic groups within a free and democratic framework—has emerged as the most disappointing of all the presidents because much was expected from him.
In the three years of his reign, Bally the Fixer” has not come close to conceptualizing and propagating a tangible “self-reliance” concept that is a major alternative to the associative models of development advanced by developed nations. Instead, he has continued to depend on foreign aid and external investment that supersede Zambia’s goal of self-reliance.
According to survey conducted by Afrobarometer team of Zambia, led by the Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR), nearly 73% of the 1200 adult citizens of Zambia interviewed between July 8 and July 28, 2024, said Zambia’s economic condition is “fairly bad” or “very bad” while two-thirds (66%) feel the same about their personal living conditions.
Loadshedding has undoubtedly placed Hichilema in a perilous situation. His inability to effectively address the cataclysmic daily occurrence is at the core of the decline of his power.
The repercussions of loadshedding on the economy are profound, leading to diminished productivity across various sectors, heightened expenses associated with alternative energy sources, damage to equipment, and pushing numerous businesses towards insolvency. When the total financial losses are assessed, they amount to billions of dollars, and adversely affect the nation’s GDP.
Part of Hichilema’s poor ranking stems from the fact that he has not succeeded in revitalizing the mining sector and other industries that are the biggest employers and the fundamental pillars of the nation. Instead, he has opted to engage in practices akin to those of the contentious Zambia Privatization Agency, where he previously led the negotiation team and still faces allegations of personal gain.
Hichilema’s failure is evidenced in how he has ditched his campaign promises and resorted to weakening the opposition and curtailing freedom of expression. Similar to Edgar Lungu, Hichilema has also mysteriously lost his way and started inciting the police. The tragedy of this is that he has already instituted a reign of terror through arbitrary arrests and threats that have attracted the attention of the Human Rights Commission.
Hichilema’s lust for power is contained in his recent quote; “If police fail to maintain order, I will use the military.” Such a bloodbath comment has exposed Hichilema as a dangerous president who has lost the balance required for good leadership. This is another major reason he is at the bottom of the rankings. No Zambian president has attempted to civilianize the military to bolster or safeguard his personal power, regardless of the circumstances at hand.
7. FREDERICK CHILUBA (1991-2002)
First democratically elected president Frederick Chiluba is Zambia’s president who cared less about self-reliance. Seen as a champion of democracy and free-market reforms, Chiluba embarked on the privatization of the nation’s copper mines and the reduction of currency regulation. While his approach decreased inflation to its lowest level in twenty years, what seemed to be a promising example of democratic progress in Africa ultimately resulted in one of the most self-serving reigns of a president.
As Chiluba consolidated his power, he increasingly deviated from the tenets of good governance, redirecting funds obtained from privatization and the sale of state assets into the Zamtrop account for personal gain. His transformation from rugs to riches was exemplified by a lavish shopping spree at Boutique Basile in Geneva, where he reportedly spent $1.2 million.
Chiluba’s extravagant expenditures resulted in an assorted collection of 349 monogrammed shirts, 206 designer jackets and suits, and 72 pairs of size-6 shoes. In 2007, a court in the UK determined that Chiluba was liable of embezzling $46 million. Judge Peter Smith of the London High Court condemned Chiluba for his overt dishonesty towards his constituents and for flaunting his affluence through a wardrobe of “stupendous proportions.”
Similar to Hichilema, Chiluba reneged on his commitment to uphold freedoms concerning the press and association, leading to the arrest of opposition party leaders on fabricated charges. Under Chiluba’s repressive regime, Zambia witnessed the suspicious and untimely deaths of numerous prominent individuals, including Baldwin Nkumbula, Paul Tembo, Ronald Penza, Wezi Kaunda, and Cuthbert Nguni. Kenneth Kaunda narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.
Ultimately, Chiluba’s tenure resulted in the nation reaching one of the lowest economic standings globally. Upon his departure from office, the free-market reforms he implemented had not succeeded in establishing enduring economic stability. The unemployment rate remained around 20 percent, while over 80 percent of the country’s 12 million inhabitants subsisted below the poverty threshold, earning less than one dollar daily. He exited office with a poverty rate of 80%, a significant increase from Kaunda’s 56%.
Please Note: I am not a social media influencer but a scholar practitioner-cum-pracademic. A pracademic is a person who has both academic and practical identities and experiences in their field. My Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., qualifies me as such. As a professional degree is awarded in medicine and law, so is one awarded in education. In other words, like them, I am also just doing my job. So, Help Me God. The rights to this article belong to ZDI (Zambia Development Institute), a US-based think tank.
