Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Twelve Suspects Apprehended For Car Thefts At The Kafue Traffic Circle


Authorities in Lusaka have arrested twelve suspects in connection with a series of thefts from motor vehicles at the Kafue traffic circle in the Central Business District (CBD), Home Affairs Minister Jack Mwiimbu disclosed in Parliament today.

Speaking during a ministerial statement on the rising incidents of theft in Lusaka’s CBD, Mwiimbu stated that some of the stolen property has been recovered. He urged victims of the thefts to come forward and claim their belongings.

To strengthen security measures, the ministry plans to install additional CCTV cameras across public spaces in the CBD, enhancing surveillance and crime prevention efforts.

Meanwhile, Mwiimbu issued a stern warning that the government will not tolerate any activities aimed at creating anarchy in the country. He stressed that individuals engaged in criminal acts, including hate speech and defamation, will face arrest and legal consequences.

His remarks came in response to a question from Nkana Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu, who raised concerns in Parliament about alleged government involvement in citizen abductions.


  1. Ba LT, the title is misleading; thefts from vehicles and not car thefts!

    If CCTV cameras are seriously and effectively implemented then all thieves should be caught – with the help of reward inducements and showing wanted persons faces on TV.

  2. You promised the youths with employment…you said you would create jobs for the youths…now 4 years in office still no clue how to create employment….why cant the government buy cleaning and garbage removal equipment so that they can employ the youth to clean up our cities…..

  3. This is after people complained. Police presence can reduce such occurrences. You will all officers crowded behind the station counter. Let’s bring back the beat system. If developed countries have maintained the system why can’t we? Oh No I don’t want my girlfriend to see me roaming around in uniform …..I guess is one reason out of many

  4. This only happened due to a huge public outcry on social media so it was NOT a police
    initiative, The public is sick and tired of police behavior through out the country
    Kafue round about has for a long time had many police offices standing around wathching for white line and other meaningless infringement whilst the thieves operated in clear sight
    Now atlast the Public has spoken enough is enough !!

  5. Well done mr Minister………

    This shows the power of social media, post things you want attention taken , the police can’t be everywhere and need help identifying illegality like in this case……….

    City wide policing cctv is very easy with WiFi and solar powered cameras , this should not even be a discussion……..

    Regarding mr Mpundu, sir look what happened to other MPs who thought confrontation with GRZ is what they were voted for……..like muniour Zulu , etal …….

    It won’t end well for you, just concentrate on development of your constituency and wait for campaigns and elections ………

    We are here


    • Tulu! “The police can’t be everywhere” because Politicians are busy misusing our police sending them to arrest rivals Munir Zulu, Mumbi Phiri, Jay Banda Lungu’s daughter, and they are only arresting Easterners! They couldnt arrest Syakalima for insulting Luapulans. Ati Justice!

  6. CCTV cameras which they switch off when abducting people or when dealing in gold? If the government is serious about hate speech, they should start with Koswe, Zambian Watchdog and Kalemba that are run from State House. Abash selective justice.

  7. Majority of these petty thieves are just street kids roaming the streets…plus high unemployment rate especially when you have a government of lies and deceit…all the rich kids have been gainfully employed by HH and Majority of them have been sent in Foreign missions…….

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