Friday, March 28, 2025

No bwana M’membe; President Hichilema isn’t a puppet of the West!


Former tycoon-turned -socialist who is now proud owner of the Socialist Party, Fred M’membe has never shied away from lampooning President Hakainde Hichilema as a puppet of the West whenever it suits him. For instance, this morning we woke up to the following screaming headline in The Mast Newspapers: M’membe mocks HH; it doesn’t pay to be a puppet of the West!

When M’membe slams President Hichilema as a puppet of the West; what exactly does he mean? How on earth do they control him? Coming to think of it, since M’membe has crafted for himself a good rapport with those in the East by memorising and parroting Marxist theories for obvious reasons, is it therefore correct to dismiss him as a puppet of the same?

Anyway, we won’t be bothered interrogating the nitty-gritty of the article in question as it is inconsequential to our national discourse save for massaging the wannabe Socialist’s over-bloated ego, but rather stick to facts.

Before M’membe embarked on his proverbial road to Damascus and metamorphosed into a hardcore Socialist, he was running a flourishing business empire spanning from newspapers, real estates, internet facilities, transportation business to courier services. He equally flirted with the idea of running an airline before it crumbled like a cookie at one point!

Given such iimpressive credentials, doesn’t the gentleman who claims to have cosmopolitan blood running in his veins easily fit the bill as a Capitalist of note, and therefore qualifies to be a darling of the very West that he now wants to demonize?

Oh…and by the way, the grapevine has it some of his kids went to prestigious universities, not in Cuba or Venezuela, but in the land of the free. How ironic! And not so long ago, he walked one of his daughters in Church and surrendered her to non other a Westerner. How hypocritical!

Why does M’membe despise the West so much? What have they done to him? We are not suggesting everything about the West is all bliss and rosy, of course. Like every other human being, they are also infallible. They have both good and ugly sides.

However, for the purpose of this discourse or perhaps to put things in a better perspective, we shall leave the dark side to the proprietor of the Socialist Party and focus on the bright side. The USAID’s work in Zambia focuses on six key areas:

1. Improving Health: USAID works to improve the health of Zambians, particularly women and youth at risk.
2. Economic Development: They support economic growth and development through various initiatives.
3. Education: USAID aims to improve education in Zambia, increasing access to quality education for all.
4. Democracy and Governance: They work to strengthen democratic institutions and promote good governance in Zambia.
5. Humanitarian Assistance: USAID provides humanitarian aid to vulnerable populations in Zambia, including refugees and those affected by disasters.
6. Environmental Protection: They support conservation efforts and sustainable use of natural resources in Zambia.

Given the foregoing, one can easily conclude that unlike those who have been furiously extracting our minerals from the bowels of the earth and shipping them overseas in the recent past, the West and particularly the US government has demonstrated utmost social responsibility unparalleled by any. They have relentlessly continued to meet some of the basic needs of our people such as education, healthcare, sanitation, shelter and food etc. As a matter of fact, the European Union has actually complained that it won’t be easy to fill up the void left by the USAID. Simply put, we are on our own!

Imagine the nightmare citizens afflicted with HIV/AIDS or indeed malaria will have to grapple with? What about those residing in malaria prone areas; who will get them mosquito nets or proper medication? Think about tuberculosis…..all these activities were generously funded by the USAID.

We are in for the long haul bwana M’membe. Instead of you being disrespectful or discourteous to the President for simply doing business with the West for the benefit of his people, we expect M’membe to come up with practical solutions. Salute!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
National Coordinator
HH Mpaka 2031 People’s Alliance


  1. Whoever controls you with their money is your puppet master.
    For example, between Zambia and Zimbabwe, who’s the puppet of the West?

    Zimbabwe, tried and tested, is the most santioned nation in SADC. It has been exempt from aid, West’s assistance or USAID. Instead of opening clear lines of communication and diplomacy, Zambia has chosen to antagonize Zimbabwe following the puppeteer’s route of regime change. Ask Nevers Mumba on this one.
    These Rhodesia Twins have never been at this diplomatic low ebb before, but it has happened under Hakainde’s leadership.

    • What is amnesia? Anyway, are we about to be sandwiched by instability in DRC and now the Zanupf “coup revolving door” is being triggered. Tanks have rolled into Harare.

  2. Private enterprise is the future for Zambia if we have to wean ourselves of Western aid. So, it’s about time bwana M’membe started pivoting towards the same to remain relevant and a strong contender for 2026! Napita…

  3. Article done by a cadre means no objectivity, profffesionslism requires balancing positives and negatives. But hey this is Zambia

  4. He’s a puppet full stop…. but with Trump at the helm I don’t know who will pulling the strings for the puppet to dance…in short he’s now stranded in mid desert.

  5. As at now, there is no one to present himself or herself credible ideas that would be different from UPND and win a presidential election. One will be found after 2031. However, this will be a different person from any province other than Southern province but under UPND. So, it’s a long haul and the reality to come as all current wanna be leaders will be too old and circumstances changed.

  6. If 2H is not a puppet of the west then he is an agent of the west. Let him reveal where he keeps his money and who are his shareholder partners.

  7. My brother M’membe is clearly stuck in the past. The term “puppet” was commonly used during the USSR era. He is an educated man who has continued to mimic the language used during the Cold War.

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