Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Government Urged To Focus On High Cost Of Living Instead of Amending Constitution


Opposition Zambia Wake-Up Party (ZAWAPA) President Howard Kunda says the Government should focus on tackling pressing challenges affecting majority Zambians instead of rushing to amend the republican constitution.

President Hakainde Hichilema has recently highlighted the need to make amendments to the current republican constitution.

But Mr. Kunda, the former Muchinga Member of Parliament, said at the moment constitution amendment is not a priority for the people of Zambia.

He told journalists at a media briefing in Ndola that the Government should prioritize the fight against the high cost of living, load shedding and weak economy.

“ZAWAPA notes with shock the rush by the UPND administration and President Hakainde Hichilema to amend the Republican Constitution about one year before the 2026 General Elections. There is no consensus from the people of Zambia and no road map has been made regarding the proposed constitution amendments. What do they want to change in the Republican Constitution? Why is the UPND rushing to amend the constitution? President Hakainde Hichilema should not bulldoze constitution amendments because it is a people’s document,” Mr. Kunda said.

“One year before the general elections is too short a time for constitutional amendments. At the moment the constitution amendment is not a priority. UPND just wants to divert people’s attention from real challenges directly affecting the people such as the high cost of living, load shedding and the weak economy. The UPND and President Hichilema can’t be trusted with the constitutional amendment process because their Government was founded on deceiving people with unrealistic campaign promises,” he said.

Mr. Kunda further spoke against threats issued by Chief Government spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa against the Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Chipata Diocese Gabriel Msipu Phiri.

“Furthermore, instead of tackling the high cost of living, the UPND administration has reported attacking Church leaders. ZAWAPA condemns Chief Government spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa for issuing threats against the Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Chipata Diocese Gabriel Msipu Phiri. The issues raised by Bishop Msipu of failed promises and lack of development in Eastern Province are genuine and well documented. The unprecedented intolerance levels seen under this regime, confirms the shrinking democratic space in Zambia. Are Zambians buying mealie meal at K50? Is fertilizer at K250? Is fuel at K12 or is the dollar below K15? This Government should not be upset when reminded over their several failed promises. Zambia needs more candid Church leaders like Bishop Msipu to side with the needy, the poor, to be on the side of justice and to speak the truth,” Mr. Kunda said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kunda has announced that ZAWAPA will go for an elective national congress ahead of the 2026 General Elections where all party positions will be contested for.


  1. On the 5th paragraph about “the rush before 2026” is also not a realistic take. Honestly, the high cost of living won’t be solved in one year either.

    • High cost of living starts with the Dollar exchange rate. Solve that problem then everything will fall into place.

      K30 to the USD and rising non stop. For sure when someone meant he will bring the dollar to K10 by 14hrs this is what they meant that it will reach K100 by 14hrs 2026.

      We will keep blaming PF and the drought even after 10 years of being in power.

      We have the best economic managers not only in Africa but the world, only they know how to solve such economic problems because they are gifted more than you or me, let’s continue to trust them, for sure we will see things improve, not so country men and women?

  2. Resolving amalaiti and high cost of living are the only viable election winners, not constitutional amendments this late. Thought Bill 10 was lesson enough!

  3. Why waste money on constitution amendments as we have so many other priorities like rate of dollar sky rocketing,load
    Shedding still not resolved and high cost of living and many more.

  4. Some people think upside down, like a hanging flittermouse in a tree. Money and plans to correct the economy are lodged inside the constitution. Once they review and change it, they will then deal with living standards.

  5. This is just a diversion. Let’s do what we did to Frederick Chiluba’s third term bid. Hidden in their agenda is to tactfully insert a change to the presidential term. STOP THEM NOW.

  6. Why shift of main focus from saving the ailing economy (high cost of living, inflation, load shedding, rapid increase of poverty levels, bribery, mismanagement) to amend the constitution? First and foremost, everyone needs the basic necessities of life such as food, water, clothing and shelter.

  7. It is very interesting that opposition is not putting any suggestions as to how the so called high cost of living can be addressed. As an opposition they are free to suggest policy alternatives but they are not for some reasons. The opposition is aware that they are not able to put forward alternate policy option in view of the changed economic situation. They are therefore waiting for the Government to use their skill to map another way forward. Common sense tells me the that they are aware of some of the best economic alternatives but are waiting to be reelected in 2026 first. I would also do the same if I was in Government. If we look at the way people enjoy, drink beer and travel around aimlessly I think the so called high cost of living is nothing but political.

    • And that will do what? Some suggestions….
      They lack a rational basis. So you remove immunity. Then what? Didnt remove Chiluba’s immunity? What happened there after? Did you convict him? You tried to do the same with Kaunda, and Rupiah. There murmering of the same of ECL. Has one of the people you suggested was his “bag man” been aquitted in the Magistrates court?
      A car has a clutch before we engage into gear….

  8. The man has the economy on free-fall and he has the audacity to push for constitutional reforms. As others have stated above: he should concentrate on his elections promises of strengthening the kwacha, ending load shedding, reducing price of food, reducing fuel prices, etc


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