I would like to share my thoughts on the recent statement by Irene Khan, the UN rapporteur, regarding Zambia’s human rights record in which she has said and I quote:
“There has been a significant political transition with the victory of the united party for national development, and an end to a decade long rule which was marked with human rights violation”
Her acknowledgment that our country has made significant progress in enhancing human rights, particularly in comparison to the previous decade, resonates with my earlier position in which we argued that any analysis of Zambias current status in respect of the Human Rights of its citizens cannot be complete if we do not run a comparative with where we are coming from and that that is how civilized societies benchmark themselves against both history and best practice.
As I have emphasized, it is crucial to evaluate our current human rights situation in relation to our past experiences. The UN rapporteur’s statement today therefore vindicates my position, highlighting the notable strides we’ve taken towards promoting freedom of expression, assembly, and association.
However, we mustn’t become complacent. There’s still much work to be done to address the lingering challenges and ensure that our democracy continues to thrive.
I urge the government to remain committed to upholding human rights and the rule of law and to continue to strive to do much better.
Let’s continue working together towards a better Zambia for all.
By Dr.Nevers Mumba
Fair comment Bo Mumba. But the report also indicates some risk of things unraveling, especially in the run up to the next election!
R U sugestng that the “risk” is certain?
And if so, you do not agree that previous administration under the Endemicly Corrupt Leader was worst in the history of the Republic?
You’re correct Dr. Mumba. Only those who oppressed us and therefore guilty, like Mumbi Phiri, Munya Zulu, EM to mention but a few, were excited about the UN rapporteur’s coming. They were thinking that the rapporteur will help them to bury their dirty past. Alas, it wasn’t to be
We’ve told them and we will still tell them that the damage you did to your own country is unprecedented. It will remain the worst in the history of this country
We can forgive but we can’t forget
Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31
The actual report says different. You cannot expect this lady to censure the president….we call this diplomacy. Instead of depending on what Nevas Mumba is saying try to make an effort to access the actual report and you will see the contrast.
Just accept she is totally convinced that our beloved Zambia was once taken over by junkies
Mumba has been warming closer to UPND. He landed as a publicist and is doing lots of work lately for the elite. He is pretentious and by twisting the report, he serves the same motive and before we know it, pwaku, he is already got his pay cheque.
Jailing thieves from a certain tribe, like how all thieves should treated……..
And maintaining law and order to you is human rights abuse……..?
Contrarily, Zambia was convicted and impaled.
She did not vindicate UPND from such: Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act; Public Order Act; and the Sedition law.
Ms. Khan did not come here to talk about past governments like PF or compare their governance approach. She was so diplomatic in her findings that Mr. Mumba our former diplomat has failed to decipher the report.
On the contrary.it you dullards that have failed to decifer Muba’s statement…..analysis cannot be complete if we do not run a comparative with where we are coming from …
Khan’s objective is not to sunction anyone, but merely to advise on areas for reforms as requested by UPND after the atrocities committed by that snake and his snaklings
Havent bothered with the report as to whether its accurate or not, what really matters is how we citizens personally think and feel
What is being quoted by Nevers Mumba is not even a snippet, wait for the report to come out in June. The fight for recognition is real by the Dr
That’s where the problem lies. HH would rather listen to what Nevas is saying than what’s in the report. Professor Lumumba says: You may not like what your enemy is saying , but it’s important to listen to what he’s saying.
Just campaign peacefully if you want change of GRZ ………
It is only the beneficiaries of PF theft that are complaining and being chased for accountability………..
The UN and other international bodies unfortunately and countries worldwide would rather see law and order in a country than civil war………..
Also too bad for liers and crooks missing out on PF stealing , Zambia is not rich enough to attract opposing superpowers supporting opposite sides……….
Everyone would rather see a peaceful developing Zambia, not a burden in civil breakdown
We are here
Khan came to look at the current human rights, not sure why she was being deflected to the past in some offices she visited. How do the past the past human rights help my human rights now
Only maintenance of law and order is taking place in Zambia………
FWD 2031
Zambia’s Human Rights record is in the hands of the British South Africa Company Police force which has changed coats four times as Northern Rhodesia Police, Zambia Police Force and lastly Zambia Police Service. This institution is trapped in the colonial time capsule and from its inception it has served the interest of the ruling party, whether it is BSAC, British Northern Rhodesia government, Federal government, or Zambia government under UNIP, MMD, PF or UPND. The beast cannot die. The attitudes and mentality of small men and women in uniform is to bully and abuse power. As long as Zambia Police men and women think that the uniform gives them so much power, they will abuse it. Our Presidents are guarded by the police so they fear the police.
That’s why Zambia is deemed one of the 3 safest countries in Africa…….
The world bodies would rather see law and order maintained, than having in intervene in a civil war……..,
They also know the absolute right to do and say anything is a recipe for civil conflict………
Just get used to tight maintenance of law and order……….tight like weave.
Criminals, political ones as well , have no free space with this current GRZ……..
Mwamba and the other crooks he supports, under plan B………..
Tired to launch the diplomatic isolation of Zambia by claiming undemocratic human rights abuses……….
They only convinced a few none discript news agencies abroad and the UN to send a chola body to check on the lies ………..
As soon as that UN chola person came , lungu wanted to be prevented from flying to SA, to highlight their lies of being abused……….
Only to find GRZ has no interest in lungu as long as he plays by the rules and doesn’t try to cause civil breakdown of law and order………..
We are here
Hehehehe ………….
This is very embarrassing for the tribal supremacists and the other PF crooks……
In their little minds they convinced themselves that it is firstly opposition persecution and secondly it is a tribal persecution……….
Mwamba has even got himself in more hot shi.t by trying to lie on SM that the UN chola woman was being barred from attending a radio interview………
Hehehe…….only for the UN chola boy they convinced to to Zambia to tell them things are good in Zambia…………
A simple message from this is, right always wins , lies and crookedness have short journeys
We are here………
Why Zambians are also eager to make their own conclusion? Will the conclusion of investigations by all Zambians themselves carry more weight?
The way Upnd is acting on the issue is like what we see in Nigerian movies….a wife is caught in bed with another man, her cry is always: BABE IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. .. surely what else can one think in this situation.
Just bring reputable facts to LT not Nigerian movie clips and PF lies………..
#Spaka I know you are too shallow to understand anything from non Upnd sources. The report is out there and when the UN concludes then we can talk. Because right now you are getting excited on simple snippets being dished out by your propagandist Thabo with Nevas. I’m sure you will accuse Emmanuel Mwamba of tampering with the report.
I will remind you when the full report is released ………..
As usual ………
I will be right and you will be wrong