Thursday, March 13, 2025

Edgar Lungu’s PF faction may be to blame for Why Me’s barrage of insults & vulgarity!


Today as we commemorate this year’s Youth Day under the theme, ”Voices Amplified and Innovation Ignited”; we would like to take some time to reflect on the behaviour of one particular youth – Francis Kapwepwe, commonly known as Why Me.

Before this young man was sent to prison, he would take to TIKTOK, not only to undress anyone that crossed his mind, but also take pleasure in describing their body anatomies in the most graphic and horrific details as he took sips of his chilled favourite alcoholic beverage in-between. His victims ranged from celebrities, politicians, and business executives, the Republican President and of course, the entire tribe he belongs!

Once some of our citizens got fed up of his nonsense, they immediately reported him to the police who promptly arrested and detained him. He endured a prolonged detention before he could finally have his day in court.

Although he was subsequently found guilty of the infamous hate speech, the Livingstone Magistrates saw it fit not to send him back to jail as he had already served his custodial sentence considering the time he had already spent in remand prison. This rather came as a shock to many of us as we knew it was just a matter of time before the boy went back to his vomit!

Politics can indeed make politicians resort to the unthinkable in their desperate attempt to gain political mileage. As ‘Why Me’ walked to his freedom that particular day, the entire Edgar Lungu PF faction top brass was on hand to welcome him; these included vice president Given Lubinda, Legal MCC George Chisanga and many other senior party officials. They were full of lofty praises for the unrepentant miscreant!

“We are here to welcome our young man who was released yesterday from prison in Livingstone after undergoing an excruciating one year of trial and persecution,” Chisanga said in his welcoming remarks before handing over to Lubinda.

When it was his turn to speak, Lubinda lauded the trouble maker as a freedom fighter who has now, “graduated from being a blogger to a freedom fighter!”

He further praised him for having fought the battle and succeeded.

“Those who thought they were going to break you must now be ashamed of themselves,” the PF vice president proudly declared.

Well, well, well, ba Lungu’s freedom fighter is back to doing what he enjoys doing the most; this time he has specifically elected to spew expletives at President Hichilema and excoriating and denigrating “ifi ifiba Tonga!”

We don’t have to be Rocket Scientists or indeed occupy some fancy offices at the Red Brick to surmise there is a well lubricated machinery financing this operation. You just have to look at his outfit and examine the room from which he is hurling his countless salvos to establish he is enjoying the support of a squad of generous benefactors. To put it in Why Me’s language, “the odour is obviously emanating from one person in the room!”

It is said there’s power in the tongue. The kind of language this boy is parroting, on the behest of his sponsors, of course, is very toxic….nay lethal!

Even if one may any reason to despise the President and his ethnicity so much, it’s way beyond our Christian faith, civilisation and basic decency to allow our hearts to be impregnated with corrosive hatred and consuming bitterness to the extent of sponsoring deranged and uncouth souls to do our bidding in order to settle one or two political scores.
If indeed ba Lungu and his minions are not sponsoring this misfit who doesn’t deserve a place in our society, we are challenging them to come out in the open and distance themselves from him!

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a

Political/Social Analyst


  1. Mr Lungu stands for violence, insolence, vulgarity, intimidation, corruption and drunkenness. He hasn’t a decent bone in his body.

  2. Although ‘Why Me’ is such an undesirable nuisance, the cure for his nasty rants should be more freedom of speech. To drown him out!


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