In my POV, RB comes in at #3 and Sata after RB. The latter left a booming economy. Also, Lungu can’t rank higher than HH, notwithstanding the latter’s cluelessness wrt crippling blackouts.
Kaunda was given 10 years as from 1982 to privatize the Mines was going to be getting a balance of payment of 1.9B Dollars instead he made ZCCM which started failing buying shovels, riots started in Chambishi Mines and consequently closed. And people started agitating for Multi Party system. Chiluba was given only one year to privatize the Mines the Mines. Chiluba himself complained that others were given 10 years and the IMF said it was not their fault. Whose fault was is it then. We all know. The best President so far is HH. Remember that ANC was against Kaunda’s ways and they promised that they would arrest him when Government change. Kaunda declared One PARTY STATE and all the oppositions disappeared.
This is my pecking order
1. Kenneth Kaunda
2. Levy Mwanawasa
3. Hakainde Hichilema
4. Rupiah Banda
5. Titus Chiluba
6. Michel Sata
7. Edgar Lungu
I am tempted to add Sir Roy Welensky but that is for another day
It would be interesting to read what our Think Tanks like Fred M’membe, Emmanuel Mwamba, Anthony Mukwita, Kelvin Fube Bwalya, Wynter kabimba, Haswell Banda, Peter Sinkamba and Laura Miti would write under the same topic
President Jomo Kenyatta in 1968 was shocked that Zambia was the only country in Africa that remained with something and strangely advised Kaunda not to go for the Mulungushi manifesto because the West will come back with other tactics… Didn’t they?
Horrible presidents all of them.
My 3 year old daughter is a better leader.
Well stated !!!!
Bless your daughter 🙂
1. KK – moderate education but focussed
2. Levy – Gained control of issues in his 2nd term
3. RB – understood economics and was in control
4. Sata – practical but mixed with some disorganisation/ no documented plans
5. ECL – Zambia became a construction site but should have done more in financial controls
6. HH – Zambians are still waiting
7. FTJ – killed our industries with his botched Privatisation
Kenneth Kaunda stands as the sole Zambian president who enacted significant reforms that led to profound transformations in the nation’s self-reliance.
After destroying the country he is held in such high esteem ??
I guess we deserve to be where we are today and the near future
Dr. Field Ruwe is clueless.
Can he tell us the difference between I’ll fall on you like a tonne of bricks and I will use the military
He mentions people who died under Chiluba but fails deliberately to mention those who died under other Presidents including HH7
Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31
You have highlighted the problem with this research. It appears to me that the measures are not the same. The author is comparing apples to pumpkins.
Kaunda’s socialist policies failed to improve the economy of Zambia and when copper prices collapsed in the mid 70s, the Zambian economy began to decline. The government borrowed money from the IMF to maintain lower prices of basic foodstuffs. In 1985, the IMF put pressure on the Zambian government to restructure the economy and abandon socialist economic policies.
So how is Kaunda on top of the pecking order?
Could it be classed as brain washing ??
Levy brought Vedanta into Zambia. All of them have the good, the bad and the ugly. The ugliest is the entrenched tribalism and smart plunder of national resources. Individuals are getting more wealthy than the nation yet their riches can’t be traced. They can’t be profiled. No one will inherit them. They are the perfect example of Mobutu Gugu Wetu Wa Zabanga
Bwana, what is the hurry for? You are comparing HH’s three and half years performance with those of much longer mandate holders? Wait untill he is done, then you can think again. Otherwise, the so-called survey pundits and their reporters are up to some mischief!
@Investigate. HH has less than two years. What siesmic change has he made in the past three years? All I know is that when he is defeated in 2026, he shall be remembered as a rhetorical president who achieved very little.
And why is the list no in chronological order?
Only a blind follower can give even a + D to HH. Forgive ECL he didn’t prepare for the job and has always been a slosh. He only won the elections because of the foundation left by Michael Sata. As for HH, I classified him as the worse….his background showed a lot of advantage against all the presidents we have had before him……his promises to solve our problems won him the election….he turns out as someone else, who uses state machinery to suppress questions he doesn’t like
Why is president Rupiah Banda second? There was money, opportunities and projects wherever you went.
what I find rather intriguing are the many faces that a president may carry or have such that objective ranking using just one face may be unobjective in itself. A more unbiased and inclusive ranking should include things like score on 1-10 parameters;
i. Freedom of speech, Rule of Law, Economic performance, Debt contracted, Corruption index and AGs report score, Access to food, water, Education and Health facilities etc, performance on unity under ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION INDEX.
this was my dream…….
Is this write-up a joke (Like Ruwe himself) or an exhibit of a shallow type of thinking that can only be blamed on senility. However, it must be forgiven because persons are entitled to own opinions.
Mr. Ruwe,it is extremely difficult to rank Presidents based on one criteria alone.The presidents ruled under very varied socio-economic, political and cultural epochs such that it would require a super computer to do the number-crunching and social science research methods to come close to an objective comparative analysis.UK is right and Mr Ruwe must try with more rigor to produce something
@UK and Muzambian. Self-reliance is a CONCEPT that encompasses the vetures of independence and autonomy. What “UK” outlines are TENETS that support the CONCEPT in the process of excution. Muzambian, academics who might be reading your comment will doubt your level of intellectual ability when you fail to define and tell the difference beween the two. Your comment is meant to demean and not criticize constructively as is the case with most Zambians.
@ The Truth…Good question because Rupiah Banda was Foreign Affairs up until 1976 when he was suddenly dropped by President Kaunda and replaced by then Ambassador to the United States Siteke Mwale. The reason Kaunda gave for dropping at a press conference on May 11, 1976 (45 years ago) was that he had “released” R.B so that he could go study leave abroad. However, it was rumoured at the time that he was among senior officials under suspicion for improper business under suspicion for improper business activities in violation of then Zambia’s strict Leadership Code as well as for dubious financial transactions while posted abroad.
How he can be second in the pecking order is beyond me!
This article is 100% Accuracy.
The survey was coursiously and perfectly conducted with nothing but factual.
This article is 100% Accuracy.
LT Why are you not publishing my comments?
Why is my comment still undergoing the so-called moderation – up to now?
More than seven hours?
ka UNZA Don
A most concepts in the social sciences is are mental constructs that cannot be measured in scalar terms but only in magnitudes. Note what he defines as self-reliance Your so-called tenets that support self-reliance must be measured by assigning a score over a range of probabilities or, by labels. What Ruwe has presented as tenets of self-reliance is flimsy garbage. Eg HH’s call to Zambians to till the land that almost led to a hyper bumper harvest, was it not for the 2023/24 drought has been ignored as self-reliance. Transpose Ruwe’s tenets over a period of 60 years of varied socio-cultural economic and political and environment dynamics and your ranking of presidents becomes trash
@MuZambian. The quailty of Zambian pundtry leaves a lot to be desired. MuZambian could be sitting at the same roundtable with HH feeding him such crap.
This was a well written article. I enjoyed reading your analysis of Zambia’s past presidents. Your points were clearly explained and it was interesting to read.
Thank you and great job!
Zambian punditry!? Are you not Zambian? where else do you find UNZA?…Moron
To me, the best President is the one who found very little money and turned the country round. KK found Zambia as the 5th richest country in Africa and 27 years later it was on its knees. He started well but ended badly. It is surprising that you rank Chiluba so low. If Chiluba had not done what he did in selling housing stock to Zambians, we would have been in the worsts state. Chiluba taught Zambians were real wealth is- in brick and mortar. Since Chiluba’s days, Zambian private domestic stock has boosted the economy in leaps and bounds. Zambians now boast of mansions they built without mortgages, mansions marching many enviable homes in the west. Chiluba, Levi and RB left the economy better than they found it. As for HH, the jury is still out. Sata and Lungu rank lowly in my book.
Why are you forgeting the many development projects spread all over zambia executed by patriotic front steered by president E C Lungu?
Any one can do that with borrowed money , especially if you can default paying back on that same borrowed money like lungu did………
When seemingly educated people think like *****s. Lungu, who stole worth his whole family & his entire PF gang of thieves !
@Benson Moono. What makes you think HH did not steal when he was selling state property back in the Chiluba regime? Don’t they all?
The ranking is rendered useless with the inclusion of HH. How do you include HH who has not even completed his first term of 5 years? Kaunda had 27 years, chiluba 10 years, Lungu 7 years, I don’t know about the rest. The list is fake. withdraw it immediately.
@Amakays, creative and innovative presidents implement their vsion within a two-year period. If up this day HH is going from bad to worse, then you be the judge.
The only reason why Zambians, the perceived majority of them think KK was the best is because he facilitated dominance of the country by those who hail from former North Eastern Rhodesia. The true reasons why you ranked HH poorly are political. You think those that hail from what you call Zambezi region should not be near Government.
@Chisha Banda. Well, those in the Zambezi region have a mandate to debunk the myth by exceeding expectations. If by 2026 they screw up, then all said is true.