Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mpondela ends 27 year ZA reign, won’t seek re-election next month


Zambia Athletics (ZA) will have a new leader in almost three decades after long serving Elias Mpondela bowed out of the contest for the presidency.

ZA elections, which have attracted 38 candidates for the various positions, will be held during the elective annual general meeting (AGM) on March 22 in Lusaka.

Mpondela, who has been at the helm of ZA for 27 years and had successfully filed his nomination for re-election alongside three other aspirants, confirmed he was not running for the presidency.
At press briefing in Lusaka, Mpondela who joined athletics in 1993 when he was elected as chairman of the Lusaka Province Area Board expressed pride with the achievements as president of ZA.
“I have achieved all I can. I have been abused, my children have been abused. Why are you stoning my children, are you stoning them because of the good things that I have done for ZA in 27 years that I have been there?”

“Are you stoning them because I have managed to establish two income streams for ZA. They are all well-schooled so why are you stoning my children?” Mpondela asked.

“Time will come when some people will regret why they treated me so badly and trust me that time definitely will come but I hope it doesn’t get to that. There is this idea of pulling down. I talked about exclusivity of the vision and I know you have to stand alone that is the cost of leadership and that is leadership.”

Mpondela is happy to have witnessed Zambia produce some of the best athletes in the world who have reaped medals at international stage under his leadership.

“Under my leadership we had athletes qualifying for Olympics, Sydney Siame won medals at All Africa Games, Muzala [Samukomga] ran at the Olympics [2024 Paris] and we won bronze medal. So even as I leave, I am proud of our achievements,” he said.

His departure from the race has now reduced the contest to three with outgoing General Secretary Davison Mung’ambata who has served two terms stepping in the competition for the presidency.

Others who have successfully filed in to replace Mpondela are outgoing vice-president Major Bernard Chola Bwalya and former General Secretary Kennedy Kabangu Mubanga.

The vice-presidency which has been vacated by Major Bwalya has attracted Moses Phiri, Carol Mokola, the sprinter who competed in the women’s 100-metres at the 2004 Olympic Games and Samuel Matete who competed in the 400-metres hurdles.

With Mung’ambata vacating the position of General Secretary after eight years of being in charge, Maureen Kolomwe, Chipoma Mulenga and Teddy Shimishi have expressed desire to run the secretariat.

Retired Zambia Correctional Service deputy commissioner Tonny Khunga is eyeing the treasury, so is Komani Ng’ambi, Jonathan Wangu Lupiya, Lewis Mwansa Mwenya and Michael Lungu.

A total of 20 candidates will be battling for the four committee members. They include Moses Phiri who has also filed for the position of vice president, Maureen Situmbeko Boka, Webson Moonga, Ntasuwila Namukonda, Gaston Simwiinga and Silishebo Inambao.

Others are Elizabeth Nkunika, Geddah Phiri, Getrude Gamela Sianakaume, Gift Ngwenya, Bobby Lwendo, and Don Siabasimbi.

The rest are Dave Muleyi Kapang’a, Mike Musanda, Enest Musonda, Charity Tenete, Matilda Halinda Mushashu, Michael Lungu, Prosper Tandabala Misengo and William Kanyanta Walele.

By Benedict Tembo


  1. So for 23 years you only managed to send one guy to the Olympics and you call that a proud achievement. Imagine if we had somebody else at the helm instead of you I’m sure we would have done a lot better. Good riddance!

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