Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Families Urged To Shun Traditional Practices That Promote Child Marriage


Families Are Nation, an advocacy organization for family values, has advised families especially in rural areas to avoid traditional practices that promote child marriages.

The organization’s Executive Director, Judith Mwila, emphasized the importance of abandoning outdated customs that push children into early marriages.

In an interview with ZANIS, Ms Mwila stated that Families Are Nation is collaborating with the government to hold marriage initiators accountable for their actions.

“All marriage initiators who force children into marriage, citing tradition, will be arrested when caught,” she said.

Ms Mwila stressed the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of child abuse and child marriages.

She highlighted the need for children to be informed of their rights and the risks associated with such practices.

“Teachers and other community stakeholders should disseminate information on these dangers to help reduce cases of abuse and child marriages,” she added.

Ms. Mwila also urged the media and other stakeholders to increase awareness and share information on the dangers of child abuse and its implications.


  1. Legislation is needed for the minimum marriage age to end this early marriage confusion. That’s the only way to fairly prosecute people.

  2. There’s a problem and that problem is poverty… remember Chris Chali song, Ten Kwacha…. the father received the ten kwacha from a suitor who wanted to marry his underage daughter etc…you will never find these underage marriages happening in high cost and medium cost areas. It’s only in the poor compounds that they happen. It will be a mammoth task to convince families in these areas to see the importance of letting the girl children complete school.

  3. Ms Mwila (unmarried I guess),those child initiators will be arrested under which law? Where does Nalumango’s “Imita Ufole” fall under your advocacy. Poverty is the cause of all this. Address poverty and all will be history.


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