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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

If elected President I Will Stop Export Of Electricity – Kalaba


Citizens First (CF) President Harry Kalaba says he will stop the export of electricity to other countries when elected Republican President after the 2026 General Elections.

Mr. Kalaba said it was shocking to continue exporting electricity to other nations such as Namibia and South Africa at time Zambia was grappling with a national power crisis.

He said the Zambian people deserve to use the power the Government was exporting.

“I will curtail the export of power. The Government is still selling power to Namibia, South Africa, DR Congo and Malawi,” Mr. Kalaba said when featuring on Radio Icengelo on the Copperbelt.

“As I become President, just after swearing in I will halt the selling of power to Namibia. We want our people to have power because it is not Namibians that elected this Government. We love Namibia as our neigbours but we need to provide power to the local people. Who can starve his own children when at the expense of giving food to the neigbours,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kalaba says the real opposition to the UPND Government is the people of Zambia.

He said voters are the ones responsible for deciding which party or leader must preside over the affairs of the nation.

“The real opposition the UPND have is high mealie meal prices, loadshedding and hunger. Even ba Kunda in 1991 said there was no opposition. We had elections in 2021 and the PF said people won’t remove us from power. When people decide they can change. Wait for 2026 that’s when you will see which party and leader the people want,” Mr. Kalaba said.


  1. Very stagnant, undynamic mind.Instead of seeing an opportunity to generate more electricity for export, he wants to stop exports and fold his hands. Vert far from being presidential material. The real opposition the UPND have is high mealie meal prices, loadshedding and hunger but the solution is nor opportunistic, clueless, visionless and mind-boggled politicians.

  2. What you save in power will all go on massive legal costs for export contracts signed
    The only opposition has to come from within the upnd

  3. Export you earn dollars to off set some debts etc. It is just a matter of generating more. This is why some people got fired from foreign service because they are full of foolishness in their head. State is not something you joke with and only fools do so.
    All Government need money to run. Batata, kaifibeni ubulangeti mulalefwe.

  4. Poor thinking. Your strategy should be invest more into alternative sources so you satisfy domestic needs and triple exports. Zambia has always been a mono econy. simply put, 1 source of energy (hydro), 1 source of revenue (copper), 1 main food. Answer lies in diversification and increased output iwe mambala… (maize) You are a wrong one….

  5. Ba Kalaba stop dreaming. HH told us similar lies and here are.
    Sense is to ask if the PF just wanted to punish us with load shedding then they just didn’t want to win the election. Truth is they had no alternative just like the Upnd.
    Tell us something else… not this thing.

  6. Another useless opportunist….blah blah blah whilst in opposition but when you elect them they do exactly the same thing…useless Pompwes…just like HH

  7. We form part of the power pool comprising several regional countries. And one of the conditions allowing exportation of power for us to generate forex is for us to import some power both in good and in adverse power generation times. It is not a one sided advantage. Do not mislead the public.

    • Tell me how he can recover the economy fully just in 3yrs time. Sometimes use Common sense bwana.Do you know how much damage has been done to the country by ba Lungu?The war in Russia and Ukraine had an impact throughout the world where fuel supply is concerned.The country had drought, yet you expect cheap Maize meal.

    • On the contrary, HH is not a disappointment but an effective leader and ablessing to our country. Those condemning HH and worried are those who are lazy and crooks. HH doesn’t like the lazy and corrupt thieves

  8. What Mr. Kalaba should have said that if he comes into power, which is very unlikely, He will use the potential of the Kalungwish River for hydro power generation so that each region is made self sufficient in electricity. Is Mr. Kalaba also aware that people of the Zambezi region are the same as those in the northern parts of Namibia and Botswana. As a matter of fact they pay for the electricity in hard currency. If we did not earn something from export of power the Kwacha rate would be by now K50 to one US$.

  9. We don’t have a problem with exporting electricity, the problem is when you run out of ideas to produce more capacity. When you become president, what are you going to do to ensure Zambia can produce enough electricity to feed itself before making money on the surplus?

  10. This is cheap talk. Dismantling a contract by way of breach can turn out more expensive than letting it run. This guy must stop playing politics and say something more strategic. If it were that easy these present guys would have already reneged on their contract of export. Couple this with the fact that internally our electricity tariffs cannot sustain the power producer to meaningfully supply electricity to the citizens. The export earnings may very well be what is sustaining the power producer at this very moment. Cheap talk — abash!

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