Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What are the implications of PF’s hero welcome of “Why me” ?


Yesterday, the Edgar Lungu Patriotic Front (PF) faction top-brass, led by acting president, Given Lubinda, accorded one Francis Kapwepwe, otherwise better known as ‘Why me,’ a hero’s welcome from prison. They showered him with accolades and lauded him as a freedom fighter.

“Why me….you’ve now graduated from being a blogger to a freedom fighter,” Lubinda eulogised him; much like a proud father would say to a son who has just graduated from university Cum Laude.

“You fought the battle and you’ve succeeded. Those who thought they were going to break you must now be ashamed of themselves.”

What do we make of this?

For those who may not be aware, the Livingstone magistrates court handed Kapwepwe a one year prison sentence for hate speech and use of insulting language. However, the young man with a foul mouth will not endure another 12 months in the penitentiary growing Cabbages or feeding pigs as he has already seen off the length of his sentence during his incarceration in remand prison.

Before he met his Waterloo, ‘Why me’ would make forays on TikTok and take pleasure in slowly undressing his innocent victims and describe their genitals in the most horrific and vile terms, as he sipped bottles of chilled flying fish. He did not spare anyone – those in authority, celebrities, the rich or even those scrounging a living in the ghettos! Isn’t this the same chap who once asked Hon. Bowman Lusambo, a senior member of PF, to allow him a few moments with his wife so that he can demonstrate how it is done?

And yet today, the PF want us to believe the best specimen of a human being with a flawed character coupled with an uncouth and insolent behaviour, with his mouth polluted with vulgar language has undergone an excruciating one year of trial and persecution. What persecution when this overnight hero of yours has been breaking the law with impunity?

It is shocking that Lubinda can encourage our youth to emulate the ex-convict. Kapwepwe does not in any way qualify to be the best example of how our young people must conduct themselves in society. What sort of a future do you wish to bequeath to our children? One devoid of culture or values whereby young people shall not step aside or leave their seats for our senior citizens, speak with elders with hands deep into their pockets while adorned in baseball caps?

As Miles Sampa, the Matero member of parliament, observes, after months in prison, we expect Kapwepwe to be encouraged to have ample time with his family, well if at all he has one, enjoy enough rest and reflect on his past evil deeds, so that once he resumes blogging, he is going to do so within the confines of the law. He should not be hijacked by desperate politicians and be incited to commit similar offenses which may end up landing him in prison again.

As a matter of fact, during his darkest hours as he languished in the hell-hole called prison, PF leaders avoided him like the plague. It’s only Sampa who was willing to step forward and put his neck on the chopping board as his surety, and yet today vultures want to celebrate him. Cowards…..nay, hypocrites!

They say a leopard can never change its stripes. And neither can a sweet potato be straightened. PF has just demonstrated to us that it can not shed off its old ugly ways, the way a snake changes its skin! During its time in power, the PF was notorious for unleashing skin-crawling spates of violence and spewing ear perforating insults, amongst other atrocities.


    • What are the implications of PF’s hero welcome of “Why me”?
      Any person who challenges the ruling party in governance is a hero. KaundaK was not liked by the whites. He was a separatist, a dissident, whose destiny was jail and meant to rot there, but was a darling to the nationalists.
      Nelson Mandela was a terrorist to the rulers. But he was favourite to the black majority who waited for him for 25 years before he lead as president. What you call insults from Kapwepwe may be better than the arms struggle others took for liberation.
      The implications of PF’s support for that insultive youth is a normal gesture aimed to unite the opposition front.

  1. we are tired of upnd propaganders of pf this pf that, my humble advise to upnd is that they should reduce the cost of living because surviving under upnd is very hard

  2. Until what happened in Rwanda does not happen in Zambia many of you would not be happy.
    This is what Given Lubinda and PF want to see and so those some of the people writing comments. How could someone who preach hatred against fellow blacks be a freedom fighter?
    What this tells me is the lack of intelligence of many of you Africans. Most of you don’t have any sense and are ignorant and semi literate. African’s hate Africans. White folks just need to stand back and watch you all destroy each other.
    AS my name shows I am a foreigner watching on in disbelief.
    Many of your politicians are pathetic.

  3. Even without a name we all know it’s Auntie Bill who wrote this. Incidentally, and I feel Auntie Bill needs to know this, I personally voted for the UPND in 2021 and despised the PF.
    This obsession with PF 4 years into ruling does amuse me. Auntie Bill is a complaint in two cases against PF leaders as well as being key complaint in the case against Brebnar Changala.
    Shows you something about her personality.

  4. The Lumezi MP was also reported reported by this same LADY. He didn’t stop at that and the case is in court. The Kalulushi siblings who were previously marooned to Livingstone were also cited by HER. And SHE is proudly happy to have reported them as well. Life happens.


